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Mast cells in adenoid liver tumors of 32 rats induced with nitrosomorpholine were observed ultrastructurally, and among them, some were studied immunocytochemically via immunogold techniques. Data indicating that mast cells which located in tumor tissues presented positive expression of rat mast cell protein (RMCP) Ⅰ, Indicating origination from the mucosa mast cells, while those in the connective tissues around tumors were largely stained negatively with either RMCP Ⅰor RMCP Ⅰ antisera, with the exception of only a few cells showing positive RMCP Ⅰ staining. Ultrastructural observation showed that mast cells in tumon contacted closely with the tumor cells. Membranes of the intracytoplasmic granules in these mast cells were fusing together. The content inside the granules were discharged and spread along the intercellular space between the tumor cells. There was not any lesion observed uitrasructrually in the tumor cells contacting with the mast cells. The significance of mucosa mast cells in adenoi  相似文献   
为探讨四君子汤对烧伤早期代谢营养的作用,采用30%Ⅲ度烧伤豚鼠胃造口模型将400g左右豚鼠分别在喂养等量热卡、氮和自由进食两种膳食条件下,将31只豚鼠分为四组,即喂养治疗组(n=7),喂养对照组(n=4),自食治疗组(n=9),自食对照组(n=11)予以观察。结果发现:自由进食时,四君子汤能增加摄食量,减轻伤后体重丢失,改善氮平衡,增加肝、回肠粘膜含氮量,而躯壳重及腓肠肌含氮量增加不明显,但静息代谢率则增加;等量喂养时,四君子汤治疗组体重、躯壳重及腓肠肌含氮量显著低于对照组,而肝、肠粘膜重量及含氮量差异无显著意义。此外,四君子汤还可调整激素和内脏组织含水量。因此,我们认为四君子汤对改善烧伤后代谢营养及脏器功能可能是有益的  相似文献   
We used monoclonal antibodies and immunohistochemical staining of frozen tissue sections to study the expression of cytokines in human cardiac allograft rejection. The 113 endomyocardial biopsy samples were stained for interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, and interferon-gamma. The findings were compared to expression of the endothelial cell adhesion molecule ICAM-1, and the lymphocyte receptor for the adhesion molecule VCAM-1, VLA-4. Four biopsy samples from patients with idiopathic cardiomyopathy served as controls. IL-2 was not expressed in lymphocytes of controls and only occasionally in mild or moderate cellular rejection, humoral rejection, and Quilty lesions. IL-2 expression was prominent in severe cellular rejection. Interferon-gamma expression increased in proportion to the severity of cellular rejection and was not expressed in other conditions. IL-6 staining, which was only observed in occasional cases, was mild. Cytokine and adhesion molecule expression tended to increase with the severity of cellular rejection. This study shows that cytokine expression can be documented in human allograft endomyocardial biopsy samples with immunohistochemical techniques. The findings support the concept of an important role for cytokines in human cardiac allograft rejection.  相似文献   
浙江医科大学附二院门诊处方中精神药物使用调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对浙江医科大学附属二院1993年7月间31378张合格处方进行统计分析,并用限定日剂量(DDD)和药物使用指数(DUI)为指标,分析镇静催眠药物使用情况。结果表明苯二氮 类药方2067张,占总处方量的6.59%,巴比妥类药方49张,占0.16%,麻醉药方111张;占0.35%。苯二氮 类药方中.女性处方量1202张,男性处方量865张,男、女组间比较有显著性差异。苯二氮 类药方多分布在神经内科,常用的药有舒乐安定和阿普唑仑。九种常用的苯二氮 类药和麻醉性镇痛药的DUI均小于1。提示药物滥用现象少见,该院对这类药物的管理比较严格。麻醉性镇痛药中二氢埃托啡处方占67.57%。  相似文献   
以健康Wistar大白鼠为材料,对微波快速内源性过氧化物酶染色与灌注法显示微血管的方法进行了对比研究。结果,过氧化物酶组织化学法具有不用灌注,操作简单,所用时间短,对血管无扩张、破裂等人为改变的特点,保持了微血管真实的自然形态和管径大小,可以定量或半定量地判定组织器官活体时的血液循环状况。可以用于人及动物的大脑、脊髓、皮肤、耳及食管等组织内微血管形态学研究和定量分析。并对过氧化物酶显示微血管的原理和微波辐射促进染色的原理及特点进行了分析、讨论。  相似文献   
神经梅毒的临床特征与诊断分析   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:32  
目的:分析神经梅毒的分型和临床特征及提供早期诊断依据。方法:回顾性分析经临床和实验室检查确诊的18例神经梅毒病人的有关临床资料。结果:神经梅毒的临床特征包括:(1)急性、亚急性起病为主;(2)临床以间质型,尤其是以脑卒中起病常见,症状元特异性;(3)血清学检查以梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(TPHA)及快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)特异性较高;(4)脑脊液检查表现为压力增高(42.9%)、蛋白增高(81.2%)及细胞数增高(56.3%);(5)头颅CT、MRI表现与高血压、动脉硬化所致脑梗死不同,为多发、散在病灶。结论:神经梅毒早期误诊率高,临床表现与分型密切相关,实验室及影像学检查是诊断的重要依据。  相似文献   
玻璃体切割手术治疗化脓性眼内炎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 观察玻璃体切割手术治疗化脓性眼内炎的疗效。方法 对1999年6月~2003年2月在我院行玻璃体切割术的14例(14只眼)化脓性眼内炎患者进行回顾性分析。除眼内异物外,其余患者临床诊断化脓性眼内炎后均先采用保守治疗,密切观察1~2天无好转而行玻璃体切割手术。眼内炎的原因:眼球穿通伤13只眼,青光眼术后晚期滤过泡感染1只眼。玻璃体切割手术前先抽取前房及玻璃体腔内液体涂片及培养。采用标准三通道闭合式玻璃体切割手术,7只眼因前房积脓及晶状体前大量渗出和3只眼外伤性白内障影响手术而同时切除晶状体,8只联合巩膜环扎。缝合巩膜切口后玻璃体腔内注射罗氏芬2.5mg及地塞米松0.4mg。术后全身继续使用抗生素及激素1周。术后平均随访14.8个月(2~24个月).结果 14只眼中术后视力提高12只眼(85.7%),眼球保留13只眼(92.6%)。5只眼培养阳性。术后玻璃体腔内少量出血2只眼,无其它手术并发症。结论 玻璃体切割手术联合眼内注射抗生素治疗化脓性眼内炎疗效可靠。只要手术时机选择适当,大多数患者能保住眼球,恢复有用视力。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung des ?thylazetatextraktes von Chrysanthemum morifolium auf P. falciparum wurde in vitro untersucht. W?hrend sich die Parasit?mie bei der Kontrollgruppe bis zu 10. 90 % entwickelte, wurde bei dem mit ?thylazetatextrakt in einer Konzentration von 100 μg/ml Medium am 5. Tag der Kultur eine signifikante Hemmwirkung auf die Parasiten beobachtet. Die Parasit?mie blieb bei 1. 00 %.
Diese Arbeit wurde durch die Stiftung von “National Nature Science Foundation of China” finanziert (No. 39260066)  相似文献   
年龄因素对健康人心率变异性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨年龄因素对健康人心率变异性(HRV)的影响。材料与方法将236例健康人分为五个年龄组,使用美国先进医用设备公司5.0版本HRV软件做短时时域及频域HRV分析。结果年龄因素对健康人HRV短时时域和频域分析的多项指标产生显著影响,随着年龄增大,时域指标中的HRSD、SDANN、rMSSD及PNN50均逐渐降低;随着年龄增长,频域指标中各频段下的绝对面积,即:VLF、LF、MF及HF均逐渐降低;而频域指标中各频段下的相对面积,即:VLFP、LFP、MFP、HFP随着年龄增长呈不同的发展趋势。LF/HF随着年龄的增加而逐渐升高。结论HRV随着年龄的增加而下降,尤以迷走神经活性下降为显著。频域指标中各频段的相对面积较绝对面积能更敏感地反映交感、迷走神经张力的消长。  相似文献   
From a study of 71 HIV-1-infected patients receiving abacavir in combination with 1 of 5 different HIV-1 protease inhibitors (indinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir, nelfinavir, or amprenavir), we found that the baseline HIV-1 RNA levels were highly predictive of the viral decay rates. The baseline HIV-1 RNA levels were negatively correlated with the first phase viral decay rates (r = -0.77, P < 0.001) and positively correlated with the second phase viral decay rates (r = 0.68, P < 0.001). In addition, the first phase viral decay rate was positively correlated with CD4+ cell increases. No significant correlation was found between viral decay rates and longer term (24 weeks) virologic responses, and no difference in viral decay rates was found among the 5 study regimens. These data suggest that the potency of the 5 treatment regimens was similar and was not predictive of long-term virologic failure.  相似文献   
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