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睡觉和觉醒是人和高等动物维持生命活动所必须的普遍生理现象,二者随昼夜的节律而交替出现。祖国医学认为,睡眠和觉醒是生理活动,是人体阴阳消长出入变化所产生的,《灵枢·营卫生会篇》说:“阳气尽,阴气盛,则目暝;阴气盛,而阳气尽,则寤矣”;是人体气血运行和人体适应自然界变化  相似文献   
路志正,男,86岁,中国中医科学院广安门医院主任医师,博士生导师,是首批享受国务院政府特殊津贴的专家。兼任中华人民共和国药典委员会顾问,国家中医药管理局中医药工作专家咨询委员会委员、重大科技成果评审委员会委员,北京市老年康复医学研究会副会长,北京中医药大学名誉教授,中厦大学中医学院名誉校长。  相似文献   
路志正从脾胃论治胸痹经验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文章对我国著名老中医路志正教授调理脾胃法治疗胸痹的临床经验进行了归纳、总结,概括出7种证候,对其相应的治法进行了分析,并附有验案,以期为临床治疗胸痹提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Objective:To explore the most effective herbal combinations commonly used by highly experienced Chinese medicine(CM) physicians for the treatment of insomnia.Methods:We collected and analyzed data related to insomnia treatment from the clinics of 7 highly experienced CM physicians in Beijing.The sample included 162 patients and 460 consultations in total.Patient outcomes,such as sleep quality and sleep time per day,were manually collected from the medical records by trained CM clinicians.Three data mining methods,support vector machine(SVM),logistic regression and decision tree,and multifactor dimensionality reduction(MDR),were used to determine and confirm the herbal combinations that resulted in positive outcomes in patients suffering from insomnia.Results:Results show that MDR is the most efficient method to predict the effective herbal combinations.Using the MDR model,we identified several combinations of herbs with 100%positive outcomes,such as stir-fried spine date seed,Szechwan lovage rhizome,and prepared thinleaf milkwort root;white peony root,golden thread,and stir-fried spine date seed;and Asiatic cornelian cherry fruit with fresh rehmannia.Conclusions:Results indicate that herbal combinations are effective treatments for patients with insomnia compared with individual herbs.It is also shown that MDR is a potent data mining method to identify the herbal combination with high rates of positive outcome.  相似文献   
高荣林教授是国医大师路志正老先生的第一位硕士研究生,博士研究生导师,第四批师承制导师,享受政府特殊津贴.他精通中医理论,崇尚仲景学说,注重五脏关系,强调辨证论治;曾长期担任广安门医院心肺科主任、呼吸科主任、疑难病科主任,擅长治疗呼吸系统疾病和疑难病证,对难治性咳嗽的诊治研究积累了丰富的临床经验.  相似文献   
中药药性量化方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在主持完成国家"十一五"科技攻关计划"基于信息挖掘技术的名老中医临床诊疗经验及传承方法研究"课题过程中,由一于中药药性没有被量化,名老中医临床处方中所含有的信息很难被充分发现和利用.  相似文献   
Prof. Lu Zhizheng, a chief physician of Guang'anmen Hospital, has accumulated rich experience through his clinical practice for about 60 years. His method of regulating the spleen and stomach has been proved highly effective for treatment of angina pectoris. From March 1991 to December  相似文献   
精于医道的路志正教授中国中医研究院广安门医院(100053)刘宗莲,高荣林路志正,字子端,号行健,1920年12月生于河北省一个中医世家。在56年的行医生涯中,他热爱中医事业,始终站在临床第一线,积累了丰富的临床经验。一、幼承家学,师古不泥路老幼承家...  相似文献   
21世纪自然科学的主导科学将是生命科学,这是众多科学家的共识。生命作为物质世界最为精致复杂的系统,其结构与功能的奥秘正在分子水平上获得阐释。目前,中医学诸多方面的研究也正向微观分子领域迈进。 中医证候的本质,一直是研究的热点。近年来关于证候实质的微观研究报道很多,也取得了一些进展,如有人通过对心悸病中心气(血)虚证和心血瘀阻证患者血清类洋地黄因子(serum Endo-  相似文献   
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