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We present data on 10 patients (5 men and 5 women, aged 21-56 yrs) with end-stage liver disease or tumour who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation at Groote Schuur Hospital between October 1988 and June 1991. Standard surgical techniques were used for procuring the donor liver, the recipient hepatectomy and the implantation of the liver. The venovenous bypass method was used in all but 2 patients. Postoperative immunosuppression was usually achieved with cyclosporin, azathioprine and low-dose steroids. Six patients were treated with prophylactic OKT3. Rejection episodes were treated with bolus doses of intravenous steroids. The indications for liver transplantation included chronic active hepatitis progressing to cirrhosis (5), biliary cirrhosis in association with inflammatory bowel disease (1), sclerosing cholangitis (2), alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (1), and tumour (1). All patients with chronic liver disease had experienced at least one complication, examples of which included encephalopathy, bacterial peritonitis, ascites, variceal bleeding and septicaemia. Serious postoperative complications included acute rejection of the transplanted liver, renal and liver failure that responded to intensive care support and medical management. One patient died on the 11th postoperative day with complications of bleeding oesophageal ulcer, shock and fungaemia. The remaining patients are alive and well 1-31 months after transplantation.  相似文献   
Insulinlike growth factor 1 production is inhibited in human sepsis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We studied the response of 14 normal volunteers and five septic patients to a 48-hour course of exogenous biosynthetic human growth hormone (hGH) or placebo. Six normal controls (group 1) received saline, eight normal controls received hGH (group 2), and five septic patients also received biosynthetic hGH (group 3). Urinary urea excretion declined, and splanchnic amino acid uptake was maintained only in group 2 subjects. Septic patients exhibited changes in amino acid and urea dynamics comparable to those of subjects receiving placebo. Insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF-1) production and plasma concentrations increased in group 2 in a fashion corresponding to the changes in nitrogen exchange, whereas septic patients exhibited no change in IGF-1 level. Therefore, in this septic patient group, exogenous hGH was ineffective in attenuating nitrogen losses and stimulating IGF-1 production. This supports the hypothesis that IGF-1 is a mediator of the anabolic effect of hGH.  相似文献   
A 74 year old man with light-chain myeloma developed amyloidosis with macroglossia after 10 years of therapy with alkylating agents. Over a 2-year period his tongue enlarged to persistently protrude from his mouth, inhibit his speech, interfere with normal swallowing and eventually threaten his airway. As a life-saving procedure the tumorous anterior two-thirds of the tongue was resected, with excellent primary healing. Within two weeks the patient's speech became comprehensible and his ability to eat returned to normal. Although rare in amyloidosis, massive macroglossia may occur and surgical correction is easily achieved.  相似文献   
There has been a traditional reluctance to remove a subluxed (ectopic) lens because of the high surgical risk. The use of closed intraocular microsurgical techniques, however, now allows greater intraoperative control with few complications. The authors present the results of subluxed lens extraction, by limbal or pars plana lensectomy, in 44 eyes of 24 patients, in which the indication for surgery was lens subluxation causing a reduction in visual acuity or uncorrectable refractive error. Visual acuity was improved in all cases after surgery, with no significant complications. Patients with reduced visual acuity secondary to ectopic lenses have a good visual prognosis after lensectomy using a closed intraocular microsurgical technique.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Development of an acclimation protocol for use when measuring resting energy expenditure (REE) would simplify and standardize data collection. The purpose of this study was to determine if our 2 metabolic carts could be used interchangeably and to determine if excluding the first 3 or 5 minutes of data collected as an acclimation period would significantly improve the coefficients of variation (CVs) for oxygen consumed (VO(2)) and carbon dioxide produced (VCO(2)) when performing REE assessments with our metabolic cart systems. METHODS: Thirteen healthy, nonsmoking adults ranging in age from 32 to 45 years, with activity levels ranging from sedentary to highly active, participated. Indirect calorimetry was performed twice in the morning after 30 minutes of supine resting. Subjects had fasted for 12 hours, and did not exercise within the last 24 hours. The system order for testing was randomized for the first measurement. When the first measurement was completed, subjects were crossed over for measurement using a second metabolic cart. RESULTS: The CVs for VO(2) and VCO(2) were significantly lower when excluding the first 3 (VO(2), p = .0005), (VCO(2), p = .0024) or 5 minutes (VO(2), p = .0001, VCO(2), p = .0021) of data compared with no exclusions. No significant differences in CVs between the 3- and 5-minute exclusions were found for VO(2) (p = .3224) or VCO(2) (p = .2255). CONCLUSIONS: Clearly, our machines cannot be used interchangeably within a study. An acclimation period improves CVs of VO(2) and VCO(2.) The similarities in CVs led us to adopt a 3-minute acclimation period for measuring REE.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND. Tuberculosis typically develops from a reactivation of latent infection. Clinical tuberculosis may also arise from a primary infection, and this is thought to be more likely in persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, the relative importance of these two pathogenetic mechanisms in this population is unclear. METHODS. Between December 1990 and April 1991, tuberculosis was diagnosed in 12 residents of a housing facility for HIV-infected persons. In the preceding six months, two patients being treated for tuberculosis had been admitted to the facility. We investigated this outbreak using standard procedures plus analysis of the cultured organisms with restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms (RFLPs). RESULTS. Organisms isolated from all 11 of the culture-positive residents had similar RFLP patterns, whereas the isolates from the 2 patients treated for tuberculosis in the previous six months were different strains. This implicated the first of the 12 patients with tuberculosis as the source of this outbreak. Among the 30 residents exposed to possible infection, active tuberculosis developed in 11 (37 percent), and 4 others (13 percent) had newly positive tuberculin skin tests. Of 28 staff members with possible exposure, at least 6 had positive tuberculin-test reactions, but none had tuberculosis. CONCLUSIONS. Newly acquired tuberculous infection in HIV-infected patients can spread readily and progress rapidly to active disease. There should be heightened surveillance for tuberculosis in facilities where HIV-infected persons live, and investigation of contacts must be undertaken promptly and be focused more broadly than is usual.  相似文献   
Analysis of Euripides' play, Medea, and a divorcing family suggests that divorce between a narcissistically scarred, embittered, dependent woman and a pathologically narcissistic, devaluing man may lead to the mother's attempt to sever father-child contact as a means of revenging the injury inflicted on her by the loss of a selfobject, her hero-husband.  相似文献   
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