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To determine the potential effect of screening on referral patterns, an adult population sample (4,404 men, 5,164 women, 20-69 years of age) was systematically recruited and screened for hypercholesterolemia and then analyzed by different cholesterol referral recommendations. Using levels suggested by the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (greater than or equal to 265 mg/dL), 7.3% of men and 5.8% of women would be referred for follow-up. With the suggested recommendations of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), (greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL), 49.2% of men and 40.2% of women would be referred. The use of age-related definitions of the NIH Consensus Conference on Lipid Lowering results in 28.0% referrals in men and 21.8% in women. From this population, hypercholesterolemia subjects (greater than or equal to 265 mg/dL at screening; n = 624) were invited for a second cholesterol determination (58% returned), which found 36% below the 265 mg/dL level. Population screening for cholesterol is likely to produce large numbers of patients for follow-up, with the actual numbers strongly dependent on cutoff levels and age-sex distributions. Referral and follow-up of these patients may place a significant load on an unprepared health care community.  相似文献   
The clinical, radiologic, and histopathologic findings of a case of bilateral dacryops is reported in a 49-year-old man. The patient presented with cystic masses located in superior lateral orbits and underwent bilateral excisions of these without any postoperative complications.  相似文献   
The in vitro activities of povidone iodine, potassium peroxymonosulfate, and dimethyldidecylammonium chloride were investigated against 379 nosocomial isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa responsible for surgical wound infections in patients operated on between July 1995 and June 2001. Overall, the isolates were inhibited by the antiseptics at concentrations below those used routinely. In spite of increasing resistance to the various antibiotics used to treat surgical wound infections, no significant variation in the susceptibility to antiseptics was demonstrated during this 6-year study. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
All surgical patients are at risk for the development of deep venous thrombosis and subsequent pulmonary embolism or postphlebitic syndrome. The evolution of ultrasonographic imaging has increased the awareness of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of deep venous thrombosis. Duplex imaging and Doppler color flow imaging have made the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis relatively simple, painless, inexpensive, and definitive. These procedures have gained acceptance by both patients and physicians. Several risk factors have been identified that increase the chance of the development of deep venous thrombosis. These factors include a history of deep venous thrombosis, presence of a malignant process, increasing age, cigarette smoking, obesity, prolonged bed rest, and general anesthesia. The greater the number of risk factors, the more aggressive prophylaxis should be. Means of prophylaxis have improved, and surgeons now generally agree that some form of prophylaxis is required. Heparin and intermittent compression devices appear to be equally effective in preventing deep venous thrombosis. The addition of venous monitoring in high-risk patients permits immediate identification of the presence of deep venous thrombosis. During the last decade, the treatment of patients with deep venous thrombosis has changed little. Heparin followed by warfarin remains the treatment of choice. A small group of patients receive fibrinolytic therapy for deep venous thrombosis. Although the incidence of postoperative deep venous thrombosis has decreased during the last decade, it remains a significant complication.  相似文献   
A total of 102 patients were examined, 32 of these with true eczema, 38 with exudative mycosis of the soles, and 32 with eczema etiologically related to a fungal infection. Analysis of the immune and biochemical reactions in the examinees has shown a marked reduction of adenyl nucleotides in the leukocytic suspension and neutrophils of patients with a mycotic infection as against those with true eczema. The lowest creatine phosphate levels were detected in the leukocytic suspension and neutrophils of the patients suffering from eczema etiologically related to mycosis and exudative mycosis of the soles. These results give grounds to search for effective corrective therapy.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the application of intravenous Kalipsol anesthesia in combination with Seduxen (Relanium) in 22 patients who underwent antro-mastoidectomy (expanded) and fronto-ethmoidectomy. No complications related to the method of anesthesia were identified. It is concluded that the use of Kalipsol anesthesia in urgent ENT operations provides better surgical intervention. This method ensures adequate analgesia during operation.  相似文献   
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