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目的 通过对已报道的全膝关节置换翻修术文献进行总结分析,讨探膝关节置换翻修术前后的膝关节功能、翻修的主要原因、主要并发症及不同假体的术后疗效.方法 按照以下标准收集和分析有关全膝关节置换翻修术的文献:①1990年至2002年间发表,②报告患者数大于10例,③采用通用的膝关节评分标准.一名骨科专科医生独立收集数据,一名医学统计学专家独立采用Meta统计方法分析数据.结果 共有33 篇符合条件的文献被收集.患者共1356 例,其中男429例,女611例(部分文献性别分类数据缺失),平均年龄67岁(45~49岁),加权平均随访时间57个月( 6~108 个月),加权平均术前膝关节功能总评分为49 分(15~94分),术后为84分( 58~109分),全膝关节置换翻修术前后的总评分、功能评分、活动范围等有显著性提高,差异有统计学意义(总评分t=12.507,P<0.01, 功能评分t=4.704,P<0.01,活动范围:t=5.346,P< 0.01).全膝关节置换翻修术的原因主要是假体松动(55%),其它包括聚乙烯磨损(11%)、假体不稳(10%)、感染(7%).翻修术后的主要并发症仍然为假体松动(18%),其它包括假体不稳(16% )、感染(16% )、髌骨问题( 15% )及不明原因的膝关节疼痛(13%).髌骨问题包括髌骨脱位、半脱位、髌韧带撕裂、髌股关节疼痛等.结论 可以认为膝关节置换后翻修术是一种安全有效的手术.假体松动是膝关节置换翻新的主要原因和并发症. 相似文献
目的 探讨转移瘤致股骨近端病理骨折的治疗方法。方法 分析 1995年 5月至 2 0 0 2年 5月手术治疗的 16例的临床资料。结果 无手术并发症 ,术后疼痛明显缓解 ,伤口除 1例浅层感染外 ,余愈合良好。所有病例均存活在 3个月以上 ,14例术后继续原发肿瘤治疗。结论 股骨近端转移瘤所致的病理骨折应积极行手术治疗 ,内固定以带锁髓内钉加骨水泥为好。 相似文献
病例:男,73岁,因发现原膀胱造瘘口处可复性肿块3年而入院.7年前因前列腺癌于外院行双侧睾丸切除加膀胱造瘘术.3年前无明显诱因下出现造瘘口外侧无痛性肿物,站立时出现,平卧后可自行回纳,肿块渐增大,无明显腹痛、腹胀等不适症状.半年前入院行前列腺电切术加造瘘口回纳术. 相似文献
缺血性脑血管病与颈动脉粥样硬化及其危险因素的关系 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
目的探讨缺血性脑血管病(ICVD)与颈动脉粥样硬化及其危险因素的关系。方法对186例ICVD患者与194例非脑血管病患者和正常体检者(对照组)行颈部血管超声检查和血液生化检查;比较两组间的颈动脉硬化程度及脑卒中危险因素的差异。结果ICVD组年龄[(69±7)岁]和患有高血压(66.1%)、糖尿病(53.4%)、代谢综合征患者(44.6%)的比率非常明显高于对照组[(61±5)岁、48.8%、15.2%、12.9%](均P<0.001)。ICVD组颈动脉粥样硬化分级计分≥2分(斑块发生率)、≥3分(血管狭窄发生率)分别为69.3%、20.4%,明显高于对照组的33.5%和5.1%(均P<0.05)。结论颈动脉粥样硬化是ICVD的危险因素之一;各种危险因素的聚集对ICVD的发生起重要作用。 相似文献
何伯新 《中华卫生杀虫药械》2005,11(1):54-56
广州鼠害与卫生虫害防治协会(以下简称协会)成立于2001年5月18日,截止2003年11月31日止,现有团体会员238个(其中厂家9个),个人会员93个,在团体会员中,领有灭鼠杀虫服务资质证有220个(其中街镇124个占56%,社会PCO公司96个占44%),从事灭鼠杀虫的从业人员近1 600人.2002、2003年已进行"病媒生物防治工"职业培训,并领取中华人民共和国职业资格证书共1 354人,除去外地区22人,实际本市1 332人,占从业人员的83.3%,以后每年都进行初级、中级的培训.协会作为行业协会"应定位在自律性行业管理组织上,应以服务为宗旨,同时做好自律、协调、监督工作"."改革逼使我们尽快培育和发展行业协会,使行业协会的作用真正得到发挥,并承担起政府转移出去的一些职能".协会成立二年来,为政府、社会、会员的服务中在市爱卫办的指导和会员单位的大力支持下,摸着石头过河,取得了一点成绩,但我市协会在实际工作中,碰到一些急待探讨的问题,部分问题通过协会的自治管理是可以解决的,有些问题不是协会本身能解决的. 相似文献
Objective : To define the individual neonatal response to the artificial surfactant, Exosurf, and factors that may influence the response.
Methodology : Eighty-two consecutive, preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome, who received Exosurf at <12h of age were studied. Their response was categorized from the graphical change in the oxygenation index with postnatal age, for 12h after each of two doses of surfactant and assessed independently by two observers. Clinical factors were analysed for their effect on the four pre-defined categories of response, namely: none; mild; good; relapsed; and good: sustained.
Results : Within the first 12h, 11% of the neonates showed no response, 5% a mild response and 84% a good response, but 34% relapsed. By 24h, 6% still showed no response (all died), 11% showed a mild response and 83% a good response, of whom half relapsed. At 24h, no response was significantly associated with low gestational age and asphyxia mild response with less severe lung disease. According to the response there was a gradation in the risk of death during the first week.
Conclusions : The response to Exosurf can be individually and reproducibly categorized and demonstrated that 83% of neonates had a good response but half relapsed. No response was associated with extreme prematurity and asphyxia 相似文献
Methodology : Eighty-two consecutive, preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome, who received Exosurf at <12h of age were studied. Their response was categorized from the graphical change in the oxygenation index with postnatal age, for 12h after each of two doses of surfactant and assessed independently by two observers. Clinical factors were analysed for their effect on the four pre-defined categories of response, namely: none; mild; good; relapsed; and good: sustained.
Results : Within the first 12h, 11% of the neonates showed no response, 5% a mild response and 84% a good response, but 34% relapsed. By 24h, 6% still showed no response (all died), 11% showed a mild response and 83% a good response, of whom half relapsed. At 24h, no response was significantly associated with low gestational age and asphyxia mild response with less severe lung disease. According to the response there was a gradation in the risk of death during the first week.
Conclusions : The response to Exosurf can be individually and reproducibly categorized and demonstrated that 83% of neonates had a good response but half relapsed. No response was associated with extreme prematurity and asphyxia 相似文献
Objective To investigate the effect of recombinant human granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF) as adjuvant on immune response in adults of non-and hyporesponders to hepatitis B vaccine. Methods Those who were once immunized with recombined yeast gene hepatitis B vaccine more than one standard scheme in two years and negative for hepatitis B markers were randomly sorted as group A and group B. 33 adults of group A were given hepatitis B vaccine 10 μg each time. The immune procedure was O, 1 and 6month. 34 adults of group B were given rhGM-CSF 300 μg for the first day, then 10 μg each time for routine immune. The blood samples were collected before the first injection and in 1, 2 and 8 months (T1, T2, TS)following the first injection to test Anti-HBs. Results Anti-HBs positive conversion rates of group A and B at T8 was 39.39% and 64.71% respectively(P=0.038). Anti-HBs levels of group B at TI, T2, T8 were(113.85±198.56) mIU/ml, (312.40±349.44) mIU/ml, (427.74±411. 58) mIU/ml (P=0.001). There was significant difference between group A and B in T8 Anti-HBs levels(P=0.010). Conclusion Better immune response was found in the group of rhGM-CSF with hepatitis B vaccine. So rhGM-CSF can induce the immune respond to hepatitis B vaccine. 相似文献