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目的 研究青梅茎中提取岩白菜素的最佳工艺。方法以岩白菜素含量为指标,比较冷浸提取、超声提取、回流提取3种方法提取物中岩白菜素含量。并以正交实验确定回流提取的最佳工艺。结果3种提取方法中回流提取的提取物中岩白菜素含量最高,正交实验优化条件为:料液比为1:15,提取时间为1.5 h,提取次数1次。结论在此最佳参数组合下,岩白菜素的含量为0.23%。  相似文献   
三种视神经髓鞘染色法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫静  邵玉红  瞿佳 《眼视光学杂志》2007,9(4):271-272,276
目的 探讨视神经髓鞘染色方法,寻求最佳视神经髓鞘染色法.用以指导视神经疾病的临床诊治和科研工作中疾病机制的研究。方法 采用三种视神经髓鞘染色法:经典的Weil苏木素髓鞘染色法、固绿髓鞘染色法和改良的劳克坚牢蓝-核固红髓鞘染色法.比较三种髓鞘染色法的特异性、对比度等。结果 以Weil苏木素髓鞘染色将髓鞘染成黑色.以固绿髓鞘染色法将髓鞘染成绿色.以劳克坚牢蓝-核固红髓鞘染色法将髓鞘染成蓝色。结论 Weil苏木素法染色步骤较繁琐.固绿染色法清晰度较劳克坚牢蓝法差.改良的劳克坚牢蓝核固红髓鞘染色法为髓鞘染色的首选.  相似文献   
对15例慢性肾衰竭(CRF)患者分别在10—12mmHg(A组,9例)和13~15mmHg(B组,6例)二氧化碳气腹下行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)。术后A组无明显变化,B组术后第1天尿素氮、血清肌酐水平明显升高,肌酐清除率明显下降,尿量明显减少,与A组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),1周后恢复至术前水平。提示CRF患者在10~12mmHg气腹下行LC安全,高气腹压可导致肾功能可逆性改变。  相似文献   
伴有听力障碍的多残儿童人工耳蜗疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨多残儿童人工耳蜗植入手术的经验及问题。方法 我院近年来开展多导人工耳蜗植入术600余例,对其中8名多残儿童开展了多导人工耳蜗植入手术。8名患者中,深度感音性聋同时合并智障与脑瘫者1例,余合并智障者2例,其中一例智障患者合并Mondini畸形,合并脑瘫者3例,Usher’s综合症2例。对这8例患者进行回顾性分析,随访3~5年。就术后开机调试特点,术后听力言语康复效果以及存在的问题等进行讨论。结果 (1)术后无面瘫、脑脊液漏、脑膜炎等手术并发症;(2)手术后护理比常规人工耳蜗术后病人复杂:病人哭闹、卧床困难、输液困难、不配合医护人员工作等;(3)开机调试后所有术后多残儿童都有听觉反应,除1例听到声音后极为恐惧外,其余患者都非常兴奋,但调试比较困难,患者配合程度差,有时一个病人需要多次调试才能获得结果,增加了调机人员的工作难度;(4)经过艰苦的康复训练,言语辨别率比术前明显提高,家长对此很满意。结论 伴有多种残疾的深度感音性聋患者可以行人工耳蜗植入,术后增加了一个全新的康复手段,从而为整个康复计划起到了推动作用,减轻了患者家庭和社会的负担,但增加了医护人员术后护理、调机以及康复上的工作难度。  相似文献   
梁慧芬  罗放  莫剑峰  阳柳雪  何妮娜 《河北医学》2007,13(12):1270-1272
目的:观察门冬胰岛素(IASP)治疗2型糖尿病的临床疗效。方法:对治疗的50例2型糖尿病的患者随机分为两组,分别以IASP和诺和灵R治疗4周,观察两组餐后1h、2h血糖的变化。结果:IASP和诺和灵R均可有效降低血糖,但IASP餐后1h血糖下降幅度显著大于对照组,两组空腹血糖、餐后2h血糖的水平无显著差异性,IASP治疗组低血糖发生率明显低于对照组。结论:IASP治疗2型糖尿病具有显著效果、安全性及耐性好。  相似文献   
目的:探讨多个因素对人工全髋关节置换术早期并发深静脉血栓形成(DVT)的影响及相应的预防和处理对策。方法:分析1208例首次全髋关节置换术病例,分析年龄、性别、体重、病种、合并症、假体固定方式、手术时间、输血、麻醉方式、患肢被动训练、术后防血栓药物等多因素对DVT的影响进行统计学分析。结果:1208例中发生早期并发DVT共93例,其中男39例,女54例,发生率为7.69%;性别、体重、病种、手术时间对DVT的发生无明显影响(P>0.05);年龄、合并症、假体固定方式、输血、麻醉方式、患肢被动训练、术后防血栓药物对DVT的发生有明显影响(P<0.05)。结论:年龄、合并症、假体固定方式、输血、麻醉方式、患肢被动训练、术后防血栓药物对DVT的发生有明显影响,我们应该认真对待积极预防。  相似文献   
目的分析睫状体冷冻术后眼痛症状的成因及联合前房穿刺术后对减轻眼痛症状的帮助.方法本文对我科实施单纯睫状体冷冻术的23例23跟(A组)及实施睫状体冷冻术联合前房穿刺术的8例8眼(B组)出现疼痛及其持续时间进行对比分析.结果A组出现疼痛症状的为23例23眼(100%),持续时间3~10 d,平均6.8 d;B组出现疼痛症状的4例4眼(50%),持续时间1~3 d,平均2.3 d,差异有显著意义(P<0.005).结论睫状体冷冻术联合前房穿刺术可以有效地减轻术后疼痛症状,减轻患者痛苦.  相似文献   
目的探讨肝硬化对开普拓代谢、副作用及抗肿瘤作用的影响。方法实验分4组,A组为正常对照组(开普拓给药100mg/kg);B、C、D组为肝硬化组(开普拓给药分别为100、60、30mg/kg)。用高效液相色谱法检测给药后开普拓及SN-38血药浓度变化,观察副作用及抗肿瘤作用。结果肝硬化时小鼠对开普拓及SN-38的代谢均减弱,尤其以对SN-38的影响为明显。开普拓给药后A、B、C、D组体重减少最大值(g)分别为7.3±3.0,12.7±2.3,6.3±5.6,3.2±1.7,B组与各组间差异有显著意义。白细胞减少最大值(个/mm3)分别为655±100,1695±420,800±145,240±230,除A组与C组间外,其余各组间差异有显著意义。肿瘤直径(cm)分别为1.7±0.3,1.1±0.4,1.6±0.3,1.9±0.1,B组与各组间差异有显著意义。结论小鼠肝硬化时开普拓代谢减慢,副作用明显增加,同时抗肿瘤作用也可能增强。  相似文献   
The UK 1990 height charts are derived from an up to date dataset and introduce a change in the centile lines, particularly the addition of the 0.4th centile. This study examined the likely impact of these changes. Height data from London school children (1990-1993) were examined using Tanner and Whitehouse (TW) and UK 1990 charts. Numbers of children with height below TW 3rd centile were compared with numbers below the UK 1990 3rd and 0.4th centiles. The TW charts identified only 1% of children below the TW 3rd centile, while the UK 1990 charts identified 3% below the 3rd and 0.4% below the 0.4th centiles. If the 3rd centile remains as the referral 'cut off' for short stature, the introduction of the UK 1990 charts would increase current workload two- to three-fold, while a change to the 0.4th centile would reduce it by 50%. A significant number of children with abnormalities may be excluded from further assessment as a result of this latter change. In this small scale community study it is not possible to assess the consequences of this change. The heights at diagnosis of children with growth hormone (GH) deficiency (peak GH < 20 mU/l during a standard provocation test) were therefore compared to the 0.4th centile (UK 1990 charts). Sixty eight children with heights < 2nd centile (UK 1990 charts) currently receiving GH replacement (17 female, 51 male, aged 9.7, SD 3.5, years) were assessed, and of these, 28 (41%) had heights at diagnosis between 0.4th and 2nd centile, with a mean height standard deviation score of -2.32 (SD 0.21). This suggests that if the 0.4th centile were to be used as the sole criterion for referral for slow growth, a significant proportion of children with abnormality would not be referred for further assessment. The UK 1990 2nd centile should replace the TW 3rd centile. Children below this should undergo an intermediary medical assessment to confirm height measurement, to exclude from referral children with mild familial short stature and to identify concerns regarding the child.  相似文献   
Childhood tuberculosis is perceived by many as a disease of the past. Experience in a children's hospital serving a deprived population suggested that tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections were not declining in clinical practice. Fifty three tuberculous and 11 atypical mycobacterial infections were identified between 1978 and 1992. There was no decline in tuberculosis and nine of the 11 atypical infections occurred in the last five years. Altogether 40% of cases of tuberculosis were in non-Asian children; 32% had arrived in the UK or visited family overseas in the previous year; and 38% had a history of tuberculosis contact, usually a close adult relative. Nationally, the previous decline in tuberculosis in all ages has reversed. In the local health districts in London's east end, childhood tuberculosis has also stopped declining and seems to be increasing. It is regrettable that BCG vaccination has been abolished by some districts in the UK, against current recommendations. Childhood tuberculosis is still common in the practice described here, including among children who do not fall into conventionally recognised high risk groups. Inner city dwellers and junior doctors are both highly mobile populations, adding to the risk that paediatricians, particularly those in training, may encounter tuberculosis with little or no previous experience of the condition.  相似文献   
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