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目的 探讨EnSite NavX系统高密度标测对房性心动过速(房速)射频导管消融的指导作用.方法 17例房速患者,平均年龄(45.9±16.9)岁,男性15例,女性2例.心动过速均呈持续性发作,应用EnSite NavX系统于心房进行高密度标测,建立激动图.对于折返性房速,线性消融关键峡部或传导通道(channel),对于局灶性房速,点消融局部最早心房激动区域.结果 17例患者中,共标测到19种房速,周长为(254±49)ms,平均取点(316±90)个,标测时间为(8.4±2.6)min,建立19种激动图 激动图显示大折返性房速10种,局灶性房速9种 19种房速中,18种即时消融成功 无标测与消融相关并发症发生.随访(3.0±1.6)个月,2例服用胺碘酮可预防发作(1例患者房速复发,1例患者术中有1种房速未消融成功).结论 EnSite NavX系统高密度标测对心动过速机制可作出快速、准确的判断,有助于确定消融靶点,提高消融成功率.  相似文献   
目的 研究≤65岁非瓣膜病性心房颤动(AF)患者左心房(LA)和心耳(LAA)内血栓形成的危险因素,为临床干预提供依据.方法 选择2005年1月至2008年4月广东省心血管病研究所住院的208例非瓣膜性AF患者,根据食管超声(TEE)结果分为两组:LA和LAA血栓组(23例)和无血栓组(185例).对患者既往病史、烟酒嗜好、临床检验指标和超声影像学指标等相关因素进行单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析.结果 血栓组和无血栓组左心房内径为(42.2±6.5)mm比(34.9±4.4)mm,P=0.000);左室舒张未内径为(48.5±5.7)mm比(45.7±4.1)mm,P=0.000;左室射血分数为(59.3±1.3)mm比(65.1±6.6)mm,P=0.050;纤维蛋白原为(3.5±1.0)g/L比(3.0±0.7)g/L,P=0.000;脑梗死和短暂性脑缺血史分别为6/23、7/185,P=0.000;胸片心胸比增大分别为20/23、60/185(P=0.000).Logistic回归分析发现左心房内径(OR=1.211,95%C/1.062~1.381),胸片心胸比(OR=5.242,95%CI 1.138~24.144),脑梗死和短暂性脑缺血发作史(OR=5.881,95%CI 1.152~30.008)和纤维蛋白原量(OR=2.242,95%CI 1.152~4.805)是LA和LAA内血栓形成独立危险因素(P<0.05).结论 当≤65岁非瓣膜性AF患者有血栓形成的独立危险因素时应该加强抗凝治疗,以预防左心房血栓.  相似文献   
Catheter ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) remains a challenging task.The long-term clini-cal outcome and predictors for the recurrence of atrial arrhythmias after ablation has not been consistent.Methods We analyzed the clinical outcome of 103 consecutive patients with a follow-up > 12 months who underwent catheter ablation for persistent AF.We studied their clinical data in terms of age,AF duration,concomitant dieases (hypertension,dia-betes or mitral insuffciency) ,left atrial diameter,cath...  相似文献   
植入心律转复除颤器病人认知行为疗法护理   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
对5例植入心律转复除颠器(ICD)病人,于安装ICD术前、术后及随访时,运用认知行为疗法原理,通过端正认知、积极面对现实、互相帮助等方法进行心理护理,使病人表现为逃避症状的心理转化为能坦然地面对顺其自然地接受及治疗,有效地缓解了心理压力,防止及缓解了ICD病人的术前、术后的恐惧、焦虑及忧郁等不良心理障碍,尤其是对于经历过电击的病人效果显著。  相似文献   
目的 对47例阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)用常规电生理标测和导管射频消融(RFCA)未成功者改用Swartz鞘作为支撑,探讨Swartz鞘在提高PSVT消融成功率中作用。方法右房房性心动过速(AT)和房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)慢径路消融用SRoSwartz鞘,左侧房室旁路(AP)并房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)穿房阿隔后用SL,鞘,右侧AP据不同部位用SR4、SR2、SR3鞘。结果47例PSVT常规方法消融未成功者其中46例改用Swartz鞘作支撑后获得成功。结论 Swartz鞘的使用明显提高PSVT患者RFCA的成功率。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one.  相似文献   
目的 报道5例右室间隔特发性室性心动过速的电生理标测及射频消融治疗。方法 用7FEPT温控大头电极导管进行消融,心动过速时在右室后间隔标侧到明显提前的P电位处为消融靶点,以温控50~55℃、功率30~35W放电。3s心动过速终止,巩固放电40s,然后行常规心内电生理检查,不能诱发心动过速作为消融终点。术后口服Aspirin 0.1g/d 1个月。结果 放电消融5s内心动过速终止,巩固放电40s,消融前后体表心电图无明显改变。术后心室S1S2程序刺激,静脉滴注异丙肾上腺素后,重复上述刺激,均不能诱发心动过速,射频消融成功。随访4~22个月,无心动过速发作,无并发症出现。结论 (1)在右室后间隔也能形成类似于左室后间隔的特发性室性心动过速,在标测到明显提前的P电位处消融容易获得成功。(2)右室特发性室性心动过速在心动过速时也有典型的体表心电图特征。(3)此型室性心动过速应与束支折返性室性心动过速相鉴别。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one.  相似文献   
慢旁道与快旁道并存的复杂心电图分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道1例慢传导旁道(简称慢旁道)与快传导旁道(简称快旁道)并存的病例,并分析讨论了其复杂的心内电生理现象。病例资料与电生理检查结果患者女性,30岁,于1996年12月行心内电生理和射频消融术。患者心动过速发作史5年,近1年发作频繁,发作为室上性心动过速,频率170次/分左右。术中各电生理检查导管到位后,即因导管机械刺激诱发心动过速,心内电图见最早道传A波出现于冠状窦近端(参见图2),故首先考虑为左后壁隐匿性旁道参与的房室折返性心动过速。终止心动过速后,以550-250Ins多个周长起搏右心室,发现550-450Ins周长起…  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one.  相似文献   
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