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There is increasing evidence from human and experimental studies that the most important factor governing the outcome in head injury is the severity of diffuse axonal injuries. The authors have experienced 18 cases of severe diffuse axonal injury which showed post-traumatic coma for more than 24 hours and CT findings resembling those of shearing injuries of the cerebral white matter such as have been presented by Zimmerman et al. (1978). The consciousness levels on admission were 6 or less on the Glasgow Coma Scale and all cases were shown clinically to have primary brain stem injury. The main type of head trauma resulted from road traffic accidents (83%). Skull fractures were found in only 5 cases (28%). These findings suggested that acceleration/deceleration injury produce in the patients severe diffuse axonal injury. Initial ICP was below 20 mmHg in 11 cases out of 13 (85%). Parenchymal small hemorrhagic lesions of initial CT were basal ganglia (7 cases), corpus callosum (4 cases), pons (4 cases), midbrain (3 cases) and thalamus (2 cases). Extraparenchymal hemorrhagic lesions included intraventricular hemorrhage (6 cases) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (6 cases). Two autopsied cases of severe diffuse axonal injury (acute case and chronic case) showed remarkable congestion and edema in the deep part of the frontal white matter. Microscopic examination revealed marked axonal degeneration including axonal retraction ball in the corpus callosum, in the internal capsule and in the white matter of the brain stem. Glasgow Outcome Scale of the 18 patients at 3 months after the trauma made us concerned that no patients indicated good recovery or even only moderate disability.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Voltage-sensitive K+ channels were studied in rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons in culture using the single-channel recording technique. Recordings in the cell-attached and outside-out configuration revealed multiple voltage-sensitive K+ channel types in patches from both the somatic and the dendritic regions. K+ channel types were present in all patches studied. The same channel types were observed in somatic and dendritic recordings. Channel types were identified by reversal potential, single-channel conductance, voltage sensitivity, and patterns of activity. In cell-attached patches recorded under physiological conditions, 3 channel types were identified. Mean single-channel conductances were 92, 57, and 12 pS. All 3 channel types were activated by membrane depolarization. Similar channel types were identified in inside-out and outside-out patches recorded under physiological conditions. Two additional channel types were identified in the outside-out patches, with mean single-channel conductances of 41 and 26 pS. In cell-attached recordings under symmetrical K+ conditions, 6 channel types were identified. Mean single-channel conductances were 222, 134, 39, 25, 14, and 15 pS. Channel types with mean conductances of 222, 134, and 39 pS required membrane depolarization for activation. A comparison of channel properties indicated that these channel types correlated with the 3 channel types observed in cell-attached patches under physiological conditions. The 3 smaller-conductance channel types (25, 14, and 15 pS) were active at potentials around rest or at hyperpolarized membrane potentials. Two K+ channel types (39 and 25 pS) were commonly associated with the late phase of extracellularly recorded spontaneous spike events, suggesting a functional role in the repolarizing phase of somatic and dendritic action potentials. These results demonstrate that voltage-sensitive K+ channels are a prominent component of both the somatic and the dendritic membrane of the cerebellar Purkinje neuron and support the view that multiple voltage-sensitive K+ channel types contribute to the membrane functions of both cellular regions in this CNS neuronal type.  相似文献   
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