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Hoffa骨折为股骨髁冠状面骨折,是一种临床相对罕见的骨折,属于AO分型的B3型^[1].相对于外髁骨折、股骨内髁后部冠状面骨折更加少见。对于这种骨折,国内外文献报道很少,对其诊断和治疗的认识也存在不足。本院自2001年1月到2008年5月共收治8例,均采用单入路空心钉治疗,效果满意。现报告如下。  相似文献   
目的 研究满足日常生活活动范围条件下,全髋关节假体安装参数优化组合及髋臼安装角度安全范围.方法 建立人工全髋关节三维可视化计算机模型,将髋关节屈曲≥110°、屈曲90°内旋≥30°、后伸≥30°、外旋≥40°定义为日常生活活动范围一般标准;将屈曲≥120°、屈曲90°内旋≥45°、后伸≥30°、外旋≥40°定义为严格标准,头颈直径比变化范围为2~2.92,假体颈前倾角变化范围为0°~30°,髋臼假体外展角变化范围为10°~60°,髋臼前倾角变化范围为0°~70°,计算满足上述两种活动标准,臼杯外展角每变化5°,相应的髋臼假体前倾角,颈干角设定为135°.髋臼前倾角和外展角组合的安全范围定义为满足上述活动范围而没有杯颈撞击的面积.应用SAS6.12统计软件对数据进行分析.结果 髋臼角度安全范围随着头颈比增大而增大;严格标准下的安全范围比一般标准的小.颈干角135°、一般标准活动度,髋臼前倾角平均值与外展角的和加0.816倍颈前倾角等于84.76°;严格标准活动度,髋臼前倾角平均值与外展角的和加0.873倍颈前倾角等于92.04°.结论 大的头颈直径比明显增大髋臼角安全范围的面积.髋关节活动范围要求越高,髋臼角安全范围就越小,但可以通过增大头颈比来纠正.一般标准和严格标准活动度,髋臼前倾角平均值与外展角的和(Y)与颈前倾角(X)的组合分别可通过公式进行估计:Y1=-0.816X1+84.76(R2=0.993),Y2=-0.873X2 +92.04(R2=0.999).  相似文献   
膝关节后交叉韧带(posterior cruciate ligament,PCL)损伤是临床常见的韧带损伤,常合并膝关节后外侧角(posterolateral corner,PLC)损伤,造成明显的膝后向不稳定和外旋不稳定。  相似文献   
股骨头坏死是一种致残率较高的疾病,病情一旦进展到股骨头出现塌陷,非手术治疗很难获得满意疗效,需行人工髋关节置换术。自1988年12月-2004年12月,作者采取人工髋关节置换术治疗晚期股骨头坏死185例(209髋),为总结经验,现对其临床及随访资料作回顾性分析讨论如下。  相似文献   
目的 探讨国人膝关节后外侧角(PLC)中外侧副韧带(LCL)、腘肌腱(PT)股骨止点的位置,以期为临床膝关节PLC重建术中骨隧道的定位及术后骨隧道的评估提供放射学数据.方法选取30具成人尸体膝关节标本,男14具,女16具;死亡年龄为45~71岁,平均55岁.解剖分离出LCL、PT股骨止点,用钢针标记二者止点中心及股骨外上髁后摄股骨侧位X线片.住侧位X线片上建立以Blumensaat线为基准的矩形,用比率的方式测世LCL、PT止点中心在矩形中的位置;另外,测量LCL和PT止点中心与股骨外上髁的距离.结果侧位X线片上LCL止点中心为(14.80±5.76)%和(38.06±4.60)%;PT止点中心为(39.85±6.86)%和(49.27±8.01)%.LCL 止点中心位于股骨外上髁近端(1.16±2.81)mm,后方(3.09±1.45)mm;PT止点中心位于股骨外上髁远端(8.69±2.83)mm,后方(4.07±1.76)mm.结论 LCL和PT的股骨止点中心比较稳定,在侧位X线片上可以被定量描述.
Objective To obtain radiological data of the femoral insertions of the lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and the popliteus tendon (PT) for reconstruction of the posterolateral corner (PLC) .Methods Thirty Chinese cadaveric knees were investigated in our study. They were 14 males and 16 females, with an average death age of 55 (rang, 45 to 71 years). The lateral epicondylar and femoral insertions of LCL and PT were dissected, identified and marked with steel wires before a lateral femoral X-ray was taken.Then the centers of the insertions were recorded as a ratio pattern on a modified reticule which was established on lateral femoral X-rays with the Blumensaat' line as the base reference. The distances from the centers of the insertions to the lateral epicondyle were also measured. Results On the lateral femoral X-ray films, the insertion centers of the LCL and PT were located on the reticule at 14. 80% ±5. 76% , 38. 06% ±4. 60% and 39. 85% ±6. 86% , 49. 27% ±8. 01% , respectively. The LCL insertions were located at a mean distance of 1. 16 ± 2. 81 mm proximally and 3. 09 ± 1. 45 mm posteriorly to the lateral epicondyle, and the PT insertions were located at a mean distance of 8. 69 ± 2. 83 mm distally and 4. 07 ± 1. 76 mm posteriorly to the lateral epicondyle. Conclusion LCL and PT have a consistent pattern of insertion on the femur, which can be quantitatively measured on a lateral femoral X-ray film.  相似文献   
目的 分析高度近视外伤性白内障摘出人工晶状体植入联合后巩膜加固术的效果。方法 观察29例29眼,随访时间最长为7年,最短为半年。为了分析疗效,随机抽查了10例10眼单纯做外伤性白内障摘出人工晶状体植入高度近视患者做为对照。结果 发现联合后巩膜加固术的接受白内障手术者术后视网膜并发症如网膜水肿出血、网脱等发生率明显低于对照组,两组对比差异有显著性意义。结论 联合手术是降低高度近视外伤性白内障术后视网膜并发症,提高手术安全度的有效方法。  相似文献   
目的:比较关节镜下"外-内"缝合法与FasT-Fix缝合系统修复半月板损伤的临床疗效。方法:对77例采用关节镜治疗的半月板损伤患者的病历资料进行回顾性分析,其中Ⅰ组的45例患者的半月板损伤采用"外-内"缝合法进行修复,Ⅱ组的32例患者的半月板损伤采用FasT-Fix缝合系统修复。对两组的手术时间、术中出血量、住院时间、术后体征及Lysholm膝关节评分进行比较。结果:两组患者的术中出血量、住院时间、术后体征比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05),但Ⅱ组手术时间比Ⅰ组短,差异有统计学意义(t=10.200,P=0.001);两组Lysholm膝关节评分比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.002,P=0.961)。结论:"外-内"缝合法与FasT-Fix缝合系统修复半月板损伤,二者的短期临床疗效相近,但后者操作简便、手术时间短。  相似文献   
目的:比较5种不同固定方法治疗不稳定骨盆骨折中前环损伤的生物力学稳定性,为临床治疗提供参考。方法:使用三维有限元方法,建立一侧骶髂关节脱位合并耻骨支骨折的不稳定骨盆骨折模型(Tile C型),模拟前方采用5种不同的固定方法,后方统一采用骶髂螺钉进行固定,并在模拟站立状态下比较分析不同组合固定方法治疗后的骨盆环的von Mises应力及应变分布情况。结果:竖直方向500 N载荷加载后,前方骨折处最大应力3.56 MPa(前方外固定架组),骶髂关节和骨折处总位移和Y轴上垂直位移在应力下均未超过1.5 mm。其中前方经皮入路组和前方外固定架组在内固定、骨折前方、骶髂关节处的最大应力明显大于改良Stoppa入路组、传统的髂腹股沟入路组、空心螺钉组,且在骶髂关节和骨折处的总位移和Y轴上垂直位移也大于其他3组。结论:不稳定性骨盆骨折中的前环损伤在5种组合方法植入物的固定后均能得到明显的改善,但采用改良Stoppa入路、髂腹股沟入路、前方空心钉固定方法治疗前环损伤在生物力学总体性能要优于前方经皮入路和前方外固定架治疗的方法。  相似文献   
Objective: To study the influences of head/neck ratio and femoral antetorsion on the safe-zone of operative acetabular orientations, which meets the criteria for desired range of motion (ROM) for activities of daily living in total hip arthroplasty (THA).
Methods: A three-dimensional generic, parametric and kinematic simulation module of THA was developed to analyze the cup safe-zone and the optimum combination of cup and neck antetorsion. A ROM of flexion ≥ 120°, internal rotation ≥ 45° at 90° flexion, extension ≥ 30° and external rotation ≥ 40° was defined as the criteria for desired ROM for activities of daily living. The cup safe-zone was defined as the area that fulfills all the criteria of desired ROM before the neck impinged on the liner of the cup. For a fixed stemneck (CCD)-angle of 130°, theoretical safe-zones fulfilling the desired ROM were investigated at different general headneck ratios (GR=2, 2.17, 2.37, 2.61 and 2.92) and femoral anteversions (FA=0°, 10°, 20° and 30°).
Results: Large GRs greatly increased the size of safezones and when the CCD-angle was 130°, a GR〉2.37 could further increase the size of safe-zones. There was a complexinterplay between the orientation angles of the femoral and acetabular components. When the CCD-angle was 130°, the optimum relationship between operative acetabular anteversion (OA) and femoral antetorsion (FA) could be estimated by the formula: OA=-0.80×FA+47.06, and the minimum allowable operative acetabular inclination (OImin) would be more than 2 10.5 ×GR^-2255.
Conclusions: Large GRs greatly increase the size of safe-zones and it is recommended that the GR be more than 2.37 so as to extend the acceptable range of error that surgeons cannot avoid completely during operation. As to the optimum operative acetabular inclination (OI), surgeons need to make a decision combining with other factors, including stress distribution, soft tissue and cup wear conditions, as well as patients' individual situations and demands. The data obtained from this study and the module of THA can be used to assist surgeons to choose and implant appropriate implants.  相似文献   
骨关节炎生物标记物COMP的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
朱台航  蔡春元  张雷 《中国骨伤》2010,23(12):959-961
血清寡聚基质蛋白(COMP)是骨性关节炎的一个潜在的生物标记物,迄今为止COMP是最先研究的且一直被认为能较好反映骨性关节炎发生、进展及预后情况的生物学指标。本文简要阐述其多重用途,并总结先前的研究报道以促进对COMP的进一步研究。  相似文献   
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