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Ticks of the Ornithodoros moubata complex were collected from domestic pig sties and dwelling houses, and from a warthog habitat, and tested for the presence of African swine fever (ASF) virus. Collections were made in 9 of the 24 districts of Malawi, these being primarily the districts in which O. moubata is most numerous. ASF virus was isolated from ticks collected in both domestic pig sties and houses in certain villages in Mchinji district where ASF outbreaks had recently occurred. Mchinji district is in the centre of a large ASF enzootic area which stretches into other districts of Malawi and also into Zambia and Mozambique. The high titre of virus in some of the ticks demonstrates that O. moubata can act as a virus reservoir and potential vector of disease in the field situation in Malawi.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The risk for allergic reactions depends on the sensitivity of individuals and the quantities of offending food ingested. The sensitivity varies among allergic individuals, as does the threshold dose of a food allergen capable of inducing an allergic reaction. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at determining the distribution of minimum provoking doses of hazelnut in a hazelnut-allergic population. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with a history of hazelnut-related allergic symptoms, a positive skin prick test to hazelnut and/or an elevated specific IgE level, were included. Double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges (DBPCFC) were performed with seven increasing doses of dried hazelnut (1 mg to 1 g hazelnut protein) randomly interspersed with seven placebo doses. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients had a positive challenge. Itching of the oral cavity and/or lips was the first symptom in all cases. Additional gastrointestinal symptoms were reported in five patients and difficulty in swallowing in one patient. Lip swelling was observed in two patients, followed by generalized urticaria in one of these. Threshold doses for eliciting subjective reactions varied from a dose of 1 mg up to 100 mg hazelnut protein (equivalent to 6.4-640 mg hazelnut meal). Extrapolation of the dose-response curve showed that 50% of our hazelnut-allergic population will suffer from an allergic reaction after ingestion of 6 mg (95% CI, 2-11 mg) of hazelnut protein. Objective symptoms were observed in two patients after 1 and 1,000 mg, respectively. CONCLUSION: DBPCFCs demonstrated threshold doses in half of the hazelnut-allergic patients similar to doses previously described to be hidden in consumer products. This stresses the need for careful labelling and strategies to prevent and detect contamination of food products with hazelnut residues.  相似文献   
Polyploidization and centrosome hyperamplification in inflammatory bronchi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN: Inflammatory and tumorous bronchi were screened in order to obtain new tumor relevant cytogenetic parameters. MATERIAL OR SUBJECTS: Bronchial cells of 32 patients were cultivated by standard cell culture procedures. METHODS: Tetraploidy and aneuploidy was determined by enumeration of chromosome 7 and 8 versus the number of centrosomes. The resulting data were correlated with histopathological data. RESULTS: Tetra- and aneuploidy of epithelial cells were detectable in 76% of tumor cell cultures, 75% of high grade inflammatory tissues and 40% of non- and low grade-inflammatory tissues. Additionally, we observed centrosome hyper-amplification and multipolar mitoses not only in the tumor but also in the early stages of inflammation. CONCLUSION: Inflammatory bronchi already show tumor-specific features and may consequently represent the preliminary genetic stage of cancer development in bronchi.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the rate of occupational sensitization to horse hair in grooms and whether occupational exposure to horse hair increases respiratory and allergic symptoms and affects lung function in grooms or not. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study. Two hundred grooms were randomly selected among 1000 grooms working in Veliefendi Hippodrome of Istanbul. One hundred and twenty-five subjects agreed to enter the study. Ninety-two workers who worked in the different parts of this hippodrome enrolled as the control group. A detailed questionnaire including respiratory and allergic symptoms was filled in, physical examination, skin prick tests and pulmonary function tests were performed. RESULTS: Sensitization to horse hair was 12.8% in grooms and 4.3% in controls. The difference was statistically significant (P = 0.0035). Asthma was found in 14.4% of the grooms and 5.4% of the controls, allergic rhinitis in 42.4% of the grooms and 18.4% of the controls, allergic conjunctivitis in 35.2% of the grooms and 15.2% of the controls, and allergic skin diseases in 32.8% of the grooms and 13% of the controls. The differences were statistically significant (P = 0.043, P = 0.0002, P = 0.001 and P = 0.0008, respectively). The means of FEV1, FEV1/FVC and FVC parameters were significantly lower in the groom group (P = 0.006, P = 0.001 and P = 0.003, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, being in the groom group and working years were found to be predictive factors for impairments of lung function (P < 0.001 and P = 0.002, respectively). CONCLUSION: Occupational exposure to horse increases the sensitization to horse hair, induces asthma and allergic symptoms and also impairs lung functions.  相似文献   
Previously, we prepared two different monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against human 4-1BB (CD137): an agonistic mAb BBK-1 and an antagonistic mAb BBK-2. In this paper, we describe the molecular cloning of these two mAbs and present comparisons of their amino acid sequences. cDNAs encoding the heavy (H) and light (L) chains of the two mAbs were cloned by screening of cDNA libraries constructed from hybridomas secreting these mAbs. Comparisons of amino acid sequences of the two mAbs showed that, while the constant regions of the H and L chains were identical between the two mAbs, the variable region showed 45% identity in H chains and 48% identity in L chains. This suggests that these two mAbs recognize different epitopes of 4-1BB and may have different effects on the activity of 4-1BB.  相似文献   
The modulation of oxytocin (OT) receptors (OTRs) by estrogen was investigated in the ventromedial hypothalamus by in vitro receptor autoradiography. Treatment of ovariectomized and adrenalectomized rats with various doses of estradiol benzoate (EB) increased OTR binding not only in the ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus (VMN), but also in the area lateral to the nuclei (IVMN). After a single injection of EB, OTRs first were induced within the ventrolateral parts of the VMN, and only hours later they appeared in the IVMN. This is consistent with the interpretation that OTRs are first induced within the estrogen-sensitive neurons of the ventrolateral VMN and then are transported laterally out of the nuclei. Two additional experiments confirmed this interpretation. First, local infusion of a low dose (10 micrograms) of the neuronal transport inhibitor vinblastine blocked the appearance of OTRs in the IVMN but did not prevent the induction of OTRs by EB within the nuclei. Second, a knife cut placed lateral to the VMN prevented the spread of OTRs out of the nuclei. However, even after treatment with a high dose of EB (2 x 10 micrograms), progesterone (P) was required for a maximal extension of the area covered by OTRs. Thus, the OTR is an estrogen-induced neurotransmitter receptor that is transported to its site of action, the lateral ventromedial hypothalamus, where it is modulated by P and where estrogen-induced OT immunoreactivity is found.  相似文献   
Olfactory transduction is thought to occur by processes that are mainly restricted to the specialized cilia emanating from the distal end of the receptor neuron's single dendrite. The involvement of a cAMP-based second messenger system seems likely, and a cyclic nucleotide-sensitive current has been recorded in patches of membrane from the cilia. However, the small diameter of the cilia and the high density of channels within the membrane limit the application of the patch recording technique in the cilia. We have found that the cAMP-sensitive channels also exist at a much lower density within the far more accessible dendritic membrane. Recording from on-cell patches, we have observed single-channel activity in response to extracellularly applied odor substances. The channels have a single-channel conductance of 40 pS and a reversal potential near 0 mV. These same channels are activated by treatments that elevate intracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations. The results provide a direct demonstration that the cyclic nucleotide-gated channel is the conductance pathway for the odor-elicited current.  相似文献   
As an adjunct to a European multicentre prospective study, five quality assessment (QA) exercises, spanning a period of 2.5 years, were undertaken. In these, fifteen laboratories from eight countries each performed ten haemostatic factor assays. The design of the QA exercises allowed the between-duplicate, between-day and between-laboratory coefficients of variation (CVs) to be calculated. The between-duplicate CV decreased by a factor of one quarter, and the between-day CV by a factor of one third, over the five exercises. The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) assay consistently showed the lowest CVs, while there was notable improvement in the between-day CVs for von Willebrand factor related antigen (vWF R:Ag) and factor VIII clotting activity (VIII:C). However, the between-laboratory CV, assessing extent of agreement between the different laboratories, did not apparently improve over the five exercises. Thus, while QA exercises may be very useful in improving the performance of haemostatic assays according to criteria which an individual laboratory can assess, improving agreement on haemostatic assay results between laboratories may be more difficult to achieve.  相似文献   
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