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对于一个科研机构而言,追溯分析一定时期科技论文的某些构成因素,能够了解某时期和推断今后一个时期的整体科技实力,为验证和调整科技政策,确定科研方向和重点,培养科技人才,提供决策依据。我所在省内以鼠疫、布氏菌病和地方性氟中毒  相似文献   
砷是地壳中第20种最常见的元素,是环境中广泛存在的有毒类金属元素之一。砷能以四种不同的价态(As3-"、AsO、As3+和As5+)存在,无机砷的主要形态是胂(As3-)、亚砷酸盐(As3+)和砷酸盐(As5+)。大多数无机砷化合物的毒性较有机砷化合物大。过量长期饮用砷浓度超过标准的高砷水,将导致发生慢性砷中毒。  相似文献   
人才是作好任何一项工作的决定性因素。但是,我国各级地方病专业机构普遍存在着人才青黄不接现象。为在较短的时期内建设一支思想业务素质过硬、业务技术精湛的人才队伍、必须采取切实培养对策,提高人才培养效果,加快人才培养步伐。  相似文献   
1项目来源中国疾病预防控制中心地方病控制中心下发《关于开展全国砷中毒病区和高砷区改水降砷现况调查的通知》(中疾控地病发[2011]8号)。在全国开展地方性砷中毒病区和高砷区改水降砷防治措施落实现况调查,以便为国家制订地方  相似文献   
吉林省通榆县地方性砷中毒流行病学现况调查   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3  
目的 查清吉林省地方性砷中毒病区的病情情况。方法 采用流行病学现况典型调查方法。对吉林省西部的通榆县4个乡(镇)进行了地方性砷中毒病情调查。结果 共调查16481人,发现不同程度的掌跖部角化、皲裂的砷中毒患者共251人,占调查人数的1.52%,其中年龄最小6岁,最大81岁。检出率男性高于女性(P〈0.005)。检出率随着年龄的增长而上升,以41-50岁年龄组检出率最高。结论 吉林省地方性砷中毒病区患者的临床特点是以掌跖角化为主,属轻病区。  相似文献   
目的了解吉林省砷中毒病区范围及饮水高砷的分布规律.方法采取普查和抽样调查相结合的方法,半定量检测饮水含砷量,对超标(≥0.05mg/L)水样用二乙氨基二硫代甲酸银比色法进行复检。结果对9个县(市、区)的2063个自然村进行了筛查工作.其检测水样40536份,检出超标水样2598份,超标率为6.41%,其筛查出有超标水源的县(市)6个.占所筛查县的66.67%:高砷自然村283个,占所筛查自然村的13.72%:高砷暴露人口近13万人,其中儿童近3万人结论.吉林省西部平原地区高砷水源分布较广,且部分地区已有砷中毒的病情流行.需尽早开展全面的高砷水源筛查及病情普查工作,以便进行防治。  相似文献   
无机砷对机体损害的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无机砷是已知人类的致癌物质,国际癌症研究机构(IARC)1973年首次评估了砷及其化合物的可能致癌作用,认为大量暴露于含无机砷的药物、饮用高砷水及职业性接触,可能与皮肤癌高发有关。1979年IARC根据由于生活性摄入、职业暴露或者医疗性应用而长期接触者的结果,把砷及某些砷化物归类为1类致癌剂,即人类致癌剂。1980年IARC根据再次评估的结果,确认砷及其化合物是人类肺癌发生的一个原因。1987年IARC根据从动物致癌实验得到的“有限证据”,支持砷是一种人类致癌剂,其致癌度可与烟草和家居中的氡相比[1]。除上述致癌作用外,无机砷对机体其…  相似文献   
目的 了解2006和2007年吉林省地方性砷中毒全国重点监测县(通榆)和所属监测点(白音吐海村)地方性砷中毒(地砷病)现状、防治措施落实情况及防治效果.方法 2006和2007年,按照<全国地方性砷中毒监测方案>,调查通榆县的防砷改水进度、改水工程的管理和使用情况及饮水含砷量.在监测点普查居民砷中毒患病情况,检测改水后的饮水含砷量、8~12岁儿童及18岁以上成人尿砷,调查监测点年内居民死亡原因.水砷和尿砷测定采用AFS-930双道原子荧光光度法.结果 通榆县共有地砷病病区30个,高砷区157个,总人口为57 576人.2006年有已改水病区6个,改水率为20.0%(6/30),6个改水工程均可正常使用,受益人口1670人;有已改水高砷区8个,改水率为5.09%(8/157),8个改水工程均正常使用,受益人口4350人.2007年有已改水病区28个,改水率为93.33%(28/30),28个改水工程均可正常使用,受益人口7980人:有已改水高砷区共148个,改水率为94.27%(148/157),148个改水工程均正常使用,受益人口46 214人.监测点2006年水砷在0.004~0.005 mg/L;2007年在0.010~0.021 mg/L,均在正常范围之内.2006年8~12岁儿童尿砷均值为0.024 mg/L,波动范围为0.005~0.048 mg/L.2007年成人尿砷均值为0.019 mg/L,波动范围为0.005~0.087 mg/L,尿砷均在正常范围之内.2006年查出砷中毒患者14例,均为轻度患者,检出率6.19%(14/226);2007年查出砷中毒患者17例,均为轻度患者,检出率6.94%(17/245).两年检出率比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.1059,P>0.05).2006和2007年监测点各死亡2例,死亡原因分别是肝癌、脑出血和尿毒症,死亡病例无饮高砷水历史.结论 通榆县降砷改水防治措施落实较好,且改水工程均可正常使用;监测点砷中毒病情较轻,两年监测检出率无明显变化,儿童及成人尿砷均在正常范围内,表明改水降砷可控制地砷病病情的发展,达到防治效果.  相似文献   
Objective To explore the present condition of endemic arsenism, the implementation of control measures and the effect of the monitored county (Tongyu County) and the monitoring spot (Baiyintuhai Village) in 2006 and 2007. Methods According to the National Survey Scheme of Endemic Arsenism, the progress of anti-arsenic water in Tongyu, and the management and running of all engineering projects and the arsenic content in water were surveyed. The patients with endemic arsenism in Tongyu were generally surveyed. The arsenic content of the improved drinking water in Tongyu and the arsenic in urine of children aged 8-12 and adults over 18 years of age were determinted. The causes of resident death in the monitoring spot from the year of 2006 and 2007 were investigated. Arsenic content of drinking water and the urine of local residents was examined with "Model AFS-930 Double-Channel Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer". Results There were 30 endemic arsenism areas, 157 areas with high arsenic content and all population of 57 576 in Tongyu. Six areas had improved water till 2006, where 20.0% of water had improved, and six water-improving projects were all running normally, benefiting a population of 1670. Eight high arsenic areas changed water, in a rate of 5.09%. Eight water-improving projects were functioning well, benefiting a population of 4350. Until 2007, 28 areas had improved water in Tongyu, accounting for 93.33%. These 28 projects were well running, covering a population of 7980. One hundred and fouty-eight high arsenic areas had changed water, reaching a rate of 94.27%. One hundred and fouty-eight projects changedg water were running normally, benefiting a population of 46 214. In the surveyed spots, arsenic content was between 0.004 mg/L and 0.005 mg/L in 2006 and between 0.010 mg/L and 0.021 mg/L in 2007, all in the normal range to the time being. The arsenic contents in urine of the children aged 8-12 in the monitoring spots were determinted, averaging at 0.024 mg/L in 15 samples, fluctuating between 0.005 mg/L and 0.048 mg/L in 2006. The average content in urine from adults was 0.019 mg/L in 53 samples, fluctuating between 0.005 mg/L and 0.087 mg/L in 2007. The arsenic contents in urine were all in the normal range in 2006 and 2007. In 2006 14 endemic arsenism patients, all in light symptoms, had been checked out, the morbidity being 6.19%. In 2007, 17 patients who were all in light symptoms were identified in a rate of 6.94%. There was no significant difference of morbidity between the two years(χ2=0.1059, P>0.05). Two patients died, unrelating with drinking high arsenic water in 2006 and 2007. Conclusions The prevention and control measures are well implemented in Tongyu. The water-improving projects are functioning well. The condition of endemic arsenism is slight and hasn't changed so much in these two years. The arsenic contents in urine of children and adults within the normal range, showing that improving water can control the occurrence and the development of endemic arsenism.  相似文献   
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