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Discussions of adjunctive behavior still largely refer to polydipsia induced by food delivery schedules to food deprived animals. In the present experiment polydipsia was induced when socially isolated monkeys housed in barren home cages were exposed to scheduled deliveries of film and scheduled viewing of other monkeys. These data suggest the greater generality and complexity of adjunctive behaviors and show that schedule-induced polydipsia cannot be regarded as an artifact of food associated drinking.  相似文献   
Effective immunological resistance to challenge with trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi has been linked to antibodies which are specific for determinants on live, but not fixed, trypomastigotes. In man and mouse, these antibodies can be detected specifically by viable immunofluorescence (VIF) and complement mediated lysis (CML) assays. VIF/CML positive sera from chagasic patients or experimentally infected mice recognize the same trypomastigote specific surface polypeptides of apparent Mr 70-160 kDa. VIF/CML negative chagasic sera fail to react with polypeptides of Mr 120, 145 and 160 kDa, whereas negative mouse sera lack antibodies to the 160 kDa component alone. Taken together, these clinical and experimental data suggest that the 160 kDa polypeptide should be tested for its potential in immunoprophylaxis.  相似文献   
Vascular endothelium is an important site for a wide array of immunological processes such as inflammation, atherosclerosis and allograft rejection. Culture methods of mouse vascular endothelium would provide an important in vitro correlate to immunological murine in vivo models. We describe a simple method to culture mouse vascular endothelium from thoracic aorta. Our cultured cells express typical phenotypic (CD105, CD31, CD106), morphological and ultrastructural (intercellular junctions, Weibel-Palade bodies) markers of vascular endothelium. They also possess functional receptors for uptake and processing of acetylated low-density lipoproteins. The mouse vascular endothelium within our system expresses high levels of MHC class I and MHC class II after activation with IFN-gamma. In addition, these cells express the accessory molecules CD80 and CD54, while they lack constitutive expression of CD86 and CD40, providing them the means to function as antigen presenting cells. Alloreactive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes demonstrate evidence of DNA synthesis after co-culture with activated vascular endothelium indicating their commitment to proliferation. In conclusion, we describe a simple culture system to isolate and grow mouse vascular endothelium, which provides a powerful tool to study biological interactions in vitro.  相似文献   
"Hyperacute" renal-homograft rejection in man   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Though much research about the public's views of scientists, genetic research and its moral, ethical, and social implications exists, little has been done to investigate how scientists view their own role(s) in public discussions and policy formation related to genetic research and technologies. We interviewed 20 academic geneticists in the United States about their perceptions of the roles they and others (e.g., professional societies, the public, ethicists, and elected officials) do and should play in the formation of science policy, the communication of science to the public, and the public discussions of moral and ethical issues raised by scientific advances. The participants in our study thought that scientists should be more actively involved in public outreach and science policy formation, but frequently they felt ill-equipped and unsupported by their peers and institutions to pursue these activities. Furthermore, many were skeptical of or did not trust elected officials--who they consider uninformed about the issues and too driven by political agendas--to formulate sound science policy. They do, however, have faith in the ability of scientific societies to influence policy effectively, and some thought that societies should play a larger role, both in science policy and as a liaison between scientists and the public. Finally, participants offered suggestions for increasing the involvement and influence of scientists in science-policy formation and public discourse.  相似文献   
Rabbit pups are completely dependent on a maternal pheromone for the release of suckling behavior. However, if the mother is perfumed prior to nursing, pups will learn to respond to the novel odor with the characteristic nipple-search behavior in just one 3-4 min nursing episode. In a first investigation of the processes underlying this recently developed learning paradigm, time-dependent effects of hypothermia on retention of the task could be demonstrated. Thus pups whose whole body was cooled to a mouth temperature of 7 degrees C immediately after conditioning (n = 10) and tested 24 h later for 3 min on a perfumed fur did not differ significantly in their search response from naive, untreated controls (n = 10). In contrast, pups cooled 4 h after conditioning (n = 10) demonstrated clear retention of the learned response and searched as vigorously as conditioned but uncooled animals (n = 10). As pups of all groups demonstrated normal nipple-search behavior when tested on a lactating doe, the deficits associated with immediate cooling appear to have been specific to the learning task and time of treatment.  相似文献   
The effect of integrating a Drug Usage Guidelines (DUG) program with a hospital formulary system was analyzed. Significant changes were observed in both the number of requests submitted to the P & T Committee and the number of drugs added to the formulary after implementation of the DUG program. Failure to follow the DUG submission protocol, particularly with respect to the requirement for supportive clinical data from the primary literature, led to delayed consideration and eventual withdrawal of several highly promoted drug products. The initial involvement of physicians in the planning and implementation of the DUG program has been an important factor in the continued success of the program.  相似文献   
Scleroderma renal crisis (SRC) is a rare but life-threatening complication of systemic sclerosis (SSc) characterized by malignant hypertension and acute kidney injury. Historically, SRC was the leading cause of death in SSc. However, with the advent of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, mortality rates have decreased significantly. Nevertheless, one-year outcomes remain poor, with over 30% mortality and 25% of patients remaining dialysis-dependent. There is an urgent need to improve early recognition and treatment, and to identify novel treatments to improve outcomes of SRC. In this chapter, the clinical features, classification, pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, management and outcomes of SRC are presented. Specific issues relating to pregnancy, prophylactic ACE inhibition and management of essential hypertension are also discussed.  相似文献   
Response to pharmacologic treatments may identify groups of disorders with a common pathophysiology. The authors applied a treatment-response model, based on four classes of antidepressants (tricyclic types, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, serotonin uptake inhibitors, and atypical agents), to the medical literature. The model identified eight disorders that may share a pathophysiologic abnormality: major depression, bulimia, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, cataplexy, migraine, and irritable bowel syndrome. Phenomenologic and family studies support this grouping. If the model is validated, this family of disorders, which the authors term "affective spectrum disorder," would represent one of the most prevalent diseases in the population.  相似文献   
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