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Anomalies of the brachial plexus and its terminal branches are not uncommon. Variations in the course and branches of the musculocutaneous nerve have been noted (Clemente, 1985; Bergman et al. 1988) and its absence was reported by Le Minor (1990). Several anomalies were present in the left plexus of a 59-y-old Japanese man (Fig.). There were no anterior and posterior divisions of the middle trunk, although there were communications between the posterior, medial and lateral cords. The musculocutaneous nerve was absent (Le Minor, 1990) and the medial and lateral roots of the median nerve did not unite in the axillary fossa but in the upper arm about 5 cm distal to the lower border of latissimus dorsi (Adachi, 1928; Buch-Hansen, 1955). The hitherto unreported findings were branches arising directly from the lateral cord to supply coracobrachialis, both heads of biceps brachii and brachialis. The lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm was derived from the lateral cord with a small contribution from the medial root of the median nerve. Since there were communications between the posterior cord (a continuation of the middle trunk) and the medial and lateral cords, it is theoretically possibly, but not proven, that the root values of branches innervating the flexor muscles of the arm and forearm and the skin of lateral border of the forearm were normal.  相似文献   
Subchronic Oral Toxicity of Glyoxal via Drinking Water in Rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Subchronic Oral Toxicity of Glyoxal via Drinking Water in Rats.Ueno, H., Segawa, T., Hasegawa, T., Nakamuro, K., Maeda, H.,Hiramatsu, Y., Okada, S., and Sayato, Y. (1991). Fundam. Appl.Toxicol. 16, 763–772. The subchronic oral toxicity ofglyoxal via drinking water and the effect on in vivo proteinsynthesis in tissues following a single treatment with thissubstance were assessed in Sprague–Dawley male rats. Animalsreceived drinking water containing glyoxal levels of 2000, 4000,and 6000 mg/liter ad libitum for 30, 60, and 90 days in PhaseI. In Phase II, the high-dose and control-1 groups fed the dietad libitum, and a diet-limited control-2 group given the sameamount of diet as consumed by the high-dose group were maintainedfor 90 and 180 days. The study designs included observationsof clinical signs, body weights, major organ weights, grossand histopathological examinations, serum clinical chemistry,and biochemical examinations such as glyoxalase activity andglutathione content in selected tissues. Body weight gain andorgan weights significantly decreased with dosage. Althoughconsumption of food and water was also depressed in the exposedgroup, the reduction of body weight gain was greater in thehigh-dose group than in the diet-limited control 2 group. Histopathologicalexaminations revealed only a slight papillary change in thekidneys from the high-dose group at both 90 and 180 days terminationsin Phase II. The induction of both glyoxalase I and II was observedin liver and erythrocytes at 30-day termination of the exposedgroups. Serum enzyme and protein levels were significantly reducedby the mid- and/or high-dose exposures. With a single oral high-dosetreatment of glyoxal, a great decline in the incorporation ofL-[3H]leucine was shown particularly in the liver, and thisprobably led in part to a reduction in the serum protein levelsin rats following subchronic exposure to glyoxal. These dataindicated an overall low degree of systemic toxicity to ratsexposed subchronically to glyoxal via drinking water.  相似文献   
AIM: To examine the efficiency of alpha1-blocker treatment on disease-specific and generic quality of life (QOL) in men with clinically diagnosed benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the improvement of QOL scores with International prostate symptom score (I-PSS) and Rand Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Health Survey (SF-36) was prospectively analyzed. METHODS: A total of 68 newly diagnosed patients with symptomatic BPH that satisfied all inclusion and none of the exclusion criteria were prospectively recruited. All patients received 0.2 mg/day of tamsulosin for 12 weeks. All patients underwent pretreatment documentation of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and assessment of symptom-specific QOL. Symptoms and general health-related QOL (HRQOL) were assessed using the I-PSS and SF-36, respectively. Also, other objective variables, such as prostate volume, maximal urinary flow and postvoid residual urine volume, were evaluated. RESULTS: After 12 weeks, decrease in I-PSS was 27% compared with baseline (from 16.4 +/- 7.18 to 11.9 +/- 7.56). All questionnaires in the I-PSS showed improvement after tamsulosin treatment and the I-PSS QOL score was improved from 4.51 +/- 1.14 to 3.17 +/- 1.38 (P < 0.0001) at 12 weeks after tamsulosin administration. In intragroup comparisons of HRQOL scores with age-gender adjusted SF-36 Japanese national norms, three SF-36 subscales (bodily pain, BP; social function, SF; and mental health, MH) were worse in the BPH group aged over 70 years, while younger BPH groups aged <70 had better mean SF-36 physical function (PF) scores compared with age-gender adjusted Japanese national norms. In the BPH group with a prostatic volume > or =20 mL, three mean SF-36 scales (BP, SF and MH) were significantly improved after tamsulosin treatment. It is noteworthy that these SF-36 subscales were identical to those observed to worsen in the older BPH group compared to Japanese national norms. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with tamsulosin for symptomatic BPH patients is associated with significant improvement in the generic HRQOL, in addition to disease-specific QOL and symptoms, at 3 months after drug administration. In particularly, for generic HRQOL with SF-36, tamsulosin treatment can efficiently improve three mean SF-36 subscales (BP, SF and MH) that are decreased in older BPH patients.  相似文献   
A very rare case of neurogenic sarcoma of the stomach is reported.It is the only case (0.03%) among 3,643 patients with malignanttumors of the stomach operated on at the National Cancer CenterHospital during the past 18 years. The patient was a 60-year-oldhousewife complaining of a palpable mass in the upper abdomen.After X-ray and endoscopical examination, partial gastrectomywas performed on the basis of the clinical diagnosis as a submucosaltumor of the stomach. The resected tumor was well demarcatedand showed extragastric growth with a continuity to the serosaof the stomach. Histologically the tumor consisted of spindle-shapedcells with moderately hyperchromatic and irregular-shaped nucleiwithout any nuclear palisading. It was very hard to differentiatethis tumor from leiomyosarcoma, fibrosarcoma and other mesenchymalmalignant tumors by routine histological methods. However, thistumor was immunohistochemically demonstrated to contain nervoustissue-specific S100 protein, which is present in both the peripheraland central nervous systems among a wide variety of vertebrates.Our results indicate that the diagnosis of neurogenic sarcomaof the stomach was appropriate for this tumor and suggest thatS100 protein would be a useful diagnostic indicator for tumorsof Schwann cell origin.  相似文献   
The growth and differentiation potential of rabbit tracheal basal cells were investigated in vitamin A deficient mice. Denuded rat tracheal grafts were xenotransplanted into nude mice made vitamin A deficient by feeding them retinol-free pellets from mid-gestation. Rabbit tracheal epithelial cells harvested enzymatically or cells derived from a basal-cell-rich fraction obtained by elutriation (purity 93.3%) had previously been inoculated into the grafts ( n  = 8, each). The grafts were implanted into the vitamin A deficient or control mice aged about 10 weeks. Four weeks later, the grafts were retrieved for histological examination.
The graft epithelium established by either basal cells or un-fractionated cells in vitamin A deficient hosts (groups 1 and 2, respectively) was atrophic, whereas grafts repopulated with both cell types in the controls had pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Group 1 and 2 grafts both showed squamous metaplasia; 10 metaplastic foci in 32 tracheal rings in group 1 ( P  < 0.02 or 0.002, compared with values for group 2 or controls, respectively), and 2 foci in 35 rings in group 2 (no statistical difference compared with controls).
In conclusion, during vitamin A deficiency, rabbit tracheal epithelial cells, including the progeny of highly-purified basal cells, lost their potential for establishing a mucociliary epithelium and rather appeared to undergo squamous metaplasia.  相似文献   
A 64‐year‐old Japanese man was diagnosed with a tumor of the stomach. From the findings of an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, computed tomography scan and endoscopic ultrasonography, the tumor was suggestive of a gastric lipoma. He was successfully treated by an endoscopic unroofing technique. There remained residual tumor just after unroofing, but it disappeared a month later. There remained only a scar and there has been no recurrence.  相似文献   
In order to study the genetical susceptibility to infectionby adult T-cell leukemia virus (ATLV), which is considered tobe a main causative agent of adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), theHLA profile of persons with antibody against ATLV-associatedantigen (anti-ATLA) was compared with that of antibody-negativepersons in villages A and B of the Goto Islands, a typical ATLendemic area in Kyushu, Japan. The frequency (29%) of HLA-B7in persons with anti-ATLA was significantly higher than that(8%) in anti-ATLA negatives (corrected X2=7.73, p<0.01) inone village while the frequency of HLA-B7 was around 10% inboth positive and negative persons in the other village. Theseresults do not support or deny the possibility of the existenceof individuals who are genetically susceptible to ATLV infectionin ATL endemic areas of Japan.  相似文献   
There have been few reports concerning hepatic bruits in malignant liver tumors, especially in those other than hepatocellular carcinoma. Lately we noticed hepatic bruits in several cases of malignant liver tumors. The murmurs were confirmed by sound recordings. In cases of hepatocellular carcinoma the murmurs were continuous or continuous with late systolic accentuation. In a case of cholangiocarcinoma of the liver the murmur was continuous with late systolic accentuation and in a case of metastatic liver carcinoma it was systolic. These murmurs were considered to be caused by various mechanisms and some of them are discussed in this paper. Hepatic bruits would be a useful aid in diagnosing hepatic tumors.  相似文献   
Although many studies have described the detailed anatomy of the inferior pyramidal space, it may not be easy for cardiologists who have few chances to study cadaveric hearts to understand the correct morphology of the structure. The inferior pyramidal space is the part of extracardiac fibro‐adipose tissue wedging between the 4 cardiac chambers from the diaphragmatic surface of the heart. Many cardiologists have interests in pericardial adipose tissue, but the inferior pyramidal space seems to have been neglected. A number of important structures, including the coronary sinus, atrioventricular node, atrioventricular nodal artery, membranous septum, muscular atrioventricular sandwich (previously called the “muscular atrioventricular septum”), atrial septum, ventricular septum, aortic valvar complex, mitral valvar attachment, and tricuspid valvar attachment are associated with the inferior pyramidal space. We previously revealed its 3‐dimensional live anatomy using multidetector‐row computed tomography. Moreover, the 3‐dimensional understanding of the anatomy in association with the cardiac contour is important from the viewpoints of clinical cardiac electrophysiology. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate extended findings regarding the clinical structural anatomy of the inferior pyramidal space, which was reconstructed in combination with the cardiac contour using multidetector‐row computed tomography, and discuss the clinical implications of the findings.  相似文献   
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