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神经内注射强地松龙,VB1,VB12和氟美松后组织病理学改变 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本研究目的是在大鼠神经外膜下注射强的松龙、VB1、VB12和氟美松后,观察是否能引起神经的组织病理学改变。分别将下列药物(2.5%强地松龙;0.5%强地松龙;5%VB1;1%VB1;0.25%VB12;0.5%强地松龙+1.6%利多卡因;0.%氟美松+1.6%利多卡因;生理盐水1ml),在手术显微镜下,用皮试地头将药液注入到坐骨神经的神经外膜下,3天至14后分别取神经标本进行形态学检查,结果显示注 相似文献
陈敏 《中华现代护理杂志》2008,15(1):1731-1733
Objective To investigate the effect of enhanced total parenteral nutrition support to patients after accepting surgery operation for malignant obstructive jaundice.Methods Randomly,72 cases of patients with malignant obstructive jaundice having a body capacity score of ≤4 before the operation were divided into two groups,i.e.,the enhanced total parenteral nutrition group of 36 patients,and the control group of 36 patients.For the enhanced total parenteral nutrition group,total parenteral nutrition (TPN) had been given from three days before the operation,and for the control group,TPN was given from 1 day after the operation.The following items were observed,including serum total proteins,albumin level,pre-albumin level,transferrin level,as well as the time for exhausting by anus after the operation,the occurrence rate of eomplieatious,and the days for staying in hospital after the operation.Results The observed index of the enhanced group at the third day and the 12th day are all higher than those of the control group.The time for anus exhausting between the two groups did not show a significance in statistics.And the occurrence rate of complications and the days for staying in hospital after the operation in the enhanced group were less than those of the control group.Conclusions Giving TPN to the patients with malignant obstructive jaundice three days before the operation,will help the patients recover and reduce complications and days for staying in hospital. 相似文献
流式原位杂交法检测白血病和骨髓异常增生综合征患者端粒长度的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的 通过流式原位杂交法 (FLOW FISH)研究白血病和骨髓异常增生综合征 (MDS)患者骨髓中白细胞端粒长度的变化。方法 采用荧光原位杂交法结合流式细胞术检测 4 3例血液疾病患者和 4 8名健康对照者骨髓中白细胞的端粒长度。以流式细胞仪测定的细胞平均荧光强度 ,即Q FISH值来表示端粒长度。结果 健康对照组Q FISH值为 0 0 66± 0 0 15 ,与同年龄健康对照相比较 ,除 3例未发生转型的MDS和 2例缓解期慢性髓细胞性白血病 (CML)患者的端粒长度无明显变化外(Q FISH值分别为 0 0 69± 0 0 0 7和 0 0 60± 0 0 0 8) ,其余 3 8例患者 (包括 2例转型为急性髓细胞性白血病的MDS和 2例急变期CML)骨髓中白血病细胞的端粒长度均明显变短 (P <0 0 5 ) ,Q FISH值为0 0 4 7± 0 0 19。 8例白血病患者在初诊和化疗完全缓解后端粒长度的改变无统计学差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ,但慢性淋巴细胞性白血病 (CLL)治疗后端粒有缩短趋势 (由 0 0 5 2变为 0 0 4 8) ,而急性髓细胞性白血病 (AML)治疗后端粒有变长趋势 (由 0 0 4 3变为 0 0 5 6)。健康对照组端粒长度随年龄增加而变短 (r=0 67) ,而患病组端粒长度与年龄不相关 (r =0 14 )。结论 通过FLOW FISH法检测到大部分白血病和MDS患者骨髓中端粒长度比健康人短 ,其 相似文献
目的 总结氟乙酰胺中毒的抢救与护理措施.方法 有效彻底洗胃,准确使用解毒剂,给予针对性的心理疏导.结果 64例氟乙酰胺中毒患者经抢救,治愈63例,死亡1例,未出现再度自杀病例.结论 迅速有效的抢救可提高抢救成功率,护理对策得当能减少死亡率,预防患者再度自杀. 相似文献
陈敏 《中华现代护理杂志》2003,15(1):1731-1733
Objective To investigate the effect of enhanced total parenteral nutrition support to patients after accepting surgery operation for malignant obstructive jaundice.Methods Randomly,72 cases of patients with malignant obstructive jaundice having a body capacity score of ≤4 before the operation were divided into two groups,i.e.,the enhanced total parenteral nutrition group of 36 patients,and the control group of 36 patients.For the enhanced total parenteral nutrition group,total parenteral nutrition (TPN) had been given from three days before the operation,and for the control group,TPN was given from 1 day after the operation.The following items were observed,including serum total proteins,albumin level,pre-albumin level,transferrin level,as well as the time for exhausting by anus after the operation,the occurrence rate of eomplieatious,and the days for staying in hospital after the operation.Results The observed index of the enhanced group at the third day and the 12th day are all higher than those of the control group.The time for anus exhausting between the two groups did not show a significance in statistics.And the occurrence rate of complications and the days for staying in hospital after the operation in the enhanced group were less than those of the control group.Conclusions Giving TPN to the patients with malignant obstructive jaundice three days before the operation,will help the patients recover and reduce complications and days for staying in hospital. 相似文献
造血干细胞移植相关性肠道血栓性微血管病:临床病理学特征、诊断标准和治疗 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
异基因造血干细胞移植(allo-HSCT)后肠道血栓性微血管病(TMA)是一种少见的、致死性的、临床表现酷似肠道GVHD的合并症,此前国内尚无报道。自2002年5月至2004年7月,在本研究所接受allo-HSCT的患者总计373例,其中184例为HLA配型全相合,189例为HLA配型至少1个位点不合的亲缘供者移植。为探索TMA的临床及其病理学特征,本研究将其中30例allo-HSCT后因严重腹泻接受结肠镜以及病理检查的患者活检组织样本进行复检研究。结果发现,7例患者样本具有TMA特征性病理学改变,占活检例数的23.3%(7/30)。全部患者均伴有巨细胞病毒(CMV)血症和CMV疾病(CMV-IP5例、CMV肠炎2例);5例伴有乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)增高。TMA组织学特征是多发性微血管管腔内血小板-纤维素血栓;血管内皮细胞肿胀、剥脱,伴有或不伴有血管周围出血。3例样本兼有TMA和GVHD的病理学特征;4例具备TMA的病理学特征而无GVHD的组织学改变。3例患者临床表现酷似急性缺血性肠炎,均有间断性或持续性鲜血便、明显腹痛伴有迅速发展的溶血性贫血、顽固性血小板减少、肝静脉阻塞综合征(VOD)、毛细血管渗漏综合征以及低蛋白血症。在移植后活存101-254天。结论:诊治肠道GVHD的同时应排查TMA,病理学特征可资鉴别;与此同时,初步研究首次证实TMA和TMA-GVHD各自具有特定病理特征,其治疗反应及转归也有差异。 相似文献
人表皮干细胞体外分选和培养对构建组织工程皮肤种子细胞的可能性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨人表皮干细胞在体外分选和培养的可能性,为构建组织工程皮肤寻找理想的种子细胞。方法:实验于2002-01/12在中山大学基础医学院动物中心完成。根据表皮干细胞与Ⅳ型胶原蛋白的高黏附的特性,运用黏附实验将干细胞从培养在鼠Ⅳ型胶原包被的培养瓶的表皮细胞中分选出来,并从形态学、超微结构及免疫组化等方面进行了鉴定。结果:分选出来培养的细胞符合表皮干细胞的特征,说明分选培养的细胞是表皮干细胞。结论:预先在体外对表皮干细胞进行分选和培养是可行的,该细胞群有望成为构建组织工程皮肤的种子细胞,为下一步应用表皮干细胞构建组织工程皮肤奠定了牢固的基础。 相似文献
目的观察11例急性早幼粒细胞性白血病患者经全反式维甲酸治疗后的临床效果。方法予全反式维甲酸40~60mg/d,持续服药至缓解,缓解后与化疗药物序贯治疗,用药前后检察患者血象及骨髓象。结果用全反式维甲酸诱导缓解率达91%,达缓解天数平均44d,所需维甲酸总剂量2648mg。结论全反式维甲酸对急性早幼粒细胞性白血病患者的预后有很大改善。 相似文献
恶性肿瘤患者发生骨转移的比例较高,文献报道,死于中晚期癌症的患者中,约有70%以上发生了骨转移,其中胸部骨(包括胸骨、肋骨、锁骨、肩胛骨和胸椎)是骨转移癌的最好发部位明确恶性肿瘤患者是否发生骨转移,对肿瘤的临床分期、治疗方案的选择、疗效的评价等均有重要的意义、胸部骨转移癌最基本、最简便的检查方法是X线摄影,然而。普通胸片对骨转移癌的检出率一直以来普遍较低。双能量减影(DES)胸部摄片是指应用密度不同的骨与软组织对能量不同的X线光子的吸收衰减方式不同的特点, 相似文献