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Prolongation of the action potential duration of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons by low (nM) concentrations of opioids occurs through activation of excitatory opioid receptors that are positively coupled via Gs regulatory protein to adenylate cyclase. Previous results suggested GM1 ganglioside to have an essential role in regulating this excitatory response, but not the inhibitory (APD-shortening) response to higher (μM) opioid concentrations. Furthermore, it was proposed that synthesis of GM1 is upregulated by prolonged activation of excitatory opioid receptor functions. To explore this possibility we have utilized cultures of hybrid F11 cells to carry out closely correlated electrophysiological and biochemical analyses of the effects of chronic opioid treatment on a homogeneous population of clonal cells which express many functions characteristic of DRG neurons. We show that chronic opioid exposure of F11 cells does, in fact, result in elevated levels of GM1 as well as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP), concomitant with the onset of opioid excitatory supersensitivity as manifested by naloxone-evoked decreases in voltage-dependent membrane K+ currents. Such elevation of GM1 would be expected to enhance the efficacy of excitatory opioid receptor activation of the Gs/adenylate cyclase/cyclic AMP system, thereby providing a positive feedback mechanism that may account for the remarkable supersensitivity of chronic opioid-treated neurons to the excitatory effects of opioid agonists as well as antagonists. These in vitro findings may provide novel insights into the mechanisms underlying naloxone-precipitated withdrawal syndromes and opioid-induced hyperalgesia after chronic opiatf addiction in vivo. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Objective: To examine the relationship between ambient lead levels and blood lead levels and to explore the modifiers of the relationship between ambient lead and blood lead. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in two lead battery factories. Blood lead level and ambient lead concentration were measured for each participant concurrently. A structured questionnaire was administered to collect sociodemographic characteristics and occupational history. Design: Biological and personal environmental measurements of 219 lead-exposed workers were analyzed by both simple and multiple linear regression. A regression model was selected for interpretation. Results: A high correlation (r=0.62) between ambient lead (PbA) and blood lead (PbB) was observed. In addition, numerous factors, including age, sex, alcohol consumption, personal hygiene practice and type of lead exposure, were also found to influence blood lead levels. Although PbB was highly correlated with PbA, blood lead level may not be effectively lowered by reducing ambient lead level. Based on the regression coefficients, improvement of hygienic practice was more effective at lowering PbB than reducing ambient lead level. Good hygienic practice may be the preferential way to reduce lead exposure in current conditions. Conclusion: Education of correct work practice may be more important than engineering control in the developing countries to lower blood lead levels in lead battery factories. Received: 28 May 1996/Accepted: 30 August 1996  相似文献   
T Wu 《中华医学杂志》1990,70(2):72-6, 6
At extreme altitude of 5,620 m, cardiac function was examined with electrical impedance at rest and during exercise. Mountaineers as subjects of experiment were divided into two groups: 15 subjects were Tibetan natives, and 10 subjects were Han visitors of expedition (both were young healthy males). The results showed that no significant difference was seen between the two groups in cardiac pump function at rest. In the Han visitors during exercise, HR increase was restricted, SV and CO were decreased, and PEP/LVET ratio was increased. In the Tibetan natives, HR increased gradually with increased work load, SV tended to be stable CO increased significantly under higher work load, and PEP/LVET ratio decreased gradually. These results suggest that the Tibetan natives were adapted to hypoxic environment much better than the immigrants because their cardiac reserve capacity and maximal oxygen uptake were better than the immigrants at extreme altitude.  相似文献   
Previously, we reported that transgenic mice overexpressing endothelin-1 in astrocytes showed more severe neurological deficits and increased infarct after transient focal ischemia. In those studies, we also observed increased level of aldose reductase (AR), the first and rate-limiting enzyme of the polyol pathway, which has been implicated in osmotic and oxidative stress. To further understand the involvement of the polyol pathway, the mice with deletion of enzymes in the polyol pathway, AR, and sorbitol dehydrogenase (SD), which is the second enzyme in this pathway, were challenged with similar cerebral ischemic injury. Deletion of AR-protected animals from severe neurological deficits and large infarct, whereas similar protection was not observed in mice with SD deficiency. Most interestingly, AR(-/-) brains showed lowered expression of transferrin and transferrin receptor with less iron deposition and nitrotyrosine accumulation. The protection against oxidative stress in AR(-/-) brain was also associated with less poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and caspase-3 activation. Pharmacological inhibition of AR by Fidarestat also protected animals against cerebral ischemic injury. These findings are the first to show that AR contributes to iron- and transferrin-related oxidative stress associated with cerebral ischemic injury, suggesting that inhibition of AR but not SD may have therapeutic potential against cerebral ischemic injury.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Little is known about parental experience and decision making with regard to premature infants requiring intensive care in developing countries. We undertook this study to characterise parents' experience of physician counselling and their role in making life-support decisions for very low-birth-weight (VLBW) (birth weight < 1 501 g) infants born in South Africa's public-sector neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). METHODS: Parents of surviving VLBW infants treated in three Johannesburg-area public hospitals and attending follow-up clinics in August 2001 were interviewed regarding their experience of perinatal counselling on outcomes (pain, survival, disability), perception of actual and optimal decision making, and satisfaction with NICU communication. RESULTS: Parents of 51 infants were interviewed. Seventy-five per cent of parents reported antenatal counselling by physicians on at least one perinatal topic (severe disability, pain, death, finances or religious/moral considerations). The majority of parents (> 60%) who received counselling thought that these topics had been discussed adequately. Most parents reported that doctors had the primary decision-making role, either without consulting them (41%) or after consulting them (37%). Joint decision making was rare (14%). Parents wanted more input in life-support decisions than they reported being given. CONCLUSION: Counselling is not consistently provided in public-sector hospitals in Johannesburg. Parents of premature infants want a larger share in NICU decision making than they currently experience. Most parents were satisfied with communication later during their infant's hospitalisation. South Africa presents a unique opportunity to study the use of advanced medical technologies in a nation with marked disparities in access to care.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: 1) To assess, with a peripheral magnetic resonance imaging system (pMRI), the prevalence of bony and soft tissue abnormalities in the knee joints of normal subjects, osteoarthritis (OA) patients, and individuals who have suffered an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture; and 2) to compare the prevalence among groups. METHODS: Magnetic resonance (MR) images of 28 healthy, 32 OA, and 26 ACL damaged knees were acquired with a 1.0-T pMRI system. Two radiologists graded the presence and severity of 9 MR image features: cartilage degeneration, osteophytes, subchondral cyst, bone marrow edema, meniscal abnormality, ligament integrity, loose bodies, popliteal cysts, and joint effusion. RESULTS: Ten of 28 healthy (35.7%), 24 of 26 ACL (92.3%), and all OA knees (100%) showed prevalent cartilage defects; 5 healthy (17.9%), 20 ACL (76.9%), and all OA knees (100%) had osteophytes; and 9 normal (32.1%), 21 ACL (80.8%), and 29 OA knees (90.6%) had meniscal abnormalities. One-half of the knees in the OA group (16 of 32, 50%) had subchondral cysts, and almost one-half had bone marrow edema (15 of 32, 46.9%). These features were not common in the ACL group (7.7%, and 11.5%, respectively) and were not observed in healthy knees. The OA group had the most severe cartilage defects, osteophytes, bone marrow edema, subchondral cysts, and meniscal abnormalities; the ACL group showed more severe cartilage defects, osteophytes, and meniscal abnormalities than did normal subjects. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that knees that have sustained ACL damage have OA-like reatures; most subjects (19 of 26, 73.1%) could be identified as in the early stage of OA. The prominent abnormalities present in ACL-damaged knees are cartilage defects, osteophytes, and meniscal abnormalities.  相似文献   
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