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Zusammenfassung Die Differenzialdiagnose schlafbezogener Atmungsstörungen (SBAS) erfolgt in Anlehnung an die durch die im Jahr 2005 von der American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) neu aufgelegte Internationale Klassifikation von Schlafstörungen (ICSD-2). Die ICSD-2 teilt die derzeit bekannten Schlaf- und Aufwachstörungen in 8 Kategorien ein, die SBAS werden in Kategorie II aufgeführt. Die ICSD-2 ist kompatibel zu den international gebräuchlichen Systemen der Klassifikation von Krankheiten (ICD-9, ICD-10). Grundlage aller differenzialdiagnostischen Erwägungen stellt neben der ausführlichen Anamnese die Polysomnographie dar, ggf. ergänzt durch weiterführende internistische, neurologische, pädiatrische, Hals-Nasen-Ohren-ärztliche, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichts-chirurgische sowie neuropsychologische und neurophysiologische Untersuchungen.  相似文献   
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic, debilitating inflammatory disease of the urinary bladder, characterized by chronic pelvic pain, urgency/frequency symptoms, and decrease of the functional bladder capacity. Both the etiology and pathogenesis of the condition that predominantly affects women are still not fully understood. Thus, a causal therapeutic approach still does not exist. IC remains a strict diagnosis of exclusion; distinct histopathological findings within the bladder wall are frequently found, although they are not pathognomonic. The diagnostic criteria elaborated by the NIH are helpful in clinical research; their dogmatic utilization will however lead to an underdiagnosis of IC in 60% of the patients. IC-specific symptom questionnaires and validated symptom scales help the physician to assess the therapeutic response during the follow-up of the patients.  相似文献   
Cardiogenic shock remains the major cause of death among patients with acute myocardial infarction. Besides supportive therapy there is clear evidence that revascularization of the infarct related artery should be performed as soon as possible with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Placement of coronary stents and administration of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists may further improve outcome. Intra-aortic balloon pumping should be integral part of this treatment strategy but is unfortunately underused in clinical practice. Routine bypass surgery for cardiogenic shock patients is deferred and restricted to selected patients.  相似文献   
1. Human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells have been used to investigate the transepithelial permeation of the cardiac glycoside, digoxin. 2. Transepithelial basal to apical [3H]-digoxin flux exceeds apical to basal flux, a net secretion of [3H]-digoxin being observed. At 200 microM digoxin, net secretory flux (Jnet) was 10.8 +/- 0.6 nmol cm-2 h-1. Maximal secretory flux (Jmax) of vinblastine was 1.3 +/- 0.1 nmol cm-2 h-1. Cellular uptake of digoxin was different across apical and basal cell boundaries. It was greatest across the basal surface at 1 microM, whereas at 200 microM, apical uptake exceeded basal uptake. 3. Net secretion of [3H]-digoxin was subject to inhibition by digitoxin and bufalin but was not inhibited by ouabain, convallatoxin, and strophanthidin (all 100 microM). Inhibition was due to both a decrease in Jb-a and an increase in Ja-b. Uptake of [3H]-digoxin at the apical surface was increased by digitoxin and bufalin. All cardiac glycosides decreased [3H]-digoxin uptake at the basal cell surface (except for 100 microM digitoxin). 4. The competitive P-glycoprotein inhibitors, verapamil (100 microM), nifedipine (50 microM) and vinblastine (50 microM) all abolished net secretion of [3H]-digoxin due to both a decrease in Jb-a and an increase in Ja-b. Cellular accumulation of [3H]-digoxin was also increased across both the apical and basal cell surfaces. I-Chloro-2,4,-dinitrobenzene (10 microM), a substrate for glutathione-S-transferase and subsequent ATP-dependent glutathione-S-conjugate secretion, failed to inhibit net secretion of [3H]-digoxin. The increase in absorptive permeability Pa-b (= Ja-b/Ca) and cellular [3H]-digoxin uptake upon P-glycoprotein inhibition, showed that the intestinal epithelium was rendered effectively impermeable by ATP-dependent extrusion at the apical surface. 5. A model for [3H]-digoxin secretion by the intestinal epithelium is likely to involve both diffusional uptake and Na(+)-K+ pump-mediated endocytosis, followed by active extrusion at the apical membrane.  相似文献   
Summary Preproenkephalin mRNA production by efferent neurons projecting to the gerbil inner ear was assessed using combined in situ hybridization and retrograde labeling with florescent tracers. Virtually all vestibular efferent neurons were positive for preproenkephalin mRNA. Of the cochlear efferents, one-half of the medial olivocochlear neurons were positive for enkephalin. All lateral olivocochlear neurons were negative for enkephalin. The results suggest that there are two, biochemically distinct subpopulations of medial olivocochlear efferents in the gerbil. Offprint requests to: Division of Otolaryngology, ENT, V-112C  相似文献   
Clinical aspects of FK-506 or cyclosporine immunosuppression regimens were evaluated in 48 consecutive pediatric renal transplant recipients. Tapering and discontinuation of prednisone was employed only in children receiving FK-506 who experienced minor or no rejection episodes during the 1st posttransplant month. At 1 year follow-up, 17 of 22 (77%) of all children with functioning allografts were receiving no prednisone (n=13) or a mean dosage of 0.07 mg/kg per day (n=4). During the 1st month, acute cellular rejection was more common in the FK-506 group (0.58 vs. 0.21 rejections per patient,P<0.05) but allograft survival (92%) and renal function at 1 year posttransplant were identical in both groups. Compared with the cyclosporine regimen, FK-506 immunosuppression may be associated with a higher incidence of cytomegalovirus or reversible Epstein-Barr virus-induced lymphoproliferative disease. However, the FK-506 group had less hirsutism and gingival hypertrophy and required fewer antihypertensive medications independent of steroid use. Height standard deviation scores and weight-for-height index improved only in preadolescents receiving FK-506 but no prednisone (P<0.02 andP<0.05, respectively), but did not differ between children on FK-506 plus prednisone and those in the cyclosporine group. We conclude that the major advantages of FK-506 over cyclosporine immunosuppression are a reduced severity of hypertension and an improved cosmetic appearance which may improve long-term medical compliance. When used as monotherapy, FK-506 also shows promise in relieving the growth retardation associated with cyclosporine regimens that include prednisone.  相似文献   
After a fracture of the distal radius, especially with malunion, many patients complain of a decreased range of forearm rotation and pain on the ulnar side of the wrist. The purpose of this article is to describe the therapeutic options available in such cases. Decision making as to whether there is an indication for corrective surgery or not is based on the patient’s symptoms and the clinical findings, whereas the decision as to which surgery to perform must take into account the radiological findings. If possible, reconstruction of the anatomy using a distal radius osteotomy should be carried out.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Einleitung: Das Ziel dieser Studie war die Entwicklung eines spezifischen Schweregradklassifizierungssystems für die Beurteilung und Vorhersage von Organfunktionsstörungen und Überleben bei herzchirurgischen Intensivpatienten. Methoden: Hierzu wurden konsekutiv alle erwachsenen Patienten nach einem herzchirurgischen Eingriff unter Einsatz der Herzlungenmaschine über einen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren in die Studie aufgenommen. Im Konstruktionsset erfolgte die Auswahl der Variablen mit Hilfe der Patienten, die mindestens 24 Stunden auf der Intensivstation verbrachten. Die Ergebnisse wurden dann in zwei Validierungssets mit allen Intensivpatienten überprüft. Die Qualität des Scores wurde mit dem Hosmer-Lemeshow-Test (HL) sowie der ROC-Analyse beurteilt, und mit dem APACHE-II- und dem MODS-Score verglichen. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt wurden 3230 Patienten über einen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren auf unserer Intensivstation aufgenommen. Die HL-Werte für den neuen Score waren 5,8 (APACHE-II: 11,3; MODS: 9,7) für das Konstruktionsset, 7,2 (APACHE-II: 8,0; MODS: 4,5) für das Validierungsset I und 5,9 für das Validierungsset II. Die Fläche unter der ROC-Kurve war 0,91 (APACHE-II: 0,86; MODS: 0,84) für den neuen Score im Konstruktionsset, 0,88 (APACHE-II: 0,84; MODS: 0,84) in dem Validierungsset I, und 0,92 in dem Validierungsset II. Schlussfolgerung: Der neue CASUS (Cardiac Surgery Score) zeigt für herzchirurgische Intensivpatienten eine exzellente Kalibrierung und Diskriminierung bezüglich der 30-Tage-Letalität. Die Variablen des CASUS sind einfach, reproduzierbar und werden routinemäßig in herzchirurgischen Intensivstationen erfasst. Der CASUS könnte als Expertensystem für das Diagnostizieren von Organfunktionsstörungen, der Entscheidungsfindung, der Ressourcenauswertung und Vorhersage der Letalität für herzchirurgische Intensivpatienten dienen.  相似文献   
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