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Antioxidants attenuate noncholinergic airway constriction. To further investigate the relationship between tachykinin-mediated airway constriction and oxygen radicals, we explored citric acid-induced bronchial constriction in 48 young Hartley strain guinea-pigs, divided into six groups: control; citric acid; hexa(sulphobutyl)fullerenes + citric acid; hexa(sulphobutyl)fullerenes + phosphoramidon + citric acid; dimethylthiourea (DMTU) + citric acid; and DMTU + phosphoramidon + citric acid. Hexa(sulphobutyl)fullerenes and DMTU are scavengers of oxygen radicals while phosphoramidon is an inhibitor of the major degradation enzyme for tachykinins. Animals were anaesthetized, paralyzed, and artificially ventilated. Each animal was given 50 breaths of 4 ml saline or citric acid aerosol. We measured dynamic respiratory compliance (Crs), forced expiratory volume in 0.1 (FEV0.1), and maximal expiratory flow at 30% total lung capacity (Vmax30) to evaluate the degree of airway constriction. Citric acid, but not saline, aerosol inhalation caused marked decreases in Crs, FEV0.1 and Vmax30, indicating marked airway constriction. This constriction was significantly attenuated by either hexa(sulphobutyl)fullerenes or by DMTU. In addition, phosphoramidon significantly reversed the attenuating action of hexa(sulphobutyl)fullerenes, but not that of DMTU. Citric acid aerosol inhalation caused increases in both lucigenin- and t-butyl hydroperoxide-initiated chemiluminescence counts, indicating citric acid-induced increase in oxygen radicals and decrease in antioxidants in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. These alterations were significantly suppressed by either hexa(sulphobutyl)fullerenes or DMTU. An elastase inhibitor eglin-c also significantly attenuated citric acid-induced airway constriction, indicating the contributing role of elastase in this type of constriction. We conclude that both oxygen radicals and elastase play an important role in tachykinin-mediated, citric acid-induced airway constriction.  相似文献   
Angiography is the standard with which new methods of vascular imaging are compared. In this article, selected recent developments affecting the practice of angiography will be discussed. First, a brief review and update of contrast media for intravascular use will be presented. Second, principles and current methods of optimizing the diagnostic arteriogram will be covered with emphasis on the extremities and aorto-femoral angiography. Finally, some of the advantages, limitations, and the role of modern angiography will be discussed.  相似文献   
Because of the limited number of case reports on the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in adolescent psychiatric patients, we retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 20 young patients who underwent ECT. They constituted all the patients 相似文献   
Summary The authors studied the behavior of normal subjects and paranoid schizophrenic patients in a simple problem-solving situation. The schizophrenics were divided into two sample groups, one of individuals under treatment and the other of individuals not under treatment.The learning process involved in this problem-solving situation is very similar to an instrumental conditioning, and can be understood by means of the following assumptions: (1) the subjects use decision functions in reacting to the stimuli, although they may be not fully aware of this; (2) learning is the result of successive transformations of these decisions in the course of time; (3) the changes have specific probabilities and are related to (a) those responses which are made to the latest stimuli, and (b) a differential probability for decision functions which were effective, or only interrupted painful reinforcement, or were completely ineffective.In schizophrenics further factors of importance were (1) an inertia factor and (2) the rigidly continued use of unsuccessful or only partially successful decision criteria.The authors used a systems theory based on Galois field theory and a calculus of operators specifying three groups of subjects. A computer program based on these hypotheses was tested in a simulation experiment.The statistical evaluation of the results showed a congruence between the theoretical approach and the experimental data.This work was carried out with financial support from the Institute de Alta Cultura, Lisbon, between 1970 and 1974  相似文献   
Six subjects each smoked a 1% marijuana cigarette and 2 hr later smoked a second one. Plasma levels of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol were measured for 9 hr with a radioimmunoassay. Heart rate and self-reported "high" were measured for 2 hr after each cigarette. All three measures showed a rapid increase after the start of smoking with Cmax occurring before the end of smoking. There was a strong correlation between decrease in heart rate and plasma levels from 10 min after smoking until 120 min. All pharmacodynamic response measures returned to baseline values within approximately 2 hr.  相似文献   
Shepard's mental rotation paradigm (e.g. Shepard and Metzler, 1971) was modified to allow tachistoscopic presentation of stimuli at varying angles of orientation (0° to 180°) in the right and left visual fields. Thirty male and thirty female subjects divided into three handedness groups (right-handers, non-familial and familial left-handers) judged whether a stimulus was a standard form or its mirror image. In general response times for correct judgements (RTc) increased monotonically as a function of angle of orientation though the curves tended to be negatively accelerated rather than linear. Right-handers showed a slower rate of increase in RTc as a function of angle than either left-handed group. Mean RTc and the rate of increase in RTc were equivalent for the two sexes and for the two visual fields. Both mean RTcs and on the rate of increase in RTc varied as a function of the stimulus.Error rates also increased monotonically as a function of angle of orientation. No sex or handedness differences in error rates were found. However, errors increased significantly less rapidly when stimuli were presented in the left visual field. It is argued that right hemisphere specialization for spatial processing minimizes the rate of increase in errors.The present failure to find sex differences may be of interest and it is argued that rapid presentation of stimuli results in subjects setting maximum and minimun response times. Within this relatively restricted “bandwith” of response times males and females may perform spatial tasks equally efficiently. Some confirmation for this hypothesis vs. an alternative based upon differences in hemispheric organization was found in a second experiment.  相似文献   
Gastric cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed malignancy worldwide and therefore represents a significant healthcare burden. Environmental and genetic factors are involved in the development of gastric cancer. To date only one clear genetic predisposition has been identified involving mutations in the E-cadherin gene. The disease phenotype in patients harbouring E-cadherin mutations appears to be specifically related to diffuse gastric cancer. Little is known genetically about the other forms of gastric cancer. Since there is a growing awareness about the necessity of early intervention criteria have been developed that aid the identification of hereditary forms of gastric cancer. The aim of the current study was to identify minimal inclusion criteria so that nuclear pedigree families can be provided with risk assessment and/or genetic testing.The results reveal that inclusion features described herein such as (a) gastric cancer diagnosed before 46 years of age; (b) two gastric cancers among first degree relatives diagnosed over the age of 50 are useful in identifying suspected hereditary gastric cancer patients.  相似文献   
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