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Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in conscious animals is evolving as a critical tool for neuroscientists. The present study explored the effectiveness of an acclimation procedure in minimizing the stress experienced by the animal as assessed by alterations in physiological parameters including heart rate, respiratory rate, and serum corticosterone levels. Results confirm that as the stress of the protocol is minimized, there is a significant decrease in head movements and enhancement in data quality. The feasibility of improving the quality of fMRI data acquired in alert rats by utilizing a relatively simple technique is presented.  相似文献   
Frozen shoulder     
Hall FM 《Radiology》2005,235(2):713-4; author reply 714
OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to compare the effectiveness, women's views of the termination procedure, and success of umbilical cord culture for vaginal and oral misoprostol versus intra-amniotic prostaglandin PGF(2alpha) for second-trimester pregnancy termination (STPT). STUDY DESIGN: We randomized 217 women, 15 to 24 weeks' gestation, into 3 groups. Oral (OM) and vaginal (VM) misoprostol groups received 400 microg of misoprostol every 4 hours for 24 hours. The intra-amniotic PGF(2alpha) (IAPG) group received 40 mg of PGF(2alpha) followed by oxytocin infusion. Women completed self-administered questionnaires 3 weeks after the termination procedure. Umbilical cord samples were collected at delivery for karyotype analysis. The primary outcome was the time from start of the procedure to placental delivery. Secondary outcomes were maternal complications, women's acceptance of the termination procedure, and success rates of umbilical cord culture. RESULTS: The time was longer for the OM group (30.5+/-14.4 hours) compared with the VM group (18.3+/-8.2 hours) and the IAPG group (21.1+/-10.2 hours), P<.001 for both comparisons. Women in the VM group reported being more willing to repeat the termination method in the future and reported fewer side effects than those in the other groups, P<.001. Failure rates for umbilical cord cultures were 9.6%, 17.0%, and 45.6% for the VM, OM, and IAPG groups, respectively. CONCLUSION: Oral misoprostol is less effective than intra-amniotic PGF(2alpha) or vaginal misoprostol for STPT. Women report vaginal misoprostol more acceptable than other methods. Umbilical cord culture failure rate is highest in the IAPG group.  相似文献   
There is a need to widen the practice of health psychologists to include the theories and methods of community psychology and an awareness of contemporary issues in community health. The aim of such a community health psychology would be both to deepen our understanding of the aetiology of health and illness in society and to develop strategies that will contribute to a reduction in human suffering and an improvement in quality of life. The aim of this article is to review the background and assumptions of community health psychology and to consider some values that would underlie such an approach.  相似文献   
Bone metastasis     
Hall FM 《The New England journal of medicine》2004,351(2):195-6; author reply 195-6
This paper summarizes the discussion that occurred at a November 2003 roundtable on philanthropy and health policy making. The roundtable was intended to stimulate a conversation about the strategic interplay of health policy and philanthropy in a challenging economy; to gain a richer understanding of the needs and expectations of funders and policymakers so that resources can be leveraged far more effectively; and to identify practical, collaborative approaches for advancing policy development and implementation. The gathering included more than fifty key leaders from state and national foundations; state policymakers; representatives from the California governor's office and key state health agencies and commissions; private-sector leaders; and academics.  相似文献   
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