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动脉吻合后的顺应性特点和结构成份的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨动脉吻合后顺应性结构成份含量改变之间的关系。方法 在体测定狗股动脉端端吻合前及吻合后不同相点的压力与直径,推导出动脉吻合前后的顺应性,术后取材,切片分别用HE,Weigert、Aniline blue、Neubert染色,光镜观察,图像分析系统测量各结构成份相对含量。结果 动脉吻合后吻合口段的顺应性较吻合前逐日下降,吻合后第14天下降最明显。各时相点弹性纤维变化无显著性差异,胶原纤维呈增  相似文献   
腹部枪伤瞬间血流动力学变化对脑损伤的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:从血流动力学方面探讨腹部枪伤时脑部远达效应发生的机制.方法:用5.56mmM193枪弹高速致伤狗腹部,用压力传感器分别测试腹主动脉、主动脉弓、颈总动脉起始端和末端的压力变化,并计算各动脉周向应力的变化.结果:枪击瞬间腹主动脉、主动脉弓、颈总动脉起始端和末端压力分别升高6.56、4.33、3.28和2.34倍,腹主动脉、主动脉弓、颈总动脉起始端周向应力分别增加8.0、5.3和3.6倍.结论:枪击瞬间各动脉内存在强大的压力,这些压力具有变化速度快、幅度大、正负压共存的特点.强大的压力使动脉管壁极度扩张而被致伤.从腹部至颈部动脉间存在着强大的压力差,这就促使大量的血液急速地向脑部冲击,造成脑组织损伤.  相似文献   
Objective: To study the anatomical basis of transferring the superior gluteal nerve to the pudendal nerve in reconstructing the functional impairment in simple conus medullaris or pudendal nerve injury. Methods: Superior gluteal nerve and pudendal nerve were observed and measured by the gross and microsurgical anatomical methods in 62 sides of 31 adult cadavers. Results:Superior gluteal nerve came out of the superior foreman of piriformis as 1 to 4 branches (29.03%,56.45%,12.90% and 1.61% respectively) and the pelvic-leaving points were mainly in the middle 1/3 (85.48%) of the line from the posterior superior iliac spine to the ischial tuberosity. The length of the inferior branch of the superior gluteal nerve was more than 5cm, and the distance between the pelvic-leaving points of the superior gluteal nerve and pudandal nerve was about 4cm only. The pudendal nerve left the pelvis mainly in the middle 1/3 (48.39%) of the line from the posterior superior iliac spine to the ischial tuberosity, or at the junction of its inferior-middle 1/3 (46.77%). In clinic, we have successfully made the operation transferring the superior gluteal nerve to the pudendal nerve in 3 patients suffered from the injury of conus medullaris. Conclusion: Distance between the pelvic-leaving points of the superior gluteal nerve and the pudendal nerve is close, so the inferior branch of the gluteal nerve can be anastomosed with the pudendal nerve directly. Transferring the superior gluteal nerve with higher spinal segemental origin to the pudendal nerve of a lower spinal segemental origin is practical and easy.  相似文献   
晚期糖化终产物对糖尿病大鼠肾小球改变的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨晚期糖化终产物(AGEs)与糖尿病肾小球改变的关系。方法 用链脲佐菌素制糖尿病大鼠模型,观察肾小球AGEs、血小板源生长因子-A(PDGF-A)和超微结构的变化。结果 肾小球AGEs从4周起、PDGF-A从8周起增多,12周时,基膜增厚,系膜增宽。氨基胍能降低AGEs含量,减缓肾小球改变。结论 AGEs是肾小球改变的重要原因,其致病过程可能有PDGF-A参与。  相似文献   
小腿骨间膜前面的血管分布及其与穴位的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探讨胫前动脉在骨间膜前面的分支分布及其与穴位“地”部的关系。以乳胶及墨汗灌注血管,在小退骨间膜上,用巨微解剖、图象分析等方法观测了骨间膜血管的分支分布特点。结果:小腿骨间膜有胫前动脉特定的呈节段性的骨间膜支分布;骨间膜支多分布于胆经及胃经沿线,在相当于外踝尖3、4、5、7寸处的血管密度值明显高于各寸之间区域。提示小腿骨间膜血管主要呈节段性分布,骨间膜胆经及胃经沿线穴位区血管较密集。  相似文献   
为比较筋膜皮瓣与普通皮瓣的愈合强度和柔顺性变化,在猪两后肢外侧,设计长宽比为2.5∶1的带蒂筋膜皮瓣或普通皮瓣,术后两型皮瓣愈合处拉力下降,远端切口愈合强度明显低于近端;筋膜皮瓣者高于普通皮瓣相应部位。随愈合时间延长,两型皮瓣切口愈合强度均增加,于第4周末,筋膜皮瓣各部间已无明显差异,普通皮瓣远端者仍不及近端。两型皮瓣术后应力—应变曲线左移、分散。筋膜皮瓣术后各部位曲线分散但差异不显著;普通皮瓣分散且差异显著。筋膜皮瓣具有切口愈合强度大,组织柔顺性好等生物力学特点,适于修复复杂、特殊部位软组织缺损、但长宽比宜有限度  相似文献   
Thirty feet of Chinese adult cadavers were dissected under an operativemicroscope to observe the extensor hallucis brevis and extensor digitorum brevisand their vessels and nerves in order to design myocutaneous flaps.It was be-lieved that the lateral tarsal artery and the lateral branch of the deep peronealnerve are the best choice to be included in the pedicle when muscle flaps ormyocutaneous flaps are to be obtained from the dorsum of foot.The size of themuscles may be enlarged both laterally and medially as the clinicalcondition requires.  相似文献   
足底皮瓣血管神经的巨微解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用手术显微镜观测了50侧成人尸体足底皮肤的血管和神经。足底中间区皮肤的血供主要来源于足底内、外侧动脉。足底外侧动脉发生的皮动脉支数、外径和分布范围都优于足底内侧动脉,设计足底皮瓣时,应予重视。翻起足底皮肤,皮动脉在浅筋膜表面呈点状分布。在足的跟部、蹠骨头部和中部,皮动脉点的外径、单位面积的点数和总截面积,彼此间均有显著差异。这与足底的不同部位承受不同重力的功能密切相关。足底皮动脉大多有一支静脉伴行,它们可经足底内、外侧静脉汇入胫后静脉,也可经足底浅静脉网汇入足背浅静脉。  相似文献   
1983年2月对我校1982年级学员进行了系统解剖学(不包括尚未学习的中枢神经系统部分)的期末考试。821中队参加考试的学员共192人,其中男生160人,女生32人;经高考录取的高中毕业生(下称“地方生”)142人,来自部队的学员(下称“部队生”)50人。考题包括填充题(占30%)、选择题(占30%)、填图题(占10%)、名词解释(占10%)和问答题(占20%)五种类型共55个小  相似文献   
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