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OBJECTIVES: Brain edema occurs following clinical as well as experimental cardiac arrest (CA) and predicts a poor neurologic outcome. The objective of this study was to determine the expression of cerebral cortex aquaporin (AQP)-4, a member of a family of membrane water-channel proteins, in brain edema formation following normothermic or hypothermic CA. METHODS: Twenty-four rats were subjected to time-matched normothermic (N-Sham, 37.5 degrees C +/- 0.5 degrees C, n = 6) or hypothermic (H-Sham, 34 degrees C +/- 0.5 degrees C, n = 6) sham experiments and normothermic (N-CA, n = 6) or hypothermic (H-CA, n = 6) CA induced by asphyxiation for 8 minutes. Hypothermia was induced before CA. The animals were resuscitated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ventilation, and epinephrine administration. Brain edema was determined by brain wet-to-dry weight ratio at one hour of resuscitation. AQP4 immunoactivity in the cerebral cortex was determined using immunohistochemical staining and was semiquantified as an intensity of staining with an automated cell imaging system. RESULTS: Mild hypothermia in the sham experiments did not alter cerebral cortex AQP4 immunoactivity (mean +/- SD) (55.0 +/- 3.7 in H-Sham vs. 53.3 +/- 1.7 in N-Sham, p > 0.05). N-CA resulted in a significant increase in AQP4 immunoactivity (61.8 +/- 4.5) compared with N-Sham (p = 0.01) and H-Sham (p = 0.03). H-CA attenuated AQP4 compared with N-CA (53.4 +/- 1.3, p = 0.01). Brain wet-to-dry weight ratios were 4.41 +/- 0.07 in N-Sham, 4.40 +/- 0.08 in H-Sham (p > 0.05 vs. N-Sham), 4.55 +/- 0.04 in N-CA (p = 0.004 vs. N-Sham; p = 0.005 vs. H-Sham), and 4.43 +/- 0.09 in H-CA (p = 0.02 vs. N-CA; p > 0.05 vs. N-Sham and H-Sham). CONCLUSIONS: Cerebral cortical AQP4 expression is up-regulated after normothermic CA, which is attenuated by hypothermia induced before CA.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: During formation of prolactin neoplasia, how cells and its structure in adenohypophysis affect prolactin cells should be further studied. Intermediate lobe can be regarded as a driving region to release prolactin (PRL) and may promote formation of prolactin neoplasia in pituitary anterior lobe. OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of diethylstilbestrol (DES) on the expressions of μ and m-calpains in pituitary intermediate lobe of female Wistar rats. DESIGN: Observational contrast animal study. SETTING: Beijing Neurosurgical Institute. MATERIALS: A total of 21 female Wistar rats, 3 weeks old weighing 70–80 g were housed with free access to tap water and standard pellet food. They were kept in a CL-grade condition, at (24±1)℃ and a humidity of (55±5)%, and with a 12 hours day-night cycle. Caprine anti-μ- and m-calpains antibodies were provided by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, CA, USA; rabbit-anti-PRL antibodies by Dako, Denmark; rabbit-anti-ACTH antibody by Boster Company, Wuhan. METHODS: The experiment was carried out in Pathophysiological Department and Animal Laboratory, Beijing Neurosurgical Institute from August 2006 to January 2007. ① Rats were randomly divided into groups with 7 in each group, including vehicle control group, in which rats were injected intraperitoneally with sun-flower seed oil (1 mL/kg, twice a week) for 16 weeks; DES group, where animals were administered with DES (5 mg/kg, twice a week) for 16 weeks; DES + vehicle control group, in which DES was administered for 12 weeks at the same dose with those in DES group, and then was discontinued and replaced by sun-flower seed oil (1 mL/kg, twice a week) for the following 4 weeks. ② At 16 weeks later, pituitary tissue was dealt with HE staining and PRL immunohistochemical examination to observe evoke of tumor; meanwhile, immunohistochemical examination was used to observe expression of PRL of pituitary anterior lobe, expressions of μ- and m-calpains of pituitary intermediate lobe and distribution of adrenocorticotropin. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ① Expression of PRL of pituitary anterior lobe, expressions of μ- and m-calpains of pituitary intermediate lobe and distribution of adrenocorticotropin. ② Morphological observation of pituitary tissue. RESULTS: All 21 rats were involved in the final analysis. ① Results of immunohistochemical examination: Morphological changes of neoplasia in DES group were strongly positive to PRL, and this suggested that formation of prolactin adenoma was observed in pituitary tissue. As compared with vehicle control group, expression of adrenoeorticotropic hormone (ACTH) was increased in both DES group and DES + vehicle control group. In addition, expressions of μ- and m-calpains in pituitary intermediate lobe were higher in DES group than that in vehicle control group. Otherwise, expressions of m-calpains in pituitary intermediate lobe was decreased in DES + vehicle control group, but expression of μ-calpains was still increased. ② Morphological observation of pituitary tissue: Gland tubes were orderly arranged in rats in vehicle control group. Anterior pituitary gland in rats of DES group demonstrated an apparent disappearance of gland tubes and a relatively large-scaled vasculature formation, namely the vascular lake lined by tightly arranged endothelial cells. Local integrated tumor cell arrangements were also detected. In addition, the border between the IL and the anterior lobe was locally blurred. The definite tumor-like changes in pituitary tissues were confirmed in 6 of 7 female Wistar rats in DES group, and one spontaneous occurrence of tumor formation was found in vehicle control group. In DES + vehicle control group, DES withdrawal led to the subtile emergence of gland tube cavity, although tumor-like cells still existed in 4 of 7 rats, suggesting occurrence of the tumor regression due to the withdrawal of DES. CONCLUSION: A long-term application of DES can enhance the expressions of ubiquitours neutral cysteine protease in pituitary intermediate lobe and this suggests that both of them play a key role in release of hormone and formation of prolactin neoplasia through directly promoting PRL expression and release of neighboring pituitary intermediate lobe.  相似文献   
Background: Chronic pain models are commonly defined as either nerve-injury or inflammation models, but recent work suggests inflammatory processes are important in nerve injury-induced pain.

Methods: In the rat spinal nerve ligation model, the authors examined effects of systemic corticosteroid triamcinolone acetonide (TA) on the cytokine protein profile and sympathetic sprouting in the axotomized sensory ganglia, excitability of sensory neurons, and mechanical sensitivity.

Results: By postoperative day 3, marked increases (5- to 16-fold) in monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, growth-related oncogene (GRO/KC or CXCL1), and interleukin (IL)-6 were observed, whereas IL-4 and IL-2 levels fell more than fourfold. The increased cytokines and number of sympathetic basket formations in the sensory ganglia were reduced toward normal values by TA given starting at the time of injury. Interleukin-4 and IL-2 levels were not restored by TA. Systemic TA also reduced the firing rate and incidence of bursting activity, but not the overall incidence of spontaneous activity, in large- and medium-sized neurons. Mechanical hypersensitivity on postoperative day 3 was reduced by TA, and some effect could still be observed 4 days after cessation of TA. However, starting TA at day 7 was ineffective.  相似文献   

Over a 2-year period we have identified pollen grains from 48 families of grasses, as well as mould spores and mite particles during air sampling in Guangxi Province. The major aeroallergens were Artemisia, Moraceae and Euophoribiacea, and the spores of Aspergillus, Penicillinum, Cephalosporium and Helminthosporium. Mites were probably also one of the major outdoor aeroallergens. Our investigations also included inspection of the vegetation of the geographical area involved, as well as skin testing on 774 subjects using extracts of 37 aeroallergens. We believe that this work has provided fundamental information on seasonal allergy in Southern China and South-east Asia.  相似文献   
在制备了两个Cell Ⅰ-Hep Ⅱ 双结构域重组FN多肽(CH50和CH56)的基础上,研究其抑制肿瘤细胞浸润能力的作用。两个多肽的结构差异是CH50中删除了Cell I和HepⅡ之间的Ⅲ-11和ED-A结构顺序。CH50(ED_(50)为30.2 nmol/L)结合细胞的能力略高于CH56(ED_(50)为45.4 nmol/L)。两种多肽均可显著抑制黑色素瘤B16/F1细胞结合层粘素的能力,抑制作用相同。在体内肿瘤浸润抑制试验中,两种多肽均可显著抑制癌细胞浸润能力,使肺转移结节数降低80%左右。结果提示:Ⅲ-11和ED-A结构顺序对Cell Ⅰ-Hep Ⅱ 双结构域多肽结合细胞的能力有一定的影响,但删除Ⅲ-11和ED-A不是重组多肽抑制肿瘤转移的决定因素,Cell I和Hep Ⅱ 这两个结构域单独连接在一起是其抑制肿瘤细胞转移的结构基础。  相似文献   
Soluble lens crystallins from 6-10-week-old, galactose-fed, male Sprague-Dawley rats were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at each of the five Sippel stages of cataractogenesis. Electrophoretograms were compared with similarly analyzed crystallins from comparably aged, chow-fed controls. Polypeptides were assigned to crystallin families and subfamilies on the basis of chromatographic fractionations with Sephadex G-200, superfine. Staining intensities of polypeptides from control lenses remained essentially unchanged throughout the experimental period, while those of the polypeptides from cataractous lenses showed non-uniform changes. Staining of the genomic gamma-crystallins increases up to at least stage 3; by stage 4, staining of gamma-chains, with perhaps those of gamma 5 and gamma 6 excepted, diminishes and in the total cataract, staining of all chains is further reduced. With possibly the addition of one chain, the total number of postsynthetically modified gamma-crystallins in cataractous lenses does not exceed that in the comparably aged normal lens. The genomic alpha- and beta-crystallin polypeptides are sustained close to normal levels up to stages 3 or 2, respectively, after which their gradually falling levels are accompanied by the generation of new species or elevated levels of existing post-translational species. An exception to this behavior is the rapid and total loss of beta B1a, a genomic subunit implicated in the aggregation of beta H-crystallins. Charge heterogeneity and variable pI displayed by beta B1a and other highly cationic beta- and gamma-crystallin polypeptides can be induced during isoelectric focusing and may be due to thiol group oxidation.  相似文献   
通过对200例老年人心律失常的病因分析,明确了老年人心律失常的发生有其形态学基础,再加上疾病综合作用所致。其中缺血性心脏病占首位,再依次为高血压病、肺心病、脑血管病、糖尿病、颈椎病。同时患有两种以上疾病的心律失常发生率明显增高。另外还对心功能及烟酒对心律失常的影响进行了初步探讨,结果显示心功能异常及吸烟与心律失常的发生呈正相关,饮酒与心律失常的发生呈负相关。  相似文献   
Brain metastases from prostate cancer are rare in postmortem examinations, and even rarer in clinical series. We report an unusual case of brain metastasis from prostate cancer confirmed by antemortem diagnosis in a 72-year-old man. The metastatic brain tumor was surgically resected and the patient was kept stable for more than 19 months after diagnosis of the brain metastasis.  相似文献   
Enlarged lymph nodes, commonly seen in inflammatory or tumorous conditions, is often suspected as Hodgkin's disease in cytologic diagnosis. Twenty cases originally diagnosed as Hodgkin's disease by fine needle aspiration of lymph nodes are reported. Eighteen of these 20 cases were checked by histopathology. It was found that only 3 had reached the correct diagnosis. The authors believe that by thorough understanding of the origin and characteristics of various types of multinuclear giant cells, differentiation from Hodgkin's disease is possible.  相似文献   
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