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A study of the degree of progesterone support required for the maintenance of various stages of pregnancy was undertaken in mice. Mated females were ovariectomized at various stages of pregnancy and progesterone and oestradiol support provided by s.c. Silastic implants with known release characteristics. In the earliest stages of pregnancy (days 1-5), very low concentrations of progesterone (<25% of normal physiological values) were sufficient to maintain pre-implantation stages and allow implantation. In the immediate post-implantation period (days 5-9), the development of implantation sites and decidualization required considerably higher progesterone support. In mid-pregnancy (days 11-14), progesterone alone could not maintain pregnancy unless present in very high amounts; however, the presence of oestradiol during this period lowered the progesterone requirements to well within the physiological range. This effect of oestradiol started on day 11 but required the level of oestradiol support to be kept within strictly defined limits, with high concentrations inducing abortion. Progesterone alone was able to maintain pregnancy from day 15. These results indicate that the minimal progesterone support required for pregnancy in mice varies considerably at different stages of pregnancy and is at least partly modulated by oestradiol.   相似文献   
Platelet concentrates were prepared at twice the normal concentration and stored at room temperature for 7 days in either standard bags (controls) or bags to which 1 or 2 g of Amberlite resin beads charged with dibasic phosphate had been added. The resin beads served as a buffer system by providing a "slow release" form of phosphate ions as well as by binding CO2 produced during platelet metabolism. Control platelets demonstrated rapid falls in pH, ATP content, morphology score, and thrombin-induced nucleotide release after 24 hr of storage with a fall in pH to less than 6.0 by day 3. Profound ultrastructural changes and a rise in pO2, suggesting loss of platelet viability, accompanied these changes. In contrast, the resin-stored platelets remained near normal after 24 hr of storage, with preservation of discoid morphology, 95% of ATP levels, excellent ultrastructural appearance, and evidence of continued oxygen consumption after 3 days of storage. Even after 7 days of storage, ATP levels remained greater than 50% of baseline and ultrastructurally intact platelets were seen. In the 1-g resin bags the pH remained at baseline levels (6.9-7.0), while there was a rise in pH in the 2-g resin bags. These results demonstrate the beneficial effects of maintaining a higher pH during platelet storage and provide a new approach to studying the metabolic changes that occur during longer term storage.  相似文献   


DNA fingerprinting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates offers better opportunities to study links between tuberculosis (TB) cases and can highlight relevant issues in urban TB control in low-endemic countries.  相似文献   


The aim of this work was to audit the extent to which routine HIV care in the UK conforms with British HIV Association (BHIVA) guidelines and specifically the proportion of patients starting highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) who achieve the outcome of virological suppression below 50 HIV‐1 RNA copies/mL within 6 months.


A prospective cohort review of adults with HIV infection who started antiretroviral therapy (ART) for the first time between April and September 2006 was carried out using structured questionnaire forms.


A total of 1170 adults from 122 clinical sites participated in the review. Of these patients, 699 (59.7%) started ART at CD4 counts <200 cells/μL and 193 (16.5%) had not been tested for HIV drug resistance. Excluding patients with valid reasons for stopping short‐term ART, 795 (73.5%) of 1081 patients had an undetectable viral load (VL) at follow‐up. Detectable VL was strongly associated with pretreatment CD4 count below 50 cells/μL and pretreatment VL above 100 000 copies/mL, and was not associated with clinic location or case load. About a quarter of patients did not have a VL measurement during the first 6 weeks after starting ART.


The majority of patients who initiated ART at sites participating in this UK national audit were managed within the BHIVA guidelines and achieved virological suppression below 50 copies/mL around 6 months after commencing treatment. Poor VL outcomes were associated with very low CD4 cell count and/or high VL at baseline but not with clinic case load or location. There is an urgent need to diagnose patients at an earlier stage of their HIV disease.  相似文献   
Synchronization of neuronal activity has been proposed as a binding mechanism for integration of image properties into one coherent percept. In the present study, we investigated the contextual modulation of synchronization to random dot patterns. Coherent motion of random dots evoked well synchronized responses in area 17 of anaesthetized cats when the stimulus was presented in the compound receptive field of recorded sites. Gradually changing the directional coherence of random dots in the surround while maintaining fully coherent motion of the stimulus in the receptive field significantly suppressed synchronization of neuronal activity for some stimulus conditions. However, usually one or two peaks of increased synchronization were found in the surround coherence tuning curves with low (8–12%) and/or moderate (25–50%) coherence in the surround. At the population level, synchronization was significantly depressed with incoherent motion in the receptive field and when both the surround and the receptive field were jointly stimulated with 0% coherence. The intriguing finding was the discovery of two distinct groups of cells with opposite synchronization changes dependent on the presence or absence of significant synchronization in their spontaneous activity. The latter group of neurons showed peaks of increased synchronization with lower surround coherence, thus probably being more sensitive to the direction of the surround motion. Overall, our findings support the notion that binding of stimulus properties can be achieved by synchronized activity of cortical cells. However, our findings go further than the original hypothesis of feature binding by synchrony to show that synchronization of cortical activity may be directly related to the decision making processes, which in turn are related to the threshold of perception of coherent motion.  相似文献   
目的探讨CpG岛甲基子表型阳性的散发性大肠癌的基因表达特征。方法对71例散发性大肠癌采用甲基化特异性PCR法行p14ARF、人类mut-s同系物1(hMLH1)、p16INK4a、6-氧-甲基鸟嘌呤-DNA甲基转移酶(MGMT)和肿瘤甲基化位点1(MINT1)共5个基因启动子甲基化的检测,确定CpG岛甲基子表型;进行K-ras、APC、P53、Bax和转化生长因子βⅡ受体(TGFβRⅡ)共5个基因的免疫组化检测。分析散发性大肠癌CpG岛甲基子表型和基因表达之间的关系。结果71例散发性大肠癌中,CpG岛甲基子表型阳性率为21.1%(15/71);K-ras、APC、P53、Bax和TGFβRⅡ蛋白阳性表达率分别为43.7%(31/71)、42.3%(30/71)、47.9%(34/71)、71.4%(50/70)和59.2%(42/71)。CpG岛甲基子表型和APC、P53、Bax、TGFβRⅡ蛋白表达均无显著相关性,但与K-ras蛋白表达显著相关,CpG岛甲基子表型阳性者K-ras蛋白阳性表达率显著高于CpG岛甲基子表型阴性者(66.7%比37.5%, P=0.043)。结论CpG岛甲基子表型阳性的散发性大肠癌中K-ras蛋白呈高表达,提示多基因同时甲基化与K-ras蛋白的激活表达密切相关,两者的关系表明表遗传学机制可以间接引起遗传学改变。  相似文献   
中西医结合治疗老年高脂血症   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨中西医结合治疗高脂血症的临床疗效。方法:符合高脂血症标准的老年患者120例,随机分为A、B2组各60例,A组采用益肾化淤、利湿化浊为主的中药及西药辛伐他汀片治疗;B组则单纯用辛伐他汀片治疗。治疗前及治疗4周后2组均行全套血脂水平测定。结果:与B组比较,A组血清总胆固醇(TC)及甘油三酯(TG)均明显下降,HDL明显上升(均P〈0.05);A组临床控制率明显高于B组(P〈0.05);治疗后A组患者未见肝功能损害,B组转氨酶及转肽酶轻度异常,2例。停药3个月后,A组复发率低于B组(2.2%、8.8%,P〈0.05)。结论:中西医结合治疗老年高脂血症的临床效果明显优于单一的一种治疗方法,值得临床进一步推广应用。  相似文献   
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