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An investigation of the occurrence of multiple sclerosis (MS) was undertaken in the City of Galion, Ohio, USA, because of a report of an increased number of cases. As of June 1, 1987, there were 18 living cases of MS in Galion and Polk Township, for a prevalence rate of 112 cases per 100,000 population. The expected rate is approximately 65-170 cases per 100,000. In a case-control study, residents of Galion or Polk Township who had MS were compared to residents who did not have MS. The controls were matched to the cases on age and sex and had lived in Galion for at least as long as their matched case. The cases and controls did not differ in the distribution of their present or past Galion addresses, occupational histories or workplace exposures. Cases were more likely to have graduated from high school and college than controls. Cases were more likely than controls to report a history of allergies, to recall two or more relatives who had neurologic diseases that began before their first MS symptoms, to report owning a cat that died of unexplained causes and to recall having received oral polio vaccine. Cases and controls had similar levels of antibodies to measles, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus and the human T-cell lymphotrophic virus I.  相似文献   
To test the reported antipanic efficacy of clonazepam, the authors randomized 72 subjects with panic disorder to 6 weeks of treatment with either alprazolam, clonazepam, or placebo. Endpoint analysis demonstrated a significant beneficial effect of both active treatments, but not placebo treatment, on the frequency of panic attacks, overall phobia ratings, and the extent of disability. Comparison of the two active treatments revealed no significant differences and no consistent tendency for one agent to be favored over another, although power to detect small differences was limited. Sedation and ataxia were the most common side effects reported, but these effects were mild and transient and did not interfere with treatment outcome. The results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial are consistent with previous reports of clonazepam's antipanic efficacy.  相似文献   
The aqueous, organic, and volatile oil extracts of leaves of Eugenia uniflora Linn. Family Myrtaceae were investigated for antibacterial properties using agar dilution techniques. The aqueous extract was the most active against the organisms compared to the organic and volatile oil extracts. The extracts were found to inhibit Gram positive Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis and Gram negative Escherichia coli and Shigella dysentcriae. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniac, and Salmonella typhi were not inhibited.  相似文献   
A retrospective analysis of the results of 27,801 cervical smears from one year in a community laboratory was undertaken. This represented 23,820 individual patients. Abnormalities were seen in 9.3% of patients. Three point seven percent of patients had benign abnormalities, 5.5% had cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and 0.1% had major abnormalities. The incidence of cervical epithelial abnormality was highest in the 15-34 age group but major abnormalities were seen most often in the 55+ age group. Human papillomavirus was more commonly seen in the youngest age group. The presence of inflammation was reported in 65% of the smears. Thirty percent of smears had no endocervical cells and 0.6% were grossly inadequate. Fifteen percent of patients had repeat smears and 3% of total smears were judged unnecessary. Forty two point six percent of patients less than 55 years of age in the laboratory population base had a smear but only 7.9% of those over 55.  相似文献   
E Bartoli  G F Branca  A Satta  R Faedda 《Nephron》1987,46(3):288-300
In a previous study, we described a new method [3] to measure Na reabsorption by each segment of the human nephron independently. Reabsorption was expressed as equivalent volumes of solute-free water (CH2O) generated by the loop of Henle (CH2O-HL) and by the distal tubule (CH2O-DT), and dissipated by back diffusion (BD) across collecting ducts (CH2O-BD). These data were obtained during maximal water diuresis (MWD). The present study was undertaken to calculate CH2O-HL by experiments performed during maximal antidiuresis (MA). For this purpose, a new theoretical approach was devised, described by algebraic equations which allowed calculations of segmental transport during MA alone, where only CH2O-HL could be calculated independently. The study was performed on 14 normal volunteers who were studied twice by clearance measurements, firstly during MWD and again during MA. In each experiment, clearance periods were performed during baseline conditions and during the administration of furosemide (0.7 mg/kg bolus injection followed by 0.06 mg/kg/min maintenance infusion). From the values measured during either condition, segmental reabsorption was calculated. During MWD, CH2O-HL averaged 19.4 + 10.4, during MA 20.4 + 8.0 ml/min/GFR X 100; p greater than 0.05. The paired measurements were significantly correlated (r = 0.80; p less than 0.01). These data demonstrate that CH2O-HL obtained with the original theory is a reproducible result that can be confirmed with independent measurements obtained during different experimental conditions. Thus, measurements of segmental Na transport in the human nephron are feasible and can contribute important informations on disease states.  相似文献   
Perceptual asymmetry on a series of four specially constructed dichotic word tests was found to change as a function of the emotional quality of the words in the tests (P = 0.05). This was most pronounced in the case of positively valued words which produced an increase in asymmetry consistent with facilitated left-hemisphere function (P less than 0.004). Changes in asymmetry with emotion differed as a function of personality characteristics of the subjects, with repressors and high anxious subjects showing an increase with emotion while true low anxious subjects showed a decrease (P less than 0.02). Personality groups also differed in asymmetry on an emotionally neutral test (P less than 0.04) and in changes in asymmetry over time independent of emotion (P less than 0.001). These data suggest that emotion mediated activation of the left hemisphere may facilitate information processing within that hemisphere. Moreover, they indicate that dichotic listening tests may provide a non-invasive and inexpensive method for assessing emotion mediated changes in brain state that are clinically relevant.  相似文献   
The complete medical records of 122 patients who sustained traumatic spinal cord injuries were reviewed to determine the frequency and results of emergency room assessments for loss of consciousness (LOC) and post-traumatic amnesia (PTA). Eighty-eight percent of the patients were assessed for LOC and 19% were assessed for PTA. Fifty patients (41% of the total population) admitted to LOC, PTA or both. Fourteen of these 50 patients underwent subsequent radiographic examinations of the skull, all of which were negative. Because of the association of intracranial complications and long-term cognitive sequelae with even brief LOC or PTA, early recognition of craniocerebral trauma is an important component of the acute management of spinal cord injured patients.  相似文献   
Chlothorax is a rare complication of high translumbar aortography and a case is described here.  相似文献   
Biliopancreatic diversion is a very effective method for weight reduction. In some instances it is too effective and needs to be revised.  相似文献   
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