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Background:Epiduralinjectionisanimportantmethodintreatmentofprotrusionoflumbarintervertebraldisc.Especiallyintherecentdecadesacralinjectionisadoptedmoreandmoreoften.Objecive:Tocomparetheclinicaleffectsofsacralblockingandmassagecombinedwithtraction.Unit:YinheHospitalofBeijing.Subjects:290outpatientswithgradeIIofASAIwereselectedfromMay,1994toJuly,2000.Patientswererandomlydividedintoobservationgroup(n=145)andcontrolgroup(n=145).Sacralblockingwasadoptedinobservationgroupand80malesand65female…  相似文献   
目的:评价FSRT(Fractionated stereotactic redlotherapy)分次立体定向放射治疗在鼻咽癌放疗后残存与复发病变的临床应用价值。方法:对49例鼻咽癌放射治疗后局部残存、与复发病变的患者.应用拓能公司生产的立体定向放射治疗系统.设计多方位、非共面、固定适形野立体定向照射计划。结果:全部49例患者CR为53.06%.PR为34.69%.NC为12.2%.局部控制有效率为87.75%.1、2、3年生存率分别为91.84%、61.22%、38.78%。结论:分次立体定向放射治疗在鼻咽癌放疗后残存与复发病变的临床应用中.是一种有效的方法。  相似文献   
手辅助腹腔镜取肾的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探索和运用手辅助腹腔镜技术切除供肾并行肾移植术 ,了解该方法的优缺点及临床应用的可行性。方法 用成年狗作动物实验进行手辅助腹腔镜供肾切除术并移植 ,观察并记录手术时间 ,供肾热缺血时间 ,移植肾功能恢复情况及供者的康复情况等。结果 实验狗术后均存活 ,供肾切除手术时间平均 13 2min ;肾热缺血时间平均 83s ,移植肾再灌注后排尿时间平均 74s。结论 手辅助腹腔镜活体供肾切除术易于掌握 ;手术时间短 ;供肾热缺血时间短 ,质量好 ;供肾者手术创伤小 ,术后恢复快 ;是临床值得推广应用的一种活体供肾切除方法  相似文献   
<正> 目前国内用高压氧治疗一氧化碳中毒的急性期病人治愈率为95.3%~96.8%,后续症的冶愈率可达71%。我院自1991年引进宁波医技设备厂生产的DYC750A型单人高压氧仓治疗急性一氧化碳中毒及其后续症,由于单仓治疗的局限性,如医护人员不能进入仓内,在氧疗同时抢救休克及呼吸衰竭,痰多时不能及时疏通气道等,急性期的治愈率为90.8%,后续症的治愈率仅达半数。为此,我们采取了相应的对策,提高了治愈率。 临床资料及方法 本文资料均为1991年以来我院收治的经病史HbCO测定确诊的一氧化碳中毒病人。按时间分为前后两组。  相似文献   
神经源性肺水肿(neurogenic pulmonary ede-ma,简称NPE)临床上不多见,起病急,治疗困难,死亡率高,是神经外科中呼吸障碍的一种类型。1992-05~1997-01我院共收治此类患者9例,现报告如下:  相似文献   
目的:检测感染性婴儿血中降钙素原(PCT)与CCRP)的浓度,观察PCT的灵敏性和特异常性。方法:采用变定量固定相免设测定法测定血清PCT值,同时测血CRP及WBC值进行统计分析。结果:全身性细菌感染及重症细菌感染婴儿中PCT升高明显于CRP值。结论:PCT测定在全身性、重症细菌感染时有较高的灵敏性和特异性。  相似文献   
<正> 少年型震颤性麻痹是一种临床上少见的家族遗传性苍白球变性疾病。其特点为发病年龄早,自觉全身无力,全身肌张力增强,伴有轻度上肢震颤,如不经治疗,症状多有逐渐加重趋势。笔者曾见3例,现报告如下: 例1:男性,21岁,农民。15岁时即感四肢无力,两手发抖,曾在当地医院检查诊断为甲亢,经治疗无效。1988年学建筑,因两手无力发抖不能工作遂来就诊。患者既往无脑炎病史。其姐患有同样疾病。神经系统检查,患者两上肢肌张力呈铅管样增强,以腕关节明显,而震颤轻微,双上肢向前平伸时可见有类似  相似文献   
Objective To prepare a deeelhilarized whole laryngeal scaffold by utilizing a perfusion-decellularized technique, reseed cells on it, and construct recellularized laryngeal muscles. Methods Perfusion decelluarized larynxes were obtained by common carotid arterious perfusion with detergents. Then they were performed by macroscopic view, histological examination, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and cartilage viability. Decellularized laryngeal scaffold were then reseeded with inducted mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Composites were transferred into greater omentums of rabbits after one day' s adherence and harvested after eight weeks. Macroscopic view, histological examination and immunohistochemistry were performed. Results Perfusion larynxes became transparent after two hours. Histology and SEM indicated that perfnsion method shewed better deculluarized effect. More ventages and collagen fibers but no intact cell or anclei were retained in the decellularized martrix. Porosity measured by Image pro plus 6. 0 was 80. 4% ± 3.2% (x ± s). Chondrocyte vitality assay indicated chondrocyte vitality rate in the perfusion group was 86. 9% ± 1.5% . After eight weeks, vascularization formed and integrated cartilage frameworks still remained. Histological examination could clearly show the presence of muscle bundles and vessels. Immunohistoehemical examination indicated that sarcomeric-α actin expressed positively in corresponding areas. Conclusions It is feasible to reseed MSCs into the decellularized laryngeal muscle matrix for constructing tissue-engineered laryngeal muscles. This in vivo maturation into the omentum could be the first step before in situ implantation of the construct.  相似文献   
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