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乳腺癌组织中—p—MAPK活化对c—fos和c—jun的激活作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: This paper was to investigate the relationship between expression of p-MAPK and oncogenesis of breast cancer. METHODS: Immunohistochemical technique was used to detect the expression of p-MAPK and c-fos and c-jun proteins in 68 cases of breast cancers, 42 cases of pericarcinomatous tissues and 7 cases of normal breast tissues. RESULTS: Positive stainings of p-MAPK, c-fos, and c-jun were localized in cancer cell nuclei. The positive rates of p-MAPK, c-fos, and c-jun were 86.8% (59/68), 82.4% (56/68), and 77.9% (53/68), respectively, which were much higher than that in pericarcinomatous tissues (P < 0.01). Of some cases, p-MAPK positive staining was also found in the nuclei of the fibroblastic and angioendothelial cells of cancer stroma. CONCLUSION: Activated or overexpressive MAPK activates the immediately-early oncogenes(c-fos, c-jun), which might play an important role in carcinogenesis of breast cancer and be an early event of oncogenesis of breast cancer.  相似文献   
以电化学方法合成了聚合漆酚(EPU),并用EPU与二异丙氧基锌作用生成漆酚金属螯合物「EPU-Zn(Ⅱ)」,采用原子发射光谱(AES)、FT-IR、DMTA、TG-DTA和XPS等对其进行表征,探讨其结构与性质。证明了螯合物中存在着因Zn(Ⅱ)和EPU配位作用而引起的交联,故难溶于绝大多数的有机溶剂,玻璃化转变温度和耐热性能的提高。  相似文献   
随着计算机的应用与普及,医院计算机网络化管理已成为医院管理现代化的标志."军字1号"工程的实施为检验信息管理工作实现计算机网络化管理提供了条件.同时,改善了工作环境,提高了工作效率和工作质量;减轻了劳动强度;增加了收费和检验结果的透明度.  相似文献   
The geographic range of Zika virus (ZIKV) has expanded from Asia to the Americas, leading to the 2015–2016 pandemic with enhanced neurovirulence. At present, ZIKV is continuously circulating in many Southeast Asian countries. Unfortunately, the persistent evolution of ZIKV in Southeast Asia and its influence on the biological characteristics of the virus remain incompletely understood. In this study, the in vitro and in vivo properties of a new ZIKV isolate obtained from Cambodia in 2019 (CAM/2019) were characterized and compared with those of the Cambodian strain (CAM/2010). Compared with CAM/2010, the CAM/2019 virus showed similar plaque morphology and growth curves in cell cultures and induced comparable viremia and organ viral loads profiles in both BALB/c and A129 (IFNAR1−/−) mice upon intraperitoneal (i.p.) inoculation. Remarkably, the CAM/2019 virus exhibited enhanced neurovirulence in neonatal mice compared with CAM/2010, with a 74-fold reduction in the 50% lethal dose (LD50). Consistently, CAM/2019 produced higher viral loads in the brains of BALB/c neonatal mice than CAM/2010 did. Sequence alignment showed that the CAM/2019 virus has acquired 12 amino acid substitutions, several of which were found to be associated with neurovirulence. In particular, the CAM/2019 virus shared an A1204T substitution in NS2A with the Thai isolate SI-BKK02 that was isolated from a microcephaly case. Taken together, our results indicate that a ZIKV strain isolated with specific mutations has emerged in Cambodia, highlighting the need for extensive molecular and disease surveillance in Cambodia and other Asian countries.  相似文献   
Clonal analysis of mndne T cells has led to the idenuncation of Z typeS of Th cells, Thl and on. Thl cells,chacterized by secreting interferon-y (Iap-Y), interleukin-2 (IL2) and tumor necrosis factor-5 (TNF-3), involved Principally in cell-mediated ~ity and play acrucial role in defending the host against intracellularPathogens such as a Vallety of yi~es. ThZ cells,secreting IL4, ms, IL-6 and ilo, mostly regulateh~ immune responSe, and may oafs Paxtial PIDtection against extracellula…  相似文献   
Keloid is a fibrotic disease Of the hUInan dends thattakes the form of benign fibIOus tumors resulting from anabnolmal response to wound. Unlike hyperplastic scarewith which keloid is freqUently collfused, keloid lesionusually extends beyond the bountyyes of the originalwound by invasive growth without rendssion with time,which is diffictilt to cormct s~cally and does not proVOke scar .on~tionll'2].It is noted that there ~ vallous patterns of intereellular interachon, as junchonal interoell…  相似文献   
保定医学堂是在我国医学教育中较早的一所中西医结合院校,该校的建立为中西医结合的发展起到了积极的作用。本文介绍了该学堂建立时的历史背景,教学计划及学生管理等方面的规章制度,这对当前的教育、教学改革无疑有所裨益。  相似文献   
利用垃圾填埋气体发电走垃圾处理资源化道路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市生活固体弃物经卫生填埋后,产生的洁气可以做为资源加以利用。杭州市天子岭废弃物处理场1998年建成中外合作的发电厂,利用沼气并网发电,不但学习了国外的先进技术,而且培养自己的技术,管理人员。  相似文献   
应用鼻中隔矫正术和以鼻丘为中心的划痕术治疗鼻中隔偏曲伴变应性鼻炎(PAR)患者32例,术后症状立即消失,术后随访6个月~18个月.仅2例复发,但症状明显较前减轻,鼻中隔矫正术及鼻丘划痕术治疗PAR短期效果满意,是基层医院治疗PAR较理想的手术方法.  相似文献   
This randomized clinical trial examined the feasibility of low-fat dietary interventions among postmenopausal women of diverse backgrounds. During 1992-1994, 2,208 women aged 50-79 years, 28% of whom were black and 16% Hispanic, enrolled at clinics in Atlanta, Georgia, Birmingham, Alabama, and Miami, Florida. Intervention/support groups met periodically with a nutritionist to reduce fat intake to 20% of energy and to make other diet modifications. At 6 months postrandomization, the intervention group reduced fat intake from 39.7% of energy at baseline to 26.4%, a reduction of 13.3% of energy, compared with 2.3% among controls. Saturated fatty acid and cholesterol intakes were reduced, but intakes of fruits and vegetables, but not grain products, increased. Similar effects were observed at 12 and 18 months. Black and non-Hispanic white women had similar levels of reduction in fat, but the decrease in Hispanic women was less. Changes did not vary significantly by education. While bias in self-reported intakes may have resulted in somewhat overestimated changes in fat intake, the reported reduction was similar to the approximately 10% of energy decrease found in most trials and suggests that large changes in fat consumption can be attained in diverse study populations and in many subgroups.  相似文献   
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