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Indications for relaparotomy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From 1980 to 1987, 10,446 patients were operated on. In 152 patients, the necessity of a repeated operative intervention arose. In 106 patients the emergency, in 42--delayed, and in 4--elective relaparotomies were performed. There were the following indications for relaparotomy: diffuse and circumscribed peritonitis (78 patients), ileus (46), eventration (11), hemorrhage (12), others (5). Diagnosis of postoperative complications requiring relaparotomy is difficult. The postoperative lethality was 26%.  相似文献   
Conventional radiographs do not always make it possible to confirm a diagnosis of ischemic necrosis of the lunate in the early stages of disease. For these doubtful cases MRI is justifiable in addition, to diagnose or to rule out ischemic necrosis of the lunate.  相似文献   
1. Six volunteers ingested 74As-labelled arsenobetaine with a fish meal. The retention and distribution of the tracer were studied by body radioactivity measurements. 2. The tracer became rapidly dispersed in soft tissues, with no major concentration in any localized organ or region. 3. In all subjects less than 1% of the ingested activity remained in the body after 24 days. 4. Any losses from the skin were minor in relation to those by other routes of excretion.  相似文献   
The effects of chronic ethanol administration on vitamin B-6 metabolism were studied in female Long-Sleep (LS) and Short-Sleep (SS) mice. Animals were fed an ethanol containing liquid diet (AIN-76) for four weeks. Concentration of ethanol in the diet increased from 10 to 25% ethanol-derived calories (EDC) during weeks 1-3 and was maintained at 30% EDC for 1 additional week. We measured concentrations of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) in plasma, erythrocytes and whole blood, and liver and brain PLP and pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate (PMP) in ethanol-fed and pair-fed control mice. Chronic ethanol administration significantly increased PMP and total (PLP + PMP) levels in the liver of SS mice. In LS mice ethanol feeding significantly decreased PMP and total (PLP + PMP) levels in the brain, but these values were still within normal limits. These results suggest that both control and ethanol-containing liquid diets are nutritionally adequate with respect to vitamin B-6, and that chronic ethanol administration does not adversely affect vitamin B-6 metabolism in adult mice.  相似文献   
Individual sensitivity to alcohol may influence the severity of functional deficits due to prenatal alcohol exposure. To examine this hypothesis, Long-Sleep (LS) and Short-Sleep (SS) mice, selectively bred for differences in ethanol-induced narcosis, were intubated with either 2.9 g/kg ethanol (E) or an isocaloric amount of sucrose (S) twice per day on days 7 through 15 of pregnancy. An untreated control group (C) was maintained for each line. Offspring were fostered to lactating Rockland-Swiss mice at birth. Males and females from each litter were challenged with an acute dose of ethanol (3.8 g/kg) at 30 days of age. Measures of sleep time duration, waking blood ethanol concentrations (BEC), rectal temperatures, heart rate, and ethanol clearance were obtained to examine whether the acute effects of ethanol are altered by prenatal alcohol exposure. Prenatal alcohol exposure did not differentially affect responses to ethanol challenge within either genotype. Ethanol-induced hypothermia, heart-rate depression, and sleep time did differ between genotypes, with LS more affected than SS mice. Ethanol clearance rates were faster for SS than LS mice. These results suggest postnatal pharmacological responses to acute ethanol challenge are not altered by prenatal alcohol exposure in LS and SS mice. Prenatal alcohol-exposed offspring of both mouse genotypes showed lower average heart rate responses than controls, suggesting this measure may be a sensitive indicator of prenatal alcohol effects in mice.  相似文献   
Abstract: It seems clear that the pineal hormone, melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine), is involved in the reproductive behavior of several animal species including humans. Moreover, several data also support a role for 5-methoxytryptophol (ML), another pineal hormone, in the control of sexual processes. To test the role of ML in human reproductive axis, 128 healthy children, 68 boys and 60 girls, were studied. Each of these groups was divided in three age subgroups of 6, 11, and 14 years. A single blood sample (0900 hours) was obtained from each subject to determine melatonin, ML, FSH, LH, estradiol (girls), and testoterone (boys) by RIA. Statistical analysis of the data included ANOVA-II (factor I: age, factor II: sex) and an analysis of covariance with age as covariate. A similar plasma melatonin concentration, with a significant decrease between 6 and 11 years, was found in boys and girls. Melatonin concentrations correlate well with initiation of the pubertal development in these children, although no sex differences were found. Concentrations of ML are approximately 50% of those of melatonin. In contrast to melatonin, ML levels show significant age and sex differences. Plasma ML concentration significantly increased in boys ( P < 0.001) and decreased in girls (P < 0.001) after 8 years of age. These results support the hypothesis that, besides melatonin, other pineal compounds such as ML may be involved in the maturation process in humans. The pineal indole ML may also be used as a marker of the different chronobiology in the pubertal development in boys and girls.  相似文献   
Background: Fluctuations in the level of mite allergens in domestic house dust are the result of changes in the balance between synthesis, removal and decay. Purely physical forces as well as enzymatic degradation, mediated by house dust inhabiting microbes, may contribute to the decay of allergens in domestic dust. Knowledge about the speed of decay is essential for an understanding of the dynamics of allergen levels. Objective: The present study is a quantitative assessment of the speed of decay at nine combinations of temperature (15°C, 20°C and 25°C) and relative humidity (33%, 55% and 75%). Methods: Samples of mite infested material of an old rug were stored at these temperature/relative humidity-combinations for 6, 12 or 18 months, after the mites were killed by cither a freezing treatment or an acaricide (lindane). The microbes living in the rug presumably survive these treatments. Concentrations of Der p I and Der p II + Der f II. in extracts of the rug material, were measured by a radio immunoassay. Results: No significant changes in the levels of Der p I and Der p II +Der f II, could be detected even after 11/2 year at a high temperature and humidity. Conclusion: These findings incidate that mite allergens can be extremely stable under normal domestic circumstances.  相似文献   
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie - The aim of the present study was to examine whether changes in temperature alter the effects of halothane and isoflurane on...  相似文献   
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