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Background Adolescent intake of animal products has been proposed to contribute to prostate cancer (PCa) development because of its potentially carcinogenic constituents and influence on hormone levels during adolescence.Methods We used data from 159,482 participants in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study to investigate associations for recalled adolescent intake of red meat (unprocessed beef and processed red meat), poultry, egg, canned tuna, animal fat and animal protein at ages 12–13 years with subsequent PCa risk and mortality over 14 years of follow-up. Cox proportional hazard regression was used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of total (n = 17,349), advanced (n = 2,297) and fatal (n = 804) PCa.Results Suggestive inverse trends were observed for adolescent unprocessed beef intake with risks of total, advanced and fatal PCa (multivariable-adjusted P-trends = 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04, respectively). No consistent patterns of association were observed for other animal products by PCa outcome.Conclusion We found evidence to suggest that adolescent unprocessed beef intake, or possibly a correlate of beef intake, such as early-life socioeconomic status, may be associated with reduced risk and mortality from PCa. Additional studies with further early-life exposure information are warranted to better understand this association.Subject terms: Epidemiology, Risk factors  相似文献   


Ischemic stroke is the most common cause of disability in North America and in addition to the generally accepted risk factors, there is increasing evidence for the potential pathophysiological role of genes. One of these genes, the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS3) has been reported as a genetic risk factor for ischemic stroke. To independently confirm and extend the results of these previous reports, we investigated this gene as a risk factor for stroke in an ethnically diverse study population.  相似文献   
CJ-21,058, a new SecA inhibitor isolated from a fungus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new equisetin derivative, CJ-21,058 (I) was isolated from the fermentation broth of an unidentified fungus CL47745. It shows antibacterial activity against Gram-positive multi-drug resistant bacteria by inhibiting ATP-dependent translocation of precursor proteins across a bacterial cell membrane.  相似文献   
Agene encoding olfactomedin-related glycoprotein was isolated from rat glomerulus despite its prior identification as a neuron-specific gene. The mRNA expression was remarkably intense in renal glomerulus and brain and faint in the lung and eye among rat systemic organs. Although the brain contained four mRNA variants (AMY, AMZ, BMY, and BMZ) transcribed from a single gene, the glomerulus, lung, and eye expressed only two variants (BMZ and BMY). The glycoprotein was intensely immunolocalized in glomerular podocytes and neurons by using an antibody against synthetic peptide of the M region, but weak in endothelial cells of the kidney and lung. Bronchiolar epithelial cells in the lung, and ciliary, corneal, and iris epithelial cells in the eye were also stained. Immunogold electron microscopy revealed selective localization of olfactomedin-related glycoprotein at the Golgi apparatus in podocytes. In glomerular culture, the staining was also intense at a juxtanuclear region in synaptopodin-positive epithelial cells of irregular shape (phenotypic feature of podocytes), whereas it was weak in synaptopodin-negative ones of cobblestone-like appearance (phenotypic feature of parietal epithelial cells of Bowman's capsule). Interestingly, Western blot analysis identified an intense band corresponding to BMZ isoform and another faint band corresponding to BMY isoform in the glomerulus, whereas the intensity of these two bands were nearly equal in the lung and eye. In the brain, four bands corresponding to four isoforms were observed apparently. Computer sequence analysis predicted coiled-coil structures in the secondary structure of the glycoprotein similar to those in Golgi autoantigens, suggesting significant roles in the unique functions of the Golgi apparatus in rat podocytes and neurons.  相似文献   
The peak incidence of Hodgkin's disease occurs during the reproductive age, and its association with pregnancy is at a rate of between 1:1,000-1:6,000. We studied the effects of Hodgkin's Disease on the course and survival of 48 women who had Hodgkin's Disease and who were pregnant, and compared their outcome with non-pregnant matched women who were of similar stage of disease, age at diagnosis, and calenderic year of treatment. Twenty-year survival of pregnant women with Hodgkin's Disease was not different from that of their matched controls. Pregnant women with Hodgkin's Disease had similar distribution of stages to the controls.  相似文献   
The future of neurodegenerative therapeutics development depends upon effective disease modification strategies centered on carefully investigated targets. Pharmaceutical research endeavors that probe for a much deeper understanding of disease pathogenesis, and explain how adaptive or compensatory mechanisms might be engaged to delay disease onset or progression, will produce the needed breakthroughs. Below, we discuss the prospects for new targets emerging out of the study of brain disease genes and their associated pathogenic pathways. We describe a general experimental paradigm that we are employing across several mouse models of neurodegenerative disease to elucidate molecular determinants of selective neuronal vulnerability. We outline key elements of our target discovery program and provide examples of how we integrate genomic technologies, neuroanatomical methods, and mouse genetics in the search for neurodegenerative disease targets.  相似文献   
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