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Routinely the active can ICD is placed in the left side pectoral position, which theoretically gives optimal conditions for a low defibrillation threshold. Some patients, bowever, demand a right pectoral position, which possibly could result in a bigger defibrillation threshold. A right pectoral position was used in 3 of 85 active can ICDs implanted in our institution from 1994. the DFT was 12 J in two and 18 f in one patient. Thus, right pectoral implantation is feasible and offers an alternative approach in selected patients.  相似文献   
高渗盐水与甘露醇对颅脑手术患者脑氧代谢的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 比较3%高渗盐水(HTS)与20%甘露醇对颅脑手术患者脑氧代谢的影响。方法 择期大脑半球胶质瘤切除术患者40例,ASAⅠ级或Ⅱ级,随机分为2组(n=20):3%HTS组(HTS组)和20%甘露醇组(M组)。采用静吸复合麻醉,呼气末异氟醚浓度为1 MAC、血液动力学稳定15.min后,分别于15 min内静脉输注3%HTS 5.35 ml/kg或20%,甘露醇1 g/kg。L3,4珠网膜下腔置管测脑脊液压力(CSFP),行右颈静脉球穿刺置管、采血,测定颈静脉球氧饱和度。分别于输注前(T0)、输注完即刻(T1)、输注完15min(T2)、30min(T3)、60min(T4)、120min(T5)监测CSFP;于T0、T3-T5时监测平均动脉压,采集颈静脉球部和桡动脉血,进行血气分析,计算动脉-静脉氧含量差(Da-jvO2)、脑氧摄取率(CERO2)。结果 与T0比较,2组CSFP在T2-T5时降低,Da-jvO2和CERO2在T4,5时降低(P〈0.05);与M组比较,HTS组CSFP在T2时降低(P〈0.05)。结论 3%HTS与20%甘露醇均可有效地降低颅内压,改善颅脑手术患者的脑氧代谢。  相似文献   
Objective To study on adsorption effect of cadusafos and atropine sulfate by hemoperfusion.Method Hemoperfusions were performed for sheep blood samples with cadusafos and atropineby through imitated extracorporeal closed circulating perfusion apparatus.Residual cadusafos was determined by gas chromatography and residual atropine was determined by high performance liquid chromatography.Result Dose of adsorption agent was 0.5,1.0 and 1.5 g,respectively.Two hours after hemoperfusion with membrane coated activated charcoal,clearance rate of cadusafos in 3 groups all exceeded 90%.and clearance rate of atropine sulfate was 61.9%,84.9%,88.9%,respectively.One and a half hours after hemoperfusion with HA230 absorption resin,clearance rate of eadusafos in 3 groups all exceeded 90%,and clearance rate of atropine sulfate was 88.0%,97.2%,98.4%,respectively.Three hours after hemoperfusion with membrane coated activated charcoal,The concentration ratio of cadusafos and atropine sulfate in blood promoted to 10.1 times,and the ratio was 6.7 times after hemoperfusion with HA230 absorption resin.Conclusion It suggested that cadusafos were mostly removed from blood after 1.5~2.0hours hemoperfusion with membrane activated charcoal or HA230 absorption resin.The concentration ratio of cadusafos and atropine sulfate in blood will increased after hemoperfusion.  相似文献   
目的:探讨贫困大学生的希望特质、应对方式对抑郁和幸福感的影响及其途径.方法:以369名贫困大学生为研究对象,采用成人希望特质量表.应对方式问卷,抑郁自评量表(SDS)和幸福感指数,用结构方程模型探讨希望特质和应对方式对情绪的影响途径.结果:希望特质对抑郁的影响符合不完全中介模型(x2/df=-1.862,GFI=0.980,CFI=0.985,RMSEA=0.048),希望特质对抑郁的直接影响占总影响的78.7%;希望特质对幸福感的影响符合完全中介模型(x2/df=2.101,GFI=0.976,CFI=0.979,RMSEA=0.055),以积极应对方式为中介的影响占总影响的89.3%.结论:希望特质是调节贫困大学生情绪的重要心理因素.希望特质对抑郁和幸福感的影响遵循不同的模式.  相似文献   
目的设计合成靶向NF-κB的哑铃形诱骗剂ODN,分析靶向NF-κB的哑铃形诱骗剂对NF-κB转录活性、多发性骨髓瘤细胞8266的生长及其分泌的IL-6的抑制效应。方法采用电泳迁移率变动分析(EMSA)体外检测诱骗剂ODN对NF-κB转录活性的抑制效应。将8266细胞随机分为传代培养的8266细胞组;诱骗剂ODN处理组及脂质体处理组。通过阳离子脂质体以2mg/L、4mg/L、8mg/L不同剂量诱骗剂ODN转染8266细胞。转染后8、12、18h,ELISA法检测8266细胞培养上清中IL-6的表达。用MTT比色检查诱骗剂ODN对IL-6刺激的8266细胞生长的影响。结果硫代磷酸的诱骗剂ODN在体外能有效地抑制NF-κB与其顺式元件的结合;2mg/L、4mg/L、8mg/L等不同浓度的脂质体-ODN复合物对8266细胞表达IL-6的抑制程度不同。脂质体-ODN复合物对8266细胞的生长及IL-6的活性均有抑制作用。结论靶向NF-κB的诱骗剂ODN在体外可抑制NF-κB的转录活性,从而抑制8266细胞的生长,降低瘤细胞中IL-6的表达。  相似文献   
Objective:To investigate the feasibility of a 4D-CT reconstruction method based on the similarity principle of spatial adjacent images and mutual information measure. Methods:A motor driven sinusoidal motion platform made in house was used to create one-dimensional periodical motion that was along the longitudinal axis of the CT couch. The amplitude of sinusoidal motion was set to an amplitude of ±1 cm. The period of the motion was adjustable and set to 3.5 s. Phantom objects of two eggs were placed in a Styrofoam block, which in turn were placed on the motion platform. These objects were used to simulate volumes of interest Undergoing ideal periodic motion. CT data of static phantom were acquired using a multi-slice general electric (GE) LightSpeed 16-slice CT scanner in an axial mode. And the CT data of periodical motion phantom were acquired in an axial and cine-mode scan. A software program was developed by using VC + + and VTK software tools to resort the CT data and reconstruct the 4D-CT. Then all of the CT data with same phase were sorted by the program into the same series based on the similarity principle of spatial adjacent images and mutual information measure among them, and 3D reconstruction of different phase CT data were completed by using the software. Results:All of the CT data were sorted accurately into different series based on the similarity principle of spatial adjacent images and mutual information measures among them. Compared with the unsorted CT data, the motion artifacts in the 3 D reconstruction of sorted CT data were re- duced significantly, and all of the sorted CT series result in a 4D-CT that reflected the characteristic of the periodical motion phantom. Conclusion:Time-resolved 4D-CT reconstruction can be implemented with any general multi-slice CT scanners based on the similarity principle of spatial adjacent images and mutual information measure. The process of the 4D-CT data acquisition and reconstruction were not restricted to the hardware or software of the C  相似文献   
患者女,66岁.以左上腹闷痛半年,发现左腹肿块3个月,于2007年8月16日入本院治疗.既往无特殊病史;入院体检:痛苦面容,营养尚可,全身浅表淋巴结未及肿大,心肺正常,左上腹稍膨隆,触及一约10 cm×12 cm的包块,质中、表面光滑、界欠清、活动度差、轻压痛,左肾下极下移、轻压痛.  相似文献   
DRB1*08 haplotypes have not been known to carry a DRB3 gene. We have found a patient suffering from liver disease who has a novel HLA haplotype of DRB1*0801 with DRB3*0202 as established by family segregation. These two genes were confirmed by sequencing. DR8 and DR52 antigen specificities were serologically detected, indicating expression of these genes.  相似文献   
甲型血友病是最常见的遗传性出血性疾病,受到了国内外研究者们的极大关注.由于此病尚无彻底根治方法,所以基因诊断及产前诊断显得尤为重要.基因诊断可分为直接基因诊断及间接连锁分析的方法;产前诊断的手段也在近年飞速发展.本文就直接基因诊断、间接连锁分析及产前诊断新技术这几方面的研究进展综述如下.  相似文献   
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