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三维数字减影血管造影在颅内动脉瘤诊断和治疗中的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨三维数字减影血管造影(3D-DSA)在颅内动脉瘤的诊断及制定治疗策略中的价值。方法选择急性蛛网膜下腔出血并疑似颅内动脉瘤的患者53例,在常规数字减影血管造影(2D-DSA)的基础上行3D-DSA检查,根据造影结果制定相关治疗策略。结果53例患者中经3D-DSA证实共检出45例57个动脉瘤,3D-DSA较2D-DSA能更好地显示动脉瘤立体形态、载瘤动脉与毗邻血管的关系、瘤颈及其与载瘤血管关系,准确判断动脉瘤血管内治疗和外科手术夹闭的可行性,并为栓塞或支架置入提供最佳工作角度。结论3D-DSA可提高颅内动脉瘤特别是<2mm动脉瘤的检出率,为制定颅内动脉瘤的治疗策略提供准确、有效的信息,从而进一步提高动脉瘤血管内治疗和手术的安全性。  相似文献   
目的探讨和分析颅内动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者手术前病情加重的相关危险因素。方法选择2002年5月-2006年3月诊断明确的189例动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者,均于首次发病后2周内接受手术治疗。根据手术前Hunt-Hess分级分为颅内动脉瘤手术前病情加重组(27例)和手术前病情未加重组(162例)。通过Logistic回归方程对11项与蛛网膜下腔出血相关的危险因素进行分析,从中归纳总结出与手术前病情加重最为相关的危险因素。结果颅内动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血首诊Hunt-Hess分级(OR=2.739,95%CI:1.721~4.359;P=0.000)、意识障碍(OR=4.863,95%CI:1.687~14.020;P=0.003)和运动功能障碍(OR=3.579,95%CI:1.064~12.042;P=0.039)等3项因素与动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者手术前病情加重相关;而与性别、年龄、失语、脑积水、脑内或脑室出血及高血压病史等因素无关,两组相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论首诊Hunt-Hess分级≥3级、意识障碍和运动功能障碍等项指标可以作为预测动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者手术前病情加重的独立危险因素,对预测患者病情的变化具有重要临床意义。  相似文献   
吲哚菁绿术中荧光血管造影在颅内动脉瘤手术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨吲哚菁绿术中荧光血管造影在颅内动脉瘤于术中的应用,减少术后并发症,提高手术的安全性.方法 回顾性总结18例25个颅内动脉瘤.术中动脉瘤夹闭前后均行吲哚菁绿荧光血管造影检查,根据造影结果,必要时调整动脉瘤夹.术后复查CT判断有无缺血梗死,复查DSA或CTA判断动脉瘤夹闭情况.结果 术中荧光血管造影发现动脉瘤残颈1例,载瘤动脉狭窄2例,远端分支狭窄1例,穿通支闭寨1例,均根据造影结果及时调整动脉瘤夹.术后复查CT无缺血性梗死出现,1例术后因动脉瘤夹闭不全出血,二次手术清除血肿,并调整动脉瘤火.16例复查DSA或CTA见动脉瘤夹闭完全,架桥血管通畅.结论 吲哚菁绿术中荧光血管造影对于判断载瘤动脉是否狭窄、动脉瘤是否有残颈、动脉瘤远端血管和穿支血管是否狭窄或闭寒、架桥血管是否通畅有重要的参考价值,可有效的减少术后并发症,提高手术的安全性,足一种方便快捷、安全有效的术中血管造影技术.  相似文献   
1996年1月—2000年11月,本院采用侧切法治疗陈旧性肛裂52例,疗效比较满意,现总结报告如下。 1 一般资料 本组52例中,男28例,女24例;年龄19~57岁,其中20~40岁41例,占78.8%;病程0.5~35年,其中1~5年47例,占90.4%。并发哨兵痔合并肛乳头肥大22例;合并肛裂瘘2例。 2 手术方法 患者取侧卧位,常规消毒,局麻,扩肛2min。用手术刀从截石位5或7点作一放射状切口,小弯钳挑出并切断外括约肌皮下部及部分内括约肌,形成一开放……  相似文献   
一般资料 男16例,女19例。年龄13~59岁,平均42.5岁。病程3个月~20年,平均28个月。以面部麻木为首发症状的有31例,占89%。其次为复视、小脑症状。 肿瘤直径小于 4cm 6例;4~6cm例;大于6cm 8例。最大的 1例为 12cm。根据肿瘤生长部位可分为 4型[1,2]:①中颅窝型 11例,其中侵及海绵窦4例;②中-后颅窝哑铃型19例,其中有2例侵及海绵窦;③后颅窝型5例;④颅内外型2例,主体位于中颅窝,突破颅底侵入眼眶1例;侵入上颌窦1例。 手术方法与结果 颞下入路切除中颅窝型三叉神经…  相似文献   
目的探讨神经外科术后颅内感染的防治方法。方法回顾性分析我科术后发生颅内感染的87例临床资料。结果 87例患者经治疗后83例(95.4%)治愈,2例(2.3%)死亡,2例(2.3%)自动出院。结论及时有效的预防和治疗是减少后遗症、提高患者生活质量的关键。  相似文献   
椎管内肠源性囊肿的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的提高对肠源性囊肿的诊治水平.方法回顾分析11例肠源性囊肿的临床表现、磁共振(MRI)特点和手术结果.结果发现11例均有不同程度的肢体活动障碍,病理征阳性,9例伴有神经根痛,2例病程大于3年者,症状发作性出现,可自行缓解.MRI可清晰显示囊肿及其周围结构.囊肿通常表现为稍长T1、长T2均匀信号.11例中8例全切,3例次全切,残留与脊髓粘连甚紧之小片囊壁.所有病例术后神经功能恢复良好.结论肠源性囊肿是少见的先天性疾患,多发生于颈段椎管硬膜下脊髓腹侧,常伴有脊椎畸形.MRI是最方便有效的检查工具.手术切除囊肿,神经功能多能恢复.  相似文献   
目的 评价高场强术中磁共振(iMRI)对脑胶质瘤手术切除程度及手术策略的影响.方法 解放军总医院神经外科自2009年10月至2010年6月将高场强iMRI系统应用于胶质瘤切除术患者106例,术前了解术者的切除意图(全切、次全切、大部切除),术前1 d患者常规行MRI扫描,应用影像数据和软件计算术前肿瘤体积,术中常规使用神经导航手术,依据术者的需求采集影像.必要时行iMRI扫描计算术中残余肿瘤体积和肿瘤体积切除百分比,分析使用iMRI对肿瘤切除程度、手术策略的影响.结果 术前计划全切48例,次全切41例,大部切除17例.术中第一次扫描示42例(39.6%)完全切除,64例(60.4%)仍有残留,其中25例由于肿瘤与重要功能区或重要传导束紧邻而未作进一步切除,其余39例(36.8%)改进手术策略,标记出残留肿瘤后进一步手术,25例(23.6%)胶质瘤最终全切除,肿瘤体积切除百分比由(76.5±20.5)%提高到(94.2±8.7)%,差异有统计学意义(U=2.000,P=0.000);最终实际全切67例,次全切25例,大部切除14例,全切率有所提高.106例患者平均肿瘤体积切除百分比由第一次扫描时的(86.3±20.2)%提高到最终扫描时的(93.6±12.4)%,差异有统计学意义(U=4.000,p=0.000).结论 高场强iMRI的应用可显著提高脑胶质瘤的切除程度,改进手术策略.
Objective To evaluate the impact of high-field intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI) on extension of resection and surgical strategy modification for glioma surgery. Methods One hundred and six patients, admitted to our hospital from October 2009 to June 2010, were performed glioma resections with the help of high-field iMRI. Questionnaires were filled and collected prospectively to record the surgeons' intention on the extent of resection (EoR) and the intra-operative estimation of EoR before every iMRI scan. The scan imagings were collected based on the request of the surgeon, and the percentage of tumor removal was calculated according to the iMRI data. The impact of iMRI on the tumor EoR and modification of surgical strategy was then evaluated. Results Preoperatively, 48 patients were intended to achieve total tumor removal, 41 sub-total tumor removal, and 17 partial removal. The first intraoperative MRI scan revealed that 42 (39.6%) patients achieved complete resection, while residual tumors were depicted in 64 (60.4%).Further tumor resections were performed in 39 patients (36.8%), but the other 25 patients could not perform further resection for their tumors were closely neighbored to the important functional region or important tracts. Finally, in the whole cohort, the percentage of tumor resection volume was increased from (76.5±20.5)% to (94.2±8.7)%, with significant differences (U=2.000, P=0.000); 67 patients got complete removal, 25 sub-total removal and 14 partial removal; The total removal rate was significantly increased from 45.3% (48/106) to 63.2% (67/106): the average percentage of tumor resection volume in the second time of scan ([93.6±12.41%) was obviously increased as compared with that in the first scan ([86.3±20.21%, U=4.000, P=0.000). Conclusion High-field iMRI may increase the extent of glioma resection, and has significant impact on the intraoperative modification of the surgical strategy.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the impact of high-field intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI) on extension of resection and surgical strategy modification for glioma surgery. Methods One hundred and six patients, admitted to our hospital from October 2009 to June 2010, were performed glioma resections with the help of high-field iMRI. Questionnaires were filled and collected prospectively to record the surgeons' intention on the extent of resection (EoR) and the intra-operative estimation of EoR before every iMRI scan. The scan imagings were collected based on the request of the surgeon, and the percentage of tumor removal was calculated according to the iMRI data. The impact of iMRI on the tumor EoR and modification of surgical strategy was then evaluated. Results Preoperatively, 48 patients were intended to achieve total tumor removal, 41 sub-total tumor removal, and 17 partial removal. The first intraoperative MRI scan revealed that 42 (39.6%) patients achieved complete resection, while residual tumors were depicted in 64 (60.4%).Further tumor resections were performed in 39 patients (36.8%), but the other 25 patients could not perform further resection for their tumors were closely neighbored to the important functional region or important tracts. Finally, in the whole cohort, the percentage of tumor resection volume was increased from (76.5±20.5)% to (94.2±8.7)%, with significant differences (U=2.000, P=0.000); 67 patients got complete removal, 25 sub-total removal and 14 partial removal; The total removal rate was significantly increased from 45.3% (48/106) to 63.2% (67/106): the average percentage of tumor resection volume in the second time of scan ([93.6±12.41%) was obviously increased as compared with that in the first scan ([86.3±20.21%, U=4.000, P=0.000). Conclusion High-field iMRI may increase the extent of glioma resection, and has significant impact on the intraoperative modification of the surgical strategy.  相似文献   
目的:评价神经导航系统在大脑前动脉远端动脉瘤夹闭术中的作用.方法:2010年5月~2011年11月间,我科在神经导航系统辅助下夹闭大脑前动脉远端动脉瘤4例,其中动脉瘤位于A2段者2例,位于A3段者2例.结果:导航的精度为0.6~2.0mm(平均1.3mm),4例动脉瘤均成功定位,未出现术中动脉瘤破裂,动脉瘤均成功夹闭,未出见手术并发症.患者术后均恢复良好.结论:大脑前动脉远端动脉瘤是使用神经导航系统的适应证,可减少手术创伤、提高手术成功率、降低并发症的发生.  相似文献   
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