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When liriodendrin or syringin was incubated for 24 h with human intestinal bacteria, two metabolites, (+)-syringaresinol-beta-D-glucopyranoside and (+)-syringaresinol, from liriodendrin and one metabolite, synapyl alcohol, from syringin were produced. The metabolic time course of liriodendrin was as follows: at early time, liriodendrin was converted to (+)-syringaresinol-beta-D-glucopyranoside, and then (+)-syringaresinol. The in vitro cytotoxicities of these metabolites, (+)-syringaresinol and synapyl alcohol, were superior to those of liriodendrin and syringin.  相似文献   
Cytotoxicities of four urushiols, congeners isolated from the sap of Korean lacquer tree (Rhus vernicifera Stokes), to 29 human cancer cell lines originated from 9 organs were evaluated. Their values of 50% growth inhibition were below 4 microg/ml, and showed cell line specific cytotoxicity. The present result is the first report on the cytotoxicity of urushiols suggesting that they would have an anticancer activity to human cancer cells.  相似文献   
For the past year, indocyanine green angiography has been applied to evaluation of choroidal neovascularization, pigment epithelial detachment, retinal vascular disorders, and choroidal diseases and tumors. These applications have expanded the potential use of this technique. The relative safety of indocyanine green angiography has contributed to its continued wide-spread application.  相似文献   
Two patients developed persistent ulcers on the trunk after cutaneous surgery. Both had "chemical" diabetes mellitus. Bacteriologic and histopathologic studies of the ulcers were not revealing of cause. The characteristics of the ulcers are described, and are contrasted with typical lesions of pyoderma gangrenosum and Meleney's postoperative progressive synergistic bacterial gangrene. We believe these patients had variant lesions of pyoderma gangrenosum.  相似文献   
Choline accumulation was studied in rat lenses incubated in TC-199 medium containing radiolabeled choline. Choline entered the lens and was rapidly phosphorylated. Phosphorylcholine did not readily escape the lens and continued to accumulate throughout 24 hr of incubation. Accumulation of choline displayed saturation kinetics and this saturability appeared to be a property of transport rather than a reflection of the properties of choline kinase. Countertransport of labeled choline from lenses preloaded with radiolabeled choline indicates that choline transport in rat lens is carrier mediated. The existence of a choline carrier would also be consistent with the kinetic data. Ethanolamine competed for the choline carrier, however a component of ethanolamine uptake was non-saturable at concentrations of ethanolamine or choline up to 5 mm. Choline and ethanolamine appeared to be phosphorylated by separate kinases in lens.  相似文献   
Corneal permeability of variousn-alkylp-hydroxybenzoates (parabens) was studiedin vitro using excised rabbit corneas, and the effect of lipophilicity of parabens on the corneal permeability was also investigated. Permeability coefficients were obtained from the least-square linear regression after the steady state had been reached. Lipophilicity of parabens was calculated by distribution coefficients determined in octanol-S \(12_\phi [\kern-0.15em[ \) rensen’s buffer solution (pH 5.0). The relationship between lipophilicity and corneal permeability of parabens was not linear, but the optimum lipophilicity for the maximum permeation was found. The influence of tween 80 on corneal permeability of methyl and butylparaben was not significant.  相似文献   
Light-dependent delay in the falling phase of the retinal rod photoresponse.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Using suction electrodes, photocurrent responses to 100-ms saturating flashes were recorded from isolated retinal rods of the larval-stage tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum). The delay period (Tc) that preceded recovery of the dark current by a criterion amount (3 pA) was analyzed in relation to the flash intensity (If), and to the corresponding fractional bleach (R*0/Rtot) of the visual pigment; R*0/Rtot was compared with R*s/Rtot, the fractional bleach at which the peak level of activated transducin approaches saturation. Over an approximately 8 ln unit range of I(f) that included the predicted value of R*s/Rtot, Tc increased linearly with ln I(f). Within the linear range, the slope of the function yielded an apparent exponential time constant (tau c) of 1.7 +/- 0.2 s (mean +/- S.D.). Background light reduced the value of Tc measured at a given flash intensity but preserved a range over which Tc increased linearly with ln I(f); the linear-range slope was similar to that measured in the absence of background light. The intensity dependence of Tc resembles that of a delay (Td) seen in light-scattering experiments on bovine retinas, which describes the period of essentially complete activation of transducin following a bright flash; the slope of the function relating Td and ln flash intensity is thought to reflect the lifetime of photoactivated visual pigment (R*) (Pepperberg et al., 1988; Kahlert et al., 1990). The present data suggest that the electrophysiological delay has a similar basis in the deactivation kinetics of R*, and that tau c represents TR*, the lifetime of R* in the phototransduction process. The results furthermore suggest a preservation of the "dark-adapted" value of TR* within the investigated range of background intensity.  相似文献   
Our preliminary studies suggested that the novel gag-truncated mos (tmos) open reading frame (ORF) of R7, a spontaneous deletion mutant of Moloney murine sarcoma virus 124 (MoMuSV124), may be responsible for R7's unique ability to induce brain lesions in all R7-injected mice. However, when we replaced the gag-tmos ORF with either the MoMuSV124 or the homologous myeloproliferative sarcoma virus env-mos gene, we found that both recombinant viruses also induced brain lesions in all injected mice. Although these studies suggested that the critical determinants for brain lesion induction may reside in the tmos sequence common to all three viruses, they did not demonstrate if the N-terminus of Mos was dispensable for this activity. By inserting the FLAG sequence at the 3' end of the R7 gag-tmos ORF, we demonstrated that R7 does synthesize a Gag-tMos fusion protein. Using R7 gag deletion mutants with and without the FLAG sequence, we further demonstrated that (i) deletion of the entire gag sequence abolished R7's transforming activity; (ii) the ability of the virus to transform cultured NIH/3T3 cells was significantly reduced only when most of gag was deleted; (iii) the ability of the virus to induce brain lesions was inversely proportional to the extent of its gag deletions; and (iv) the insertion of FLAG at the Mos C-terminus did not reduce the in vitro transforming activity of the FLAG-tagged viruses but did reduce their ability to induce brain lesions. Thus, we have demonstrated that altering the N- or C-terminus of the R7 Gag-tMos fusion protein can affect disease manifestation.  相似文献   
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