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In the present study we observed dynamically and systemically the changes of plasma somatostatin and glucagon in the peripheral and portal vein, and the changes of pancreatic immunopathology in the course of development of cirrhosis induced by CCl_4 and after portacaval shunt (PCS) in the cirrhotic rats as well as investigated their causes and correlationship. The results showed that hyperglucagonemia was caused by spontaneous portosystemic shunting and surgically induced portacaval anastomosis. Moreover, there was much higher level of glucagon in the portal vein with corresponding increase of A cells in PCS rats than those in the controls, indicating that another cause for elevation of glucagon was hypersecretion of pancreatic A cells. Our data demonstrated that both deterioration of liver function and portosystemic shunting might not be responsible for the elevated level of somatostatin in the cirrhotic rats with PCS. However, there was a closed positive correlation between plasma glucagon and somatostatin. Thus it was concluded that hyperglucagonemia stimulated the release of somatostatin. In view of the fact the elevated level of glucagon was much higher than that of somatostatin, there was probably a relative lack of somatostatin in cirrhosis with portal hypertension.  相似文献   
患者汪某,女,28岁,未婚,因腹痛18小时伴恶心呕吐,左下腹触及5×4×4cm肿块并有明显压痛,B型超声检查示左卵巢囊肿,拟诊左卵巢囊肿扭转而入院剖腹探查。既往史:患者有阵发性颜面潮红、发热及阵发性腹痛,水样稀大便(与月经及胃  相似文献   
颅骨软骨粘液样纤维瘤较少见。现将我院20多年来遇到的1例报道如下: 周××、男、3岁。住院号:154761。患儿于1976年7月,偶然发现右耳后有一黄豆大小肿块,不痛、不痒,质硬,不活动。半年后肿块增至核桃大小。于1977年1月在外院切除,诊断为“纤维肉瘤”。术后1个月于手术处又  相似文献   
椎管腔内畸胎瘤极为少见,我院于1966及1981年共收治2例,现报告如下。 [例1] 葛××,男性,25岁,院号61605。患者于1956年春出现左下肢酸痛,麻木、无力。卧床休息后好转,半年后腰部酸痛,逐日加重,动则加剧,以致不能行走,伴大小便失控。自幼至18岁有遗尿史。于1966年10月4日住院。检查:左下肢肌萎缩,远端明显,大腿肌力4级左右,小腿伸趾肌力1~2级,肌张力低,膝和跟腱反射消失,股及小腿外侧痛温觉及右大腿内侧痛温觉减退。肛门反射消失,提睾反射存在。左腰背部肌痉挛,无叩痛,活动略受限,脑脊液色清,压力105mmH_2O,蛋白含量204  相似文献   
报道用电磁场进行促进骨愈合的动物实验及临床使用结果。动物实验证实,在2高斯强度磁场的影响下,治疗组与对照组的愈合速度有明显差别,肉眼及显微镜检查都证实前者愈合速度约增速1/3。临床使用58例也支持上述现象。对电流促进骨愈合的机制作了较系统的讨论,并简单介绍目前国际上应用的各种方法。作者认为应用电磁场加速骨折愈合安全可靠,值得临床推广。  相似文献   
在动物实验的基础上,我院自1979年10月开始在临床上应用上海试产的GF—1型管状吻合器,在结直肠手术中,尤其对直肠中、上段癌,有其独到之处。本文就以应用管状吻合器(以下简称吻合器)于结直肠癌12个病例的临床结果和有关实验研究加以报道。  相似文献   
昆明山海棠治疗慢性肾炎的临床及实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
昆明山海棠(Tripterygium hypoglaucum(Lévl.Hutch)系卫茅科雷公藤属植物,是云南省民间常用药之一,具有祛风除湿、舒筋活络、清热解毒之功效。1975年上海和云南相继用昆明山海棠治疗类风湿性关节炎、系统性红斑狼疮等与免疫有关的疾病,发现具有显著的疗效。近年来,有人用于治疗慢性肾炎,发现它对于减少慢性肾炎病人尿蛋白具有较好的作用。我院于1980年7月起采用昆明山海棠  相似文献   
在人体的一定部位施加磁场治疗多种疾病的医疗方法称为磁疗。有关应用磁疗于软组织损伤,近年来已有不少报道,疗效显著且肯定,但对其治疗作用机理研究尚未多见,为此我科作了稀土钴永磁片对家兔耳部  相似文献   
自从选择性腹腔动脉造影及纤维内窥镜检查开展以来,胃肠道血管病变引起出血的报道逐渐增多。本文报告一例结肠血管扩张症引起下消化道反复出血。病例报告患者女性,63岁。于1977年9月14日第四次入院。患者于1969年夏,发现粪便呈果酱或暗红色,无腹痛、腹泻、恶心和呕吐等伴随症状。因出血不止,血红蛋白下降至6克%而住某医院,经输血400毫升后出血停止。钡餐  相似文献   
In order to pinpoint the site causing increased intrahepatic vascular resistance, we observed the relationship between hepatic pathologic changes and free portal pressurre (FPP) during the development of CCl_4-induced liver cirrhosis of rat. The results suggested that the degeneration necrosis and regeneration of liver cells, and consequent stenosis, or obliteration of sinusoidal spaces caused by the swelling and disarrangement of the liver cell plates led to the occurence of portal hypertension, The possibility of pre-or post-sinusoidal obstruction was excluded by the manifestation of the pathologic lesions. It is the authors' belief that the exact site of the increased intrahepatic vascular resistance was most likely at the level of hepatic sinusoids. Furthermore, there was certain positive correlation between plasma glucagon concentration and FPP, indicating that glucagon was also involved in the pathogenesis of portal hypertension.  相似文献   
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