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王遂山 《中国医药指南》2013,(12):406-406,408
目的分析出血脑梗死老年患者临床疗效。方法通过观察我院66例出血脑梗死老年患者的临床治疗效果,分析其疗效。结果 66例出血脑梗死老年患者中,有45名治疗痊愈已出院,11名留院观察,虽有轻微的口眼歪斜和语言障碍,但生活基本上可以自理,5名有半身不遂和偏瘫后遗症患者已出院,与入院时比较,有了很大好转,另有5名患者因肺部感染严重和大量出血,没有及时治疗导致死亡。结论出血脑梗死老年患者发病的时间短,其症状就会很严重,所以,对患者及时的进行诊断治疗是减少出血脑梗死老年患者病死率的关键。  相似文献   
目的探讨影响脑出血急性期血肿扩大的相关因素。方法回顾分析我科近四年来收治的486例脑出血患者中136例急性期病情加重者的临床资料。结果血肿形态不规则、丘脑部位出血、血压过高超早期应用大剂量甘露醇等脱水剂病例血肿扩大发生率高。急性期血肿扩大患者死亡率高。结论导致脑出血急性期血肿扩大的相关因素较多,急性期血肿扩大是导致病情加重及死亡的主要因素,正确判断急性期血肿扩大因素将有助于改善预后。  相似文献   
目的对他汀类药物在缺血性卒中及短暂性脑缺血发作二级预防中的作用进行评价分析,为今后的临床预防以及合理用药工作提供可靠的参考依据。方法 抽取在2010年1月至2012年12月间本院收治的缺血性卒中/短暂性脑缺血发作患者218例,将其按照病情程度分成高危组、极高危Ⅱ组、极高危Ⅰ组,对这三组患者入院后与随访3个月的临床用药情况进行统计分析。结果本组218例患者中在住院期间预防性应用他汀类药物者115例,应用率为52.75%,其中极高危Ⅰ组他汀类药物应用与指南的符合率较高危组与极高危Ⅱ组高(P<0.05);随访3个月后,他汀类药物应用者为49例,应用率为22.48%,较住院期间发生显著降低(P<0.05)。结论在预防缺血性脑卒中和短暂性脑缺血发作时他汀类药物发挥了重要作用,降低了复发率,然其二级预防中用药依从性较差,与应用指南符合率较低,临床应予以注意,做好预防工作,合理用药,以改善患者预后。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effects of electro-acupuncture on muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs of stroke survivors.Methods Seventy-two stroke survivors with flaccid,paralytic limbs were divided randomly into a control group and an electro-acupuncture group.Both grourps received routine therapy and rehabilitation training,but the electro-acupuncture group was also treated with electro-acupuncture.Muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs in both groups were evaluated by modified Ashworth scale (MAS)and Fugl-Meyer scores before treatment and at the end of 4 weeks.Results After treatment,in 24 patients of the electro-acupuncture group and 10 patients of the control group muscular tension had increased 1-2 grades.The effectiveness rate(68.57%)in the electro-acupuncture group wag higher significantly than that(27.03%)in the control group(P<0.01).Fugl-Meyer scores in the electro-acupuncture group were significantlv higher than those in the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion Electro-acupuncture supplementing traditional rehabilitation improves muscle tension in flaccid,paralytic limbs and promotes the recovery of motor flunction after stroke.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effects of electro-acupuncture on muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs of stroke survivors.Methods Seventy-two stroke survivors with flaccid,paralytic limbs were divided randomly into a control group and an electro-acupuncture group.Both grourps received routine therapy and rehabilitation training,but the electro-acupuncture group was also treated with electro-acupuncture.Muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs in both groups were evaluated by modified Ashworth scale (MAS)and Fugl-Meyer scores before treatment and at the end of 4 weeks.Results After treatment,in 24 patients of the electro-acupuncture group and 10 patients of the control group muscular tension had increased 1-2 grades.The effectiveness rate(68.57%)in the electro-acupuncture group wag higher significantly than that(27.03%)in the control group(P<0.01).Fugl-Meyer scores in the electro-acupuncture group were significantlv higher than those in the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion Electro-acupuncture supplementing traditional rehabilitation improves muscle tension in flaccid,paralytic limbs and promotes the recovery of motor flunction after stroke.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effects of electro-acupuncture on muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs of stroke survivors.Methods Seventy-two stroke survivors with flaccid,paralytic limbs were divided randomly into a control group and an electro-acupuncture group.Both grourps received routine therapy and rehabilitation training,but the electro-acupuncture group was also treated with electro-acupuncture.Muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs in both groups were evaluated by modified Ashworth scale (MAS)and Fugl-Meyer scores before treatment and at the end of 4 weeks.Results After treatment,in 24 patients of the electro-acupuncture group and 10 patients of the control group muscular tension had increased 1-2 grades.The effectiveness rate(68.57%)in the electro-acupuncture group wag higher significantly than that(27.03%)in the control group(P<0.01).Fugl-Meyer scores in the electro-acupuncture group were significantlv higher than those in the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion Electro-acupuncture supplementing traditional rehabilitation improves muscle tension in flaccid,paralytic limbs and promotes the recovery of motor flunction after stroke.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effects of electro-acupuncture on muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs of stroke survivors.Methods Seventy-two stroke survivors with flaccid,paralytic limbs were divided randomly into a control group and an electro-acupuncture group.Both grourps received routine therapy and rehabilitation training,but the electro-acupuncture group was also treated with electro-acupuncture.Muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs in both groups were evaluated by modified Ashworth scale (MAS)and Fugl-Meyer scores before treatment and at the end of 4 weeks.Results After treatment,in 24 patients of the electro-acupuncture group and 10 patients of the control group muscular tension had increased 1-2 grades.The effectiveness rate(68.57%)in the electro-acupuncture group wag higher significantly than that(27.03%)in the control group(P<0.01).Fugl-Meyer scores in the electro-acupuncture group were significantlv higher than those in the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion Electro-acupuncture supplementing traditional rehabilitation improves muscle tension in flaccid,paralytic limbs and promotes the recovery of motor flunction after stroke.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effects of electro-acupuncture on muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs of stroke survivors.Methods Seventy-two stroke survivors with flaccid,paralytic limbs were divided randomly into a control group and an electro-acupuncture group.Both grourps received routine therapy and rehabilitation training,but the electro-acupuncture group was also treated with electro-acupuncture.Muscular tension and motor function in the flaccid,paralytic limbs in both groups were evaluated by modified Ashworth scale (MAS)and Fugl-Meyer scores before treatment and at the end of 4 weeks.Results After treatment,in 24 patients of the electro-acupuncture group and 10 patients of the control group muscular tension had increased 1-2 grades.The effectiveness rate(68.57%)in the electro-acupuncture group wag higher significantly than that(27.03%)in the control group(P<0.01).Fugl-Meyer scores in the electro-acupuncture group were significantlv higher than those in the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion Electro-acupuncture supplementing traditional rehabilitation improves muscle tension in flaccid,paralytic limbs and promotes the recovery of motor flunction after stroke.  相似文献   
目的研究电针对脑卒中患者软瘫肢体肌张力及运动功能的影响。 方法共选取脑卒中软瘫患者72例,将其随机分为对照组及电针组。对照组患者给予常规药物治疗及康复训练;电针组患者在此基础上辅以电针治疗。于治疗前及治疗4周后采用改良Ashworth痉挛量表(MAS)及简化Fugl-Meyer量表对患者偏瘫肢体肌张力及运动功能进行评定。 结果治疗后电针组和对照组分别有24例和10例患者偏瘫肢体肌张力由0级升高至1~2级,且电针组治疗有效率(68.57%)明显高于对照组(27.03%),组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);治疗后2组患者偏瘫肢体运动功能均较治疗前明显改善,电针组的改善幅度也显著优于对照组,组间差异亦有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论电针治疗可显著改善软瘫期脑卒中患者肢体肌张力,促进偏瘫肢体运动功能恢复。  相似文献   
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