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目的 观察思密达治疗小儿严重烧伤并发腹泻的疗效。方法 对照组25 例按常规治疗,治疗组25 例在常规治疗基础上口服思密达。结果 治疗组显效率(64 % )明显优于对照组(32 %) 。结论 思密达治疗小儿烧伤并发腹泻疗效显著。  相似文献   
对临床误诊、误治病案的分析不仅可以提高辨证论治的准确率,而且可以加深对基本知识,基础理论的理解,提高临床诊断水平,笔者结合自己的临床经验及学习体会,对中医误案成因的分析略陈管见如下:1主观臆断医者临证,不是完全根据四诊所得去辨证,而是胸中先有定见,在...  相似文献   
熊锡元  娄明志 《医学新知杂志》2006,16(2):120-120,122
梅尼埃病(MD)又称膜迷路积水。该病引起的耳聋多数发生永久性耳蜗及前庭损害。早期听力损失程度轻而患者容易忽视,随病情的发展,听力损失呈现一种特殊的波动。为进一步了解MD患者的听力变化规律,我们收集了1995~2005年我科MD患者116例,对其纯音测听的听力进行统计分析,现报告如下。  相似文献   
2021年9月8日, 太原钢铁(集团)有限公司总医院收治1例18岁男性高压电烧伤导致头面颈部严重毁损伤患者。基于皮瓣经济学理论, 术前针对皮瓣供区、移植方式进行优化评价后, 行头面颈部创面清创+坏死颅骨去除+超大背阔肌肌皮瓣游离移植+左大腿薄中厚皮片移植术, 并将超大的供瓣区创面直接缝合。该术式在保证修复效果前提下, 最大限度地减轻了供区的不良后果。术后患者病情平稳, 皮瓣及皮片存活良好, 创面修复效果良好, 供瓣区瘢痕轻微, 上肢无功能障碍。  相似文献   
陈钟  明志祥  戴向华  朱李瑢 《中华实验外科杂志》2001,26(1):904-907,插图7-3
Objective To explore the effect on blood vessel regeneration of distal esophagus in ca-nines of portal hypertension with liver cirrhosis after different procedures with paraesophagastrie devascular-ization. Methods Portal hypertension models were produced in canines by subcutaneous injection of 60% CC14 combined with food restriction. Forty eight model canines were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A, traditional paraesophagastrie devascularization;group B, selective paraesophagastric devascularization;group C, paraesophagastric devascularization plus distal esophageal transaction and reanastomosis with sta-pler;group D,control group. Every group had 12 canines which were randomly divided into A1 ,B1 ,C1 ,D1, A2,B2,C2 and D2 groups after the operation. Canines in groups A1 ,B1 ,C1 and D1 were executed at first month after the operation,and those in groups A2, B2, C2 and D2 were executed at the 6th month after the operation. The distal esophagus was segmented when the canines were executed. The upside and downside of the stoma in group C were distinguished and signed as Ca and Cb. Immunohistochemieal methods were used to detect VEGF,CD34 and FVⅧ-Rag,blood vessel-related factors,in lower esophagus. Results The expres-sion levels of VEGF and CD34 MVD,FⅧ-Rag MVD in groups A1 ,B1 and C1 were lower than those in group D1 one month after the operation (P <0.05). All the indices in group B1 were lower than those in groups A1 and Clb,but higher than those in group Cla (P <0.05). The indices in group Cla were lower than those in group C1b (P < 0.05 ). The indices in groups A2 and B2 were higher than those in groups A1 and B1, re-spectively at the 6th month after the operation (P <0.05). They were higer in outer membrane in group C1a than in group C2a (P <0.05). The indices in group C2b were higher than those in group Clb (P<0.05). Conclusion At the first month after operation, the expression of blood vessel-related factors was declined in three different procedures of paraesophagastric devascularization,which indicated that all three different pro-cedures could diminish the vessels in distal esophagus. The effect in group C was most obvious among all groups. At the 6th month after traditional paraesophagastrie devascularization and selective paraesophagastrie devascularization, the expression of blood vessel-related factors in distal esophagus was declined. But there were no significant changes in the expression of blood vessel-related factors in distal esophagus after parae-sophagastric devascularization plus distal esophageal transaction and reanastomosis with stapler. It indicated that the blood vessel regeneration in paraesophagastric devascularization pins distal esophageal transaction and reanastomosis with stapler was inferior to that in other procedures.  相似文献   
对老年期酒精所致精神障碍的特点进行临床观察。   1 临床资料   我院1983~1997年首次住院,符合CCMD-2-R酒精所致精神障碍诊断标准的患者。以年龄60岁以上者为老年组,共50例,男49例,女1例;年龄60~72岁,平均64.3岁;60岁以前即嗜酒者5例。以同期住院非老年者50例为对照(非老年组),均为男性;年龄22~59岁,平均41.6岁。老年组诊断为酒中毒性幻觉症28例,酒中毒性妄想症10例,酒中毒性痴呆7例,震颤谵妄3例,科萨科夫综合征2例;非老年组分别为32、15、2、1及0例。  相似文献   
目的 了解退役军人抑郁、焦虑和创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)风险状况及影响因素,为该群体的心理健康促进提供参考依据.方法 于2019年对中国30个省(自治区、直辖市)的退役军人进行抽样调查,收回有效问卷1045份,采用流调中心抑郁量表简版(CESD-9)、广泛性焦虑量表简版(GAD-2)、PTSD风险问卷对心理健康状况进行...  相似文献   
近年研究发现,α受体是一类非阿片1非多巴胺受体,其结构,生理与生化功能和药理学作用尚不十分清楚。许多肿瘤如恶性黑色素瘤、乳癌前列腺癌、非小细胞肺癌、结肠癌肾癌以及来自神经组织的肿瘤均含有高密度的α受体。因此,研制具有高亲和性,高选择性的α受体配体已成为分子核医学的热点之一。这不仅可以对α受体的生化和生理功能以及药理作用民可作为α受体阳性肿瘤的显像剂甚至治疗剂。  相似文献   
背景与目的:细胞因子诱导的肿瘤杀伤细胞(cytokine-induced killer cells,CIK cells)对肝癌细胞具有较强的抗肿瘤活性,联合CIK细胞疗法是否能够进一步消除介入治疗后的残留癌细胞或降低介入治疗后的复发率仍需进一步研究证实.本研究拟评价肝动脉栓塞化疗(transcatheter arterial chemoembolization,TACE)联合CIK细胞疗法对肝癌的疗效.方法:146例有TACE指征而无手术切除指征的原发性肝癌患者被分为TACE联合CIK组(72例)及单纯TACE组(74例),并接受相应治疗.主要评价终点指标为无进展生存率和总生存率.结果:联合组半年、1年、2年无进展生存率分别为72.2%、40.4%、25.3%,单纯TACE组分别为34.8%、7.7%、2.6%.两组中位疾病进展时间分别是11个月(95%CI,8~14个月)和5个月(95%CI,4~7个月).联合组半年、1年、2年总生存率分别为90.3%、71.9%、62.4%,单纯TACE组分别为74.6%、42.8%、18.8%.两组中位生存期分别是31个月(95%CI,27~35个月)和10个月(95%CI.7~13个月).TACE次数、ECOG评分状态和CIK细胞免疫治疗是独立的预后因素.结论:TACE联合CIK细胞免疫治疗能明显提高TACE的疗效,在延长无进展生存和总生存期方面起着重要作用.  相似文献   
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