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A subset of subjects undergoing myocardial perfusion imaging has perfusion abnormalities that are subsequently labeled false positive based on coronary angiography. We evaluated the long-term prevalence of cardiovascular events in these patients. We retrospectively identified 48 patients who had reversible perfusion abnormalities with myocardial perfusion imaging and normal coronary angiography. Patients with known coronary artery disease, left ventricular dysfunction, valvular disease, and cardiomyopathy were excluded. Patient follow-up, conducted for at least 3 (mean interval, 7.4) years from the index myocardial perfusion imaging, was accomplished by a review of medical records and telephone interviews. Study endpoints were cardiovascular events defined as sudden cardiac death, myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary revascularization, coronary artery bypass grafting, and cerebrovascular or peripheral revascularization. Thirty-one percent (15 of 48) of the patients had cardiovascular events. Six of the 48 patients had coronary events. These patients had abnormal myocardial perfusion imaging and normal coronary angiogram. The time between myocardial perfusion imaging and coronary event was 0.5 to 8.67 years. There was a strong correlation between the regions of original perfusion abnormality and the ultimate coronary ischemia or revascularization. Abnormal findings on myocardial perfusion imaging may predict a higher prevalence of coronary and peripheral vascular events than suggested by a normal coronary angiogram.  相似文献   
In this article, we describe a detailed method for automatically generating tetrahedral meshes from 3D images having multiple region labels. An adaptively sized tetrahedral mesh modeling approach is described that is capable of producing meshes conforming precisely to the voxelized regions in the image. Efficient tetrahedral mesh improvement is then performed minimizing an energy function containing three terms: a smoothing term to remove the voxelization, a fidelity term to maintain continuity with the image data, and a novel elasticity term to prevent the tetrahedra from becoming flattened or inverted as the mesh deforms while allowing the voxelization to be removed entirely. The meshing algorithm is applied to structural MR image data that has been automatically segmented into 56 neuroanatomical sub-divisions as well as on two other examples. The resulting tetrahedral representation has several desirable properties such as tetrahedra with dihedral angles away from 0 and 180 degrees, smoothness, and a high resolution. Tetrahedral modeling via the approach described here has applications in modeling brain structure in normal as well as diseased brain in human and non-human data and facilitates examination of 3D object deformations resulting from neurological illness (e.g. Alzheimer's disease), development, and/or aging.  相似文献   
Resting-state MRI (rs-fMRI) is a powerful procedure for studying whole-brain neural connectivity. In this study we provide the first empirical evidence of the longitudinal reliability of rs-fMRI in children. We compared rest-retest measurements across spatial, temporal and frequency domains for each of six cognitive and sensorimotor intrinsic connectivity networks (ICNs) both within and between scan sessions. Using Kendall'sW, concordance of spatial maps ranged from .60 to .86 across networks, for various derived measures. The Pearson correlation coefficient for temporal coherence between networks across all Time 1-Time 2 (T1/T2) z-converted measures was .66 (p<.001). There were no differences between T1/T2 measurements in low-frequency power of the ICNs. For the visual network, within-session T1 correlated with the T2 low-frequency power, across participants. These measures from resting-state data in children were consistent across multiple domains (spatial, temporal, and frequency). Resting-state connectivity is therefore a reliable method for assessing large-scale brain networks in children.  相似文献   
Mutations in the nuclear receptor gene, NR2E3, cause a disorder of human retinal photoreceptor development characterized by hyperfunction and excess of the minority S (short wavelength or blue) cone photoreceptor type, but near absence of function of the majority rod receptor. NR2E3 disease can also progress to blindness. How the human retina accommodates mis-specified types and numbers of neurons and advances to retinal degeneration are unknown. We studied the retinal organization in vivo of patients with NR2E3 mutations. Early human NR2E3 disease with S cone hyperfunction showed thickened retinal layers within an otherwise normally structured retina. With visual loss, however, lamination was coarse and there was a strikingly thick and bulging appearance to the retina, localized to an annulus encircling the central fovea. This pattern was not found in other retinal degenerations. The abnormal laminar retinal architecture of early NR2E3 disease may be due in part to larger cells with an S cone phenotype in place of rods that failed to differentiate. The later-stage dysplastic appearance suggests a previously unrecognized proliferative response in human retinal degeneration.  相似文献   
Clinical Rheumatology - The objective of this study was to characterise the peripheral arthritis of spondyloarthritis (pSpA) excluding psoriatic-, inflammatory enteropathy-related, post-infectious...  相似文献   
DFNA54, a third locus for low-frequency hearing loss   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nonsyndromic hereditary hearing impairment (NSHHI) is a highly heterogeneous disorder with more than 90 loci mapped, of which nearly one-half of the responsible genes are identified. In dominant NSSHI hearing loss is typically biased towards the high frequencies while low-frequency hearing loss is unusual. Only two NSHHI loci, DFNA1 and DFNA6/14/38, are associated with predominantly low- frequency loss. We mapped the loci harboring the gene responsible for autosomal dominant low-frequency hearing loss in a multigenerational family. The pedigree of a Swiss family with low-frequency hearing loss was established. Using genomic DNA, DFNA1 and DFNA6/14/38 were excluded by linkage analysis or by direct sequencing of the responsible gene. Genome-wide linkage analysis was performed using commercially available microsatellite markers. Two-point linkage analysis demonstrated linkage to chromosome 5q31, the locus for DFNA15, with a lod score of 6.32 at recombination fraction =0 for marker D5S436. Critical recombinations were seen at markers D5S1972 and D5S410. Sequencing of the corresponding gene POU4F3 yielded no pathogenic mutation segregating with the affected members. In addition to Wolfram syndrome gene 1 (DFNA6/14/38) and diaphanous (DFNA1) there is evidence for a third gene involved in low-frequency hearing loss located at DFNA15. Because of the differences in auditory phenotype and the absence of pathogenic mutation in the coding region of POU4F3 it is likely that there is a second gene in 5q31, designated DFNA54, associated with NSHHI.  相似文献   
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