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张虹 《护理研究》2006,20(5):1353-1353
周围性面神经麻痹称之面瘫,以口眼向一侧歪斜为主症,俗称口眼歪斜。本病如果治疗不及时或治疗不当,则久治不愈,给病人造成极大痛苦。若单用针刺治疗疗程较长,疗效不显著。我科在运用针灸按摩治疗本病的同时,对病人实施了针对性的全面的护理措施。现介绍如下。  相似文献   
On this report 461 matched cases of mental retardation of unknown aetiology were analysed on the relationship between the diseases and the parents age, birth orders with conditional Logistic regression. These cases were accurately diagnosed and selected from the Epidemiologic Survey of genetic diseases of Sichuan, China. The results found that mental retardation of unknown aetiology is related to the age of parents and birth order. The paternal age is the main factor while the maternal age in not a significant effect and birth order also in not a significant effect after readjusting the other factors. Compared to paternal age group of under 25. There are significant increase of relative risks of age group 30-34 and 45 above, about 1.8 and 2.7 fold increase in univariate analysis and 1.9 and 3.3 fold increase in controlling the maternal age and birth order, a chi-square test for trend of distribution of paternal age also indicates a significant dose response relationship between increasing risk with age. The significance of result and methods of analysis were discussed.  相似文献   
作为一名从事妇产科工作多年的老同志,想借此机会和年轻的同志、同行们谈谈心。  相似文献   
预测哪些人可能因急性发病而需要急诊入院,已成为英国国家医疗卫生服务体系(NHS)的一个重要话题。卫生部门将那些患有复杂的慢性疾病,经常不定期地去二级医疗机构就医的人们视为高危人群。确定这些人之后,社区护理员或其他卫生人员将通过“个案管理”的方法照顾他们。“个案管理”此前被定义为“对疾病尚未控制或所需费用昂贵的患者进行加强医疗计划”。社区护理人员可来自任何护理部门,但一般认为社区护士更能胜任这一角色。此方法能够减少可避免的急诊入院患者数量,并有助于实现到2008年3月减少5%急诊住院床位日的公共医疗服务目标。但是,如何才能界定需要急诊入院的高危人群呢?  相似文献   
To determine whether cardiac hypertrophy secondary to chronic renovascular hypertension is associated with altered in vivo myocardial metabolism, phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance saturation transfer techniques were used to study creatine kinase (CK) kinetics in six chronically hypertensive dogs with moderate cardiac hypertrophy and eight control dogs. The forward rate constant of CK and the flux of phosphocreatine to adenosine triphosphate were determined in both groups of dogs before and during norepinephrine administration (1 microgram/kg per min), used to increase heart rate x systolic blood pressure (rate-pressure product), cardiac output and oxygen consumption. Baseline and norepinephrine-induced changes in rate-pressure product, cardiac output and oxygen consumption were similar in both groups of dogs, as were baseline forward rate constant and flux of phosphocreatine to adenosine triphosphate. However, the norepinephrine-induced changes in forward rate constant and flux were significantly less in hypertensive than in control dogs (p less than 0.05) even though changes in hemodynamic and functional variables were similar in both groups. These data demonstrate that moderate myocardial hypertrophy is associated with altered CK kinetics, which do not appear to affect the heart's ability for global mechanical recruitment at this stage in the hypertensive process. It is possible that the changes in myocardial enzyme kinetics may contribute to diastolic dysfunction previously reported in this model and may be a precursor for ultimate development of heart failure if hypertension is maintained for prolonged periods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary Reported in this paper is the first case of isolation ofPseudalle-Scheria boydii from cerebral spinal fluid of a boy with meningitis in China. Morphology and culture were observed by light microscopy, electron scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In addition, mycelium antigen prepared by SDS-PAGE was compared with that of the other strain of Scedosporium apiospermum. Both of the strains showed more than 40 peptide lines. Their molecular weight was very similar. On the CS-930 Dual-Wavelength TLC Scanner the peaks of both antigens showed to lie in nearly the same position. It could be concluded thatPseudallescheria boydii andScedosporium apiospermum belong to the same genus, but they are of different strains and reproductive phases.  相似文献   
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