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BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection determines the course of cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. Studies in human peripheral blood indicate that P aeruginosa infection is associated with a predominant T(H)2 immune response, whereas T(H)1 responses are accompanied by a better pulmonary outcome. OBJECTIVE: Analyses of peripheral blood may not correspond directly with the local pulmonary immune response. Therefore, we asked whether the T(H)1/T(H)2 response is altered in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from P aeruginosa-infected patients with CF. METHODS: Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was obtained from 12 patients with CF chronically infected with P aeruginosa, 11 noninfected patients with CF, and 8 healthy controls. Pulmonary CXCR3(+) (T(H)1) and CCR4(+) (T(H)2) expressing CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocytes were quantified by flow cytometry. Levels of T(H)1-associated (IL-2, IFN-gamma, IFN-gamma inducible T cell-alpha chemoattractant, Monokine induced by IFN-gamma, IFN-gamma inducible protein of 10 kd) and T(H)2-associated (IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, thymus and activation-regulated chemokine [TARC], macrophage-derived chemokine) cytokines and chemokines and a panel of proinflammatory molecules were quantified at the protein level. Chemokines mRNA levels were assessed by real time RT-PCR. RESULTS: P aeruginosa-infected patients with CF had significantly higher levels of pulmonary CCR4(+)CD4(+) (T(H)2) cells, IL-4, IL-13, and TARC and lower levels of IFN-gamma compared with noninfected patients with CF and healthy controls. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid levels of IL-4, IL-13, and TARC correlated inversely with FEV(1) in P aeruginosa-infected patients with CF. CONCLUSION: These results reveal the prevalence of a pulmonary T(H)2 immune response in P aeruginosa-infected patients with CF. The modulation of the pulmonary T(H)2 response in P aeruginosa infection may be an option for the treatment of P aeruginosa lung disease in patients with CF.  相似文献   
In this article, we review and analyze different modes of exposure to ultrafine particles in order to assess particle-induced inflammatory responses and the underlying mechanisms in vitro and in vivo. Based on results from monocytic cells cultured under submerged conditions, we discuss (1) the impact of particle properties such as surface area and oxidative potential on lipid metabolism as a highly sensitive regulatory pathway and (2) the interference of diesel exhaust particles with toll-like receptor-mediated inflammatory responses. Furthermore, new developments of air-liquid interface exposure used as an alternative approach to simulate cell particle interactions are presented. In addition to the in vitro approaches, animal exposure studies are described that apply selected mouse models to elucidate potential allergic and inflammatory pulmonary responses and mast-cell-related mechanisms after particle exposure. Long-term inhalation of ultrafine particles might lead to irreversible changes in lung structure and function. Clinical studies addressing the characteristics of inflammatory airway cells are a promising approach to understand underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Finally, a potential outcome of human particle exposure is chronic cough in children. Here, discrimination between asthmatic and nonasthmatic cough by means of immunological parameters appears to be an important step toward improving diagnosis and therapy.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Pregnant women usually meet their increased energy needs but do not always meet their increased micronutrient requirements. The supply of both folic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has been related to positive pregnancy and infant outcomes. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to assess whether fish-oil (FO) supplementation with or without folate from gestation week 22 to birth improves maternal and fetal n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LC-PUFA) status. DESIGN: We conducted a multicenter (Germany, Hungary, and Spain), randomized, double-blind, 2 x 2 factorial, placebo-controlled trial. From gestation week 22 until delivery, 311 pregnant women received daily a preparation with FO [0.5 g DHA and 0.15 g eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)], 400 microg methyltetrahydrofolic acid (MTHF), FO with MTHF, or placebo. Outcome measures included maternal and cord plasma DHA and EPA contents at gestation weeks 20 and 30 and at delivery, indicators of pregnancy outcome, and fetal development. RESULTS: FO significantly (P<0.001) increased maternal DHA and EPA (% by wt), as shown by 3-factor repeated-measures ANOVA (ie, MTHF, FO, and time) with adjustment for maternal baseline DHA and EPA. In addition, FO significantly (P<0.001) increased cord blood DHA (% by wt; 2-factor ANOVA). MTHF was significantly (P=0.046) associated with increased maternal DHA (% by wt). There was no FO x MTHF interaction for the time course of DHA or EPA (P=0.927 and 0.893). Pregnancy outcomes and fetal development did not differ significantly among the intervention groups. CONCLUSIONS: FO supplementation from gestation week 22 until delivery improves fetal n-3 LC-PUFA status and attenuates depletion of maternal stores. MTHF may further enhance maternal n-3 LC-PUFA proportions.  相似文献   
Background: Various studies have found reduced prevalences of atopic sensitization and atopic diseases in children previously exposed to infections or living conditions with a high microbial burden, such as the farming environment. Objective: We sought to determine the relationships of cord blood immunoglobulin E (IgE) with maternal health conditions before and during pregnancy. Methods: Pregnant women living in rural areas in five European countries were recruited in the third trimester of pregnancy. Information on maternal health during pregnancy was collected from maternity records and by questionnaires (n = 497). Specific IgE for inhalant and food allergens was assessed in cord blood and peripheral blood samples of the mothers. Results: Inverse associations of cord blood IgE to seasonal allergens with positive maternal records for Toxoplasma gondii (adjusted odds ratio = 0.37 [0.17–0.81]) and rubella virus (adjusted odds ratio = 0.35 [0.13–0.96]) were found. The previously described effect of prenatal farm exposure on IgE to seasonal allergens was partly confounded by a positive maternal record for T. gondii. The number of maternal siblings, maternal contact to cats during pregnancy or during her first year of life, predicted a positive maternal record for T. gondii. Conclusions: Maternal immunity to T. gondii and rubella may impact on atopic sensitization in the fetus. A positive T. gondii record explained the previously identified effect of prenatal farm exposure on IgE to seasonal allergens only to a minor extent.  相似文献   
RATIONALE: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is characterized by a Th2 immune response. Mouse models suggest a critical role for the Th2 chemokines thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) and macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC) in ABPA. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether serum levels of TARC and MDC characterize ABPA in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and to examine longitudinally if levels of TARC and MDC indicate ABPA exacerbations in patients with CF. METHODS: Levels of TARC and MDC and levels of Th1 (IL-12 and IFN-gamma) and Th2 (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13) cytokines were analyzed in serum of 16 patients with CF with ABPA, six non-CF patients with asthma with ABPA, 13 patients with CF colonized with Aspergillus fumigatus, six patients with CF sensitized to A. fumigatus, 12 atopic patients with CF, and 13 non-CF atopic control subjects by ELISA. The longitudinal course of TARC, MDC, and IgE levels was assessed during ABPA episodes. RESULTS: Patients with ABPA had significantly higher serum levels of TARC compared with the other patient groups. Cytokine levels did not differ among the patient groups. Longitudinally, levels of TARC indicated ABPA exacerbations in patients with CF more clearly than IgE levels. In patients with CF and ABPA, levels of TARC correlated positively with specific IgE to A. fumigatus and rAsp f4. CONCLUSIONS: Serum levels of TARC differentiate patients with CF or patients with asthma with ABPA from patients with CF colonized with or sensitized to A. fumigatus, atopic patients with CF, and atopic control subjects. Longitudinally, levels of TARC indicate ABPA exacerbations, suggesting TARC as a marker for identification and monitoring of ABPA in patients with CF.  相似文献   
We report on a patient with the hitherto undescribed combination of chronic granulomatous disease, pulmonary hemosiderosis, and celiac disease. The hemosiderosis resolved with a gluten-free diet and glucocorticosteroid pulse therapy, but the restrictive lung function pattern remained unchanged. Lung function improved markedly by immunosuppression with daily glucocorticosteroid and azathioprine treatment.  相似文献   
目的:目前有两种商品化粪便检测试剂,可检测抗麦胶蛋白和抗人组织谷胺酰胺转移酶分泌型IgA抗体,进而对有症状的腹部疾病患儿作出诊断,本对这两种检测试剂进行比较评价。研究场所:三级医疗儿童医院。研究对象:近来确诊的腹部疾病患儿20例,对照儿童64例。采集其粪便样本并编号。6例腹部疾病患儿接受无谷胶饮食,每2周进行一次粪便检测,连续3个月。主要观察指标:粪便样本中分泌型IgA抗体,包括抗麦胶蛋白抗体和抗人组织谷胺酰胺转移酶抗体,达到临床推荐取舍点范围两倍即可确认检测结果。结果:抗人组织谷胺酰胺转移酶粪便抗体的检验灵敏度为10%(95%CI1%~32%),特异度为98%(91%~100%)。抗麦胶蛋白抗体的灵敏度为6%(0%~29%),特异度为97%(89%~100%)。根据受试操作特征曲线分析,优化取舍点范围,并联合采用两种检测方法,那么,检验灵敏度可提高到82%,但特异度下降至58%。有1例患儿在开始接受无谷胶饮食6周和10周后,其粪便呈现阳性反应;其余病例的随访粪便检测结果均为阴性。结论:两种粪便检测方法均不适用于有症状的腹部疾病患儿的临床筛查工作。  相似文献   
Experimental data from human adults or animal models indicate that the Helicobacter pylori-specific immune response is dominated by inflammatory T cells of the Th1 type. To investigate whether a Th1 immune response is established in early H. pylori infection, gastric biopsy samples from 70 children were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis. To this end, T cells, B cells, monocytes, neutrophils, and chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5)-expressing (CCR5(+)) cells, which are associated with Th1 immune responses, were quantified. Children were classified according to H. pylori status and clinical, laboratory, and macroscopic (during endoscopy) findings, without knowledge of histological findings. Group 1 included 31 H. pylori-infected children, group 2 contained 24 children with other conditions possibly affecting the stomach, and group 3 contained 15 children without verifiable pathological findings in the stomach. Lymphoid follicles were present in 90% of biopsy samples from group 1 and 48% of those from group 2 but absent in group 3 biopsy samples. Intraepithelial T cells and CCR5(+) cells were regularly detected in all groups without significant differences. B cells, monocytes, and neutrophils were not found. In contrast, the numbers of lamina propria T cells (P < 0.003) and CCR5(+) cells (P < 0.001) were increased significantly in H. pylori-infected children. B cells (in 13 of 66 children) were detected in children with active (n = 11) or previously cleared (n = 2) H. pylori infections but were absent in healthy children. The numbers of monocytes (in 10 of 67 children) did not differ among the groups. Calculations indicated that the majority of gastric T cells express CCR5; this finding is in contrast to the low percentage of CCR5(+) T cells in the peripheral circulation. Thus, an increase in the numbers of CCR5(+) cells in H. pylori-infected stomach mucosa suggests that this molecule may play an important role in gastric immune responses.  相似文献   
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