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In the 1970s, 707 patients received a primary pacemaker implant in our hospital. An analysis of the indications for pacemaker therapy revealed that one-third had third degree heart block, one-third had sick sinus syndrome and one-third had other indications. The distribution of indications was identical in all age groups. Furthermore, this distribution did not change from the first half of the decade to the second.  相似文献   
A case of upper gastrointestinal bleeding as the first and only manifestation of giant cell carcinoma of the pancreas invading the duodenum is described. The polypoid tumor was visualized during endoscopy. The diagnosis was made by a cytologic bnish and confirmed by endoscopic biopsy. The rather uncommon presentation of pancreatic carcinoma and tlie possibility of establishing the diagnosis by a cytologic bnish is discussed.  相似文献   
Persistent viruses occur intracellularly in brown algae, specifically the Ectocarpales, and as reported here in the genusFeldmannia. Feldmanniaspecies are small (1 mm–several cm), filamentous forms with single-celled meiotic sporangia that normally produce haploid zoospores. In the isolate reported here, spores were not observed in the sporangia but rather numerous (106per cell) polyhedral viruses are formed in their place. Two dsDNA genome classes of 158 and 178 kbp, with two restriction site variants of each, are described. The individual abundance of each genome in viral preparations is affected by culture temperature. A cosmid library was used to generate circular restriction enzyme (BamHI,NotI, andPstI) site maps.  相似文献   
A 6-year follow-up of a cohort of male and female while collar workers in whom there was baseline information on alcohol consumption and access co data on sickness absence, promotion and labour turnover, revealed that even moderate alcohol and consumption in this population was associated with social costs for the employer and the employee, particularly in terms of sickness absence. The longitudinal examination of consumption in this study suggests that early intervention in a drinking career may reduce alcohol consumption and consequently avoid years of morbidity and sickness absence, as well as having a favourable influence on promotion prospects and labour turnover.  相似文献   
Angioplasty in the setting of poor left ventricular function may involve coronary anatomy with special challenges to the technique of the operator and the safety of the patient. Spontaneous coronary aneurysms involve a disruption of the tissue of the vessel and the linear geometry of the lumen. This case reports the dilatation of a stenosis traversing a large spontaneous aneurysm in a patient with severe left ventricular dysfunction. Using a novel guidewire technique to traverse the lesion and a perfusion balloon catheter to slowly dilate it, an excellent angiographic and clinical result was achieved . (J Interven Cardiol 1992; 5:232–330)  相似文献   
Clearance of Sulfuric Acid-Introduced 35S from the RespiratoryTracts of Rats, Guinea Pigs and Dogs Following Inhalation orInstillation. Dahl, A.R., Felicetti, S.A., and Muggenburg, B.A.(1983). Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 3: 293–297. The clearanceof sulfuric acid-introduced 35S from the upper and lower respiratorytracts of rats, guinea pigs and dogs was measured. Sulfuricacid was administered by instillation and by inhalation foreach species. Clearance into the blood and gastrointestinaltract was measured along with determination of 35S remainingat the site of administration at sacrifice. Different ratesof clearance from different sites within the dog lung were indicatedwith rates of clearance increasing with decreasing airway diameter.Half-times of clearance from all sites in the lung and for allspecies were from 2–9 min. There appeared to be some speciesdifferences, with clearance for dogs being slower than for guineapigs, which was slower than for rats. Upper respiratory tractclearance was much slower than for lung and may not have beenprimarily by way of the blood. The data indicate that the clearanceof sulfuric acid-introduced 35S in vivo is faster than previousstudies in isolated perfused lungs had indicated. The resultsmay be general for water soluble, ionized chemical species.  相似文献   
Objectives Health-related characteristics and habits and food choices of young adults were compared for three groups: college students, college graduates, and nonstudents.Design Subjects completed a mailed survey that included questions about demographics, attitudes, and behaviors and a food frequency questionnaire. Main outcome measures were health-related characteristics and habits and food choices.Subjects Female (n=758) and male (n=580) 18- to 24-year-olds in nine states who were selected randomly by zip code in each state. The response rate averaged 43% for all states.Statistical analyses performed Analysis of variance or χ2 tests were applied to health-related personal characteristic variables and the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance was applied to food consumption variables for women and men separately.Results According to self-reported heights and weights, female nonstudents were more often overweight than female students or graduates. Nonstudents of both genders reported smoking more often than students or graduates. College students and graduates ate more grain foods high in dietary fiber, more fruits and dark-green vegetables, and more lower-fat milk and meats than non students.Conclusions/applications Non students were at greater health risk for some chronic illnesses, because of poorer health habits and food choices, than were college students and graduates. The behavior of nonstudents implies weaker response to messages promoting weight control, smoking cessation, and observance of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans than behavior exhibited by students or college graduates. Health promotion efforts could be enhanced by identifying demographic, educational, situational, and formative influences on positive health and dietary behaviors of young adults.  相似文献   
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