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Frequent spontaneous deletions at a shuttle vector locus in transgenic mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transgenic mice carrying multiple copies of a recoverable lambdaphage shuttle vector (  相似文献   
A barrier to the appropriate provision of antiretroviral therapy to treat immunosuppressed HIV-infected persons in resource-poor countries is identifying who requires treatment. The World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested using a clinical algorithm combined with a total lymphocyte count (TLC) < 1200 cells/mm as a surrogate for a CD4 count less than 200 cells/mm when it is not possible to measure the CD4 count. We evaluated various TLC levels, anemia, and body mass index and compared our data with the WHO criteria to develop a more sensitive algorithm to predict CD4 counts of < 200 cells/mm and < 350 cells/mm in 839 men and women from Thailand infected with HIV-1 subtype E (CRF01_AE). The December 2003 WHO guidelines had a sensitivity of 34.1% in men and 31.8% in women to detect persons with a CD4 count < 200 cells/mm in this HIV-infected population from Thailand. The use of a TLC < 1500 cells/mm or TLC < 2000 cells/mm combined with anemia or WHO stage II infection doubled the sensitivity to detect persons with a CD4 count < 200 (63.0% in men, 68.2% in women) with less than a 6% decrease in specificity.  相似文献   
Loss of heterozygosity is one genetic change observed in manytumours. We do not know whether the loss of chromosomal materialthrough micronucleus formation is a viable mechanism associatedwith, and possibly leading to, genetic disease. Previously,we treated L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells with four aneugens. Althoughthese aneugens induced micronuclei containing predominantlywhole chromosomes, they did not induce mutations at Tk1, theselectable gene, under the same non-toxic conditions in whichthey induced micronuclei. This suggested that the inductionof micronuclei containing whole chromosomes was not an earlyevent leading to phenotypically expressed mutations in thesecells under the conditions used. However, it is possible thatchromosome 11, on which Tk1 resides, may be under-representedin the micronucleus population. To find out the frequency ofinduction of micronuclei containing chromosome 11, we appliedfluorescence in situ hybridization using a chromosome 11 paintto micronuclei induced by colcemid and vinblastine. We foundthat the numbers of micronuclei containing chromosome 11 aremore than sufficient to be detectable as mutations if thesemicronuclei lead to viable mutants. We conclude that the formationof micronuclei containing whole chromosomes does not lead toviable, dividing mutants in this system. 5To whom correspondence should be addressed  相似文献   
Earlier associations of polymorphism in classic HLA class II (DRB1 and DQB1) genes have been extended to include the accessory genes DMA and DMB as determinants of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex (DMAC) infection among HIV-1-seropositive whites. From the Multicenter AIDS Cohort study, 176 DMAC cases were matched with 176 controls in a nested case-control study. PCR-based HLA genotyping techniques were used to resolve variants of DRB1 and DQB1 to their four-digit or five-digit alleles, and single-strand conformation polymorphism was used to resolve sequences in exon 3 at each DM locus. The DMA*0102 allele occurred less frequently among DMAC cases than among controls (OR = 0.46, p =.02). Combinations of DRB1 alleles with or without specific DMA and DMB variants showed significant differences in distributions between the cases and controls, but both of the previously associated class II alleles (DRB1*1501 and DRB1*0701) showed stronger positive associations with DMAC in the absence than in the presence of DMA*0102. Apparent joint effects of DRB1 and DM allelic combinations on occurrence and timing of DMAC suggest that class II disease relationships may be better predicted by biologically plausible interactive combinations than by polymorphisms in individual genes.  相似文献   
The feasibility and acceptability of cognitive behavior therapy for HIV-related peripheral neuropathic pain was examined and the potential efficacy of the intervention was compared with that of supportive psychotherapy in reducing pain, pain-related interference with functioning, and distress. Sixty-one patients were randomly assigned to receive six weekly sessions of cognitive behavior therapy or supportive psychotherapy. Thirty-three subjects completed the protocol. Both groups showed significant reductions in pain. The cognitive behavior group improved in most domains of pain-related functional interference and distress; the supportive psychotherapy group showed fewer gains. The high dropout rate suggests that psychotherapeutic treatments for HIV-related pain may have limited feasibility and acceptability.  相似文献   
Previous studies demonstrated distinct cardiovascular patterns associated with threat and challenge appraisals for groups of participants. We extend these results by assessing whether appraisals continue to be associated with these cardiovascular response patterns within an individual as appraisals change. Participants completed four verbal mental arithmetic tasks for which they made appraisals before and after each task. Cardiac reactivity and total peripheral resistance (TPR) were calculated for the first and last minutes of each task, and the number of responses and percent correct were measured for each task. In line with our prediction, pretask appraisals were related to some task-related cardiac responses across the four tasks. In addition, task-related cardiovascular reactivity and behaviors both influenced appraisals following the task. Our findings suggest that an idiographic analysis of appraisals, cardiovascular physiology, and task-related behaviors provides a richer understanding of the appraisal process and reveals sex differences deserving further assessment.  相似文献   
Purified splenic B cells from nonimmune mice were separated by counterflow centrifugal elutriation into 6 subpopulations containing cells of discrete sizes ranging from 119 to 200 μm3. B cells of each subpopulation were competent to process and present a native globular protein antigen, cytochrome c, to a cytochrome c-specific T cell hybrid. In all cases, the B cells' antigen-presenting function was radiation sensitive and did not require T cells or T cell products, since B cells fixed with paraformaldehyde effectively presented a carboxyl-terminal peptide fragment of cytochrome c containing the T cell determinant. Furthermore, the antigen-presenting function of B cells of each subpopulation was augmented by treatment with submitogenic doses of the F(ab')2 fragment of rabbit anti-mouse Ig antibodies, in that 10-30-fold fewer B cells were required and higher maximal T cell responses were achieved, indicating that B cells of all sizes are capable of being regulated in their antigen presentation function through their surface Ig. In addition, B cells of each subpopulation responded to soluble factors present in the supernatants of activated T cells as evidenced by an increase in volume and by the uptake of [3H]thymidine. These results indicate that B cells, regardless of size, are able to participate in at least two essential phases of T cell-dependent antibody responses, initiating the interaction by processing and presenting antigen to helper T cells and responding to soluble helper factors secreted by activated T cells.  相似文献   
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