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We present a study of the general-population prevalence of cluster headache in the Republic of Georgia and discuss the advantages and challenges of different methodological approaches. In a community-based survey, specially trained medical residents visited 500 adjacent households in the capital city, Tbilisi, and 300 households in the eastern rural area of Kakheti. They interviewed all ( n  = 1145) biologically unrelated adult occupants using a previously validated questionnaire. The household responses rates were 92% in Tbilisi and 100% in Kakheti. The survey identified 32 persons with possible cluster headache, who were then personally interviewed by one of two headache-experienced neurologists. Cluster headache was confirmed in one subject. The prevalence of cluster headache was therefore estimated to be 87/100 000 (95% confidence interval < 258/100 000). We used a conservative approach, which has an obvious advantage of high-quality data collection, but is very demanding of manpower and time.  相似文献   
The immunophenotypes of lymphoblasts from children with newly diagnosed T-cell acute lymphoid leukemia (T-ALL, n = 101) or T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (T-NHL, n = 31) were analyzed to correlate stage of thymocyte differentiation with clinical features and outcome. The 67 boys and 34 girls with T-ALL were 1 month to 18 years old (median, 8 years) with leukocyte counts ranging from 2 to 810 x 10(9)/L (median, 55 x 10(9)/L). Eighteen of these patients were black, and 70 had a mediastinal mass. Twenty-six boys and five girls with a median age of 9 years (range, 1 to 20 years) had T-NHL. Seven of these patients were black, and 24 had a mediastinal mass. The distributions of thymocyte developmental stages (early [CD7+], intermediate [CD1+ and/or CD4+ and/or CD8+], and mature [CD3+]) in cases of T-ALL and T-NHL were significantly different: 34%, 43%, and 23% v 6%, 62%, and 32% (P = .02). A comparison of the patients' clinical features according to the maturational stage of thymocytes failed to disclose significant differences in the majority of characteristics studied. However, patients with mature-stage T-NHL, with or without the addition of subjects with mature-stage T-ALL, were less likely to have a mediastinal mass (P = .02 for both comparisons). Those with intermediate-stage T-cell malignancy (T-ALL and T-NHL combined) were the subgroup most likely to have a mediastinal mass (P = .01). Response to remission induction therapy was significantly worse in the T-ALL subgroup with an early-stage phenotype: a failure rate of 21% v 0% and 6% for the two more differentiated phenotypic subgroups (P = .007). Event-free survival was not affected by thymocyte maturational stage in cases of either T-ALL or T-NHL. Despite evidence of clinical heterogeneity among the maturational stages of T-cell malignancies in children, these developmental subdivisions do not appear to be critical determinants of outcome once remission is achieved. We conclude that such phenotypes need not be included in the stratification plans for clinical trials using common induction treatment.  相似文献   
Localized phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy in humans has previously been accomplished with surface coils by means of depth-resolved surface coil spectroscopy or rotating frame experiments, in which the extent of tissue sampled critically depends on surface coil placement. The authors' goal was to modify the surface coil image-selected in vivo spectroscopy (ISIS) experiment to accomplish three-dimensional volume selection through application of selective pulses in the presence of B0 gradients. Advantages of ISIS include the ability to use proton images to define the volume of interest (VOI) and reduced dependence on exact positioning of the surface coil. However, rapid replication of the surface coil ISIS experiment can cause spectral contamination from signals originating outside the VOI. A modified version of the ISIS experiment was developed to alleviate contamination under conditions of rapid replication. Applications of localized P-31 MR spectroscopy for observation of high-energy phosphorus metabolites are presented in human liver, heart, and transplanted and normal kidney.  相似文献   
A 63-year-old man with iron loss anaemia and hypercalcaemia was found to have a renal cell carcinoma. Despite the iron-deficient blood and bone marrow picture, the serum ferritin concentration was markedly raised. This was mainly due to a “basic isoferritin”. The serum parathormone concentration was normal. The serum ferritin and calcium concentrations returned to normal after the tumour was removed. We propose that the renal cell carcinoma cells in this patient secreted the basic isoferritin as well as humoral factor(s) responsible for hypercalcaemia.  相似文献   
Institutional review board approval and informed consent were obtained for this study. The aim of the study was to prospectively assess, in patients with lung cancer, the reproducibility of a quantitative whole tumor perfusion computed tomographic (CT) technique. Paired CT studies were performed in 10 patients (eight men, two women; mean age, 66 years) with lung cancer. Whole tumor permeability and blood volume were measured, and reproducibility was evaluated by using Bland-Altman statistics. Coefficient of variation of 9.49% for permeability and 26.31% for blood volume and inter- and intraobserver variability ranging between 3.30% and 6.34% indicate reliable assessment with this whole tumor technique.  相似文献   
Visual identification of bacterially contaminated red cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been increasing numbers of reports of transfusion-acquired Yersinia enterocolitica bacteremia (including several fatal cases). Fifteen units of whole blood were inoculated with various concentrations of Y. enterocolitica serotype 0:3 and processed into AS-3 preserved red cells (RBCs). Consistent growth of the organism was found at inoculum concentrations greater than or equal to 10 colony-forming units per mL. In all 13 units of RBCs that supported the growth of Y. enterocolitica, a darkening in color (due to hemolysis and a decrease in pO2) was observed in the bag. The attached sample segments, which were sealed from the main unit, remained sterile and did not darken. This color change was apparent in all the contaminated units by Day 35, which was 1.5 to 2 weeks after the bacteria were first detected in cultures of the blood. Hence, by comparison of the color of the segment tubing with that of the unit itself, units grossly contaminated with Y. enterocolitica can be identified prior to transfusion. Moreover, review of photographs on file at the Centers for Disease Control revealed this dramatic color change in 2 units of blood that caused transfusion-transmitted sepsis (Enterobacter agglomerans and an unidentified gram-negative bacillus, not Yersinia sp.), which demonstrated that the color change was not limited to Y. enterocolitica. This method of visual identification of contaminated units of blood could decrease the incidence of posttransfusion bacterial sepsis.  相似文献   
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