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Associations of iron overload in Africa with hepatocellular carcinoma and tuberculosis: Strachan's 1929 thesis revisited 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
We analyzed data from the first study of iron overload in Africans, conducted between 1925 and 1928, to determine whether this common condition is associated with death from hepatocellular carcinoma and/or tuberculosis. In the original study, necropsies were performed on 714 adult blacks from southern Africa. Hepatic and splenic iron levels were measured semiquantitatively in 604 subjects and one of five iron grades was assigned. We examined death from hepatocellular carcinoma or from tuberculosis and the variables of age, sex, the presence of cirrhosis or other diagnoses that might be influenced by iron status, and tissue iron grades. Nineteen percent of men and 16% of women had the highest grade of hepatic iron. After adjustment for the presence of cirrhosis, hepatic iron grade was the variable most significantly associated with death from hepatocellular carcinoma (P = .021). The odds of death from hepatocellular carcinoma in subjects with the highest grade of hepatic iron was 23.5 (95% confidence interval, 2.1 to 225) times the odds in subjects with the three lowest grades. Splenic iron was the variable most significantly associated with death from tuberculosis (P <.0001). The odds of death from tuberculosis with the highest grade of splenic iron was 16.9 (4.8 to 59.9) times the odds with the two lowest grades. These findings suggest that iron overload in black Africans may be a risk factor for death from hepatocellular carcinoma and for death from tuberculosis. 相似文献
The effectiveness of elemental, nontoxic carbonyl iron in replacing iron lost at blood donation was examined. In a randomized double-blind design, 99 women, aged 18 to 40, were given placebo or low-dose carbonyl iron (100 mg orally) at bedtime for 56 days after phlebotomy. Compliance was equivalent for the two regimens. Mild side effects were slightly greater with carbonyl iron. At Day 56, estimated net iron absorption from therapy or diet, or both, was sufficient to replace iron in 85 percent of those receiving carbonyl iron but in only 29 percent of those taking placebo (p less than 0.001). The rates of deferral from repeat donation were 8 percent in the carbonyl iron group and 36 percent in the placebo group (p less than 0.01), and the positive predictive value of routine screening in identifying participants without iron deficiency was 83 versus 13 percent (p less than 0.01). It can be concluded that short-term carbonyl iron supplementation in female blood donors can replace the iron lost at phlebotomy, protect the women against iron deficiency, and enhance their ability to give blood. 相似文献
Detection of cytomegalovirus antibody in platelet concentrates by fluorescence immunoassay and latex agglutination 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
L DePalma ; VR Criss ; MT Sullivan ; SF Leitman ; AE Williams ; NL Luban 《Transfusion》1991,31(3):245-248
A passive latex agglutination (PLA) test for cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibody detection has been shown to be an acceptable method of screening both donor sera and plasma from units of red cells and platelets stored in CPDA-1. However, most plateletpheresis concentrates are collected in ACD, and CMV antibody testing of ACD-stored products has not been systematically evaluated by PLA. Sera and ACD-stored platelet concentrate bag segments from 104 donors were tested by PLA and by a solid-phase fluorescence immunoassay (FIAX) as a reference standard for CMV-IgM and CMV-IgG antibodies. Sera were stored at both 4 and 22 degrees C and were tested on Days 1 and 5 of storage; segments were tested daily for 5 days. Of 63 donor samples (61%) that tested negative for CMV-IgG by FIAX, there were two false-positive results in bag segments by PLA testing, one on Day 1 and the other on Day 2 of storage. PLA testing was consistently positive in sera and segments in the 40 donors (38%) who tested positive for CMV-IgG by FIAX. Potential false-negative PLA results occurred in five bag segments derived from one donor whose serum gave equivocal CMV-IgG results on FIAX. The sensitivity and specificity of the PLA assay were 100 percent for donor sera tested at both 4 and 22 degrees C and 91.5 and 98.4 percent, respectively, for platelet bag segment tests. Although no donors positive for CMV-IgM were identified, 15 (14.4%) had equivocal IgM anti-CMV test results.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Kerry Scott Asha S. George Steven A. Harvey Shinjini Mondal Gupteswar Patel Raman VR Kabir Sheikh 《The International journal of health planning and management》2018,33(2):391-404
While nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can potentially strengthen valuable citizen political engagement, NGOs that are increasingly oriented towards donor and government contracts may instead contribute to depoliticizing development. Amidst competing pressures, NGO experiences and agency in managing multiple roles require examination. We present a qualitative case study of an NGO implementing a government‐designed intervention to strengthen Village Health, Sanitation, and Nutrition Committees (VHSNCs) in rural north India. Despite a challenging context of community scepticism and poor government services, the NGO did successfully form VHSNCs by harnessing its respected interlocutor status, preexisting relationships, and ability to “sell” the VHSNC as a mechanism for improving local well‐being. While the VHSNC enabled community members to voice concerns to government officials, improvements often failed to meet community expectations. NGO staff endured community frustration on one hand and rebuffs from lower‐level officials on the other, while feeling undersupported by the government contract. Consequently, although contracted to strengthen a community institution, the NGO increasingly worked alongside VHSNC members to try to strengthen the public sector. Contrary to assumptions that NGOs become “tamed” through taking government contracts, being contracted to deliver inputs for community participation was intertwined with microlevel political action, though this came at a cost to the NGO. 相似文献
The Ministry of Environment & Forests notified the Biomedical Waste (management & handling) Rules, 1998” (BMW Mgt) in July 1998. In accordance with the rules, every hospital generating BMW needs to set up requisite BMW treatment facilities on site or ensure requisite treatment of waste at common treatment facility. No untreated BMW shall be kept stored beyond a period of 48 hours. The cost of construction, operation and maintenance of system for managing BMW represents a significant part of overall budget of a hospital if the BMW rules have to be implemented in their true spirit. Two types of costs are required to be incurred by hospitals for BMW Mgt, internal and external. Internal cost is the cost for segregation, mutilation, disinfection, internal storage and transportation including hidden cost of protective equipment. External costs are off site transportation, treatment and final disposal.Methods
A study of hospitals was carried out from various sectors like Govt, Private, Charitable institutions etc. to assess the infrastructural requirement for BMW Mgt. Cost was worked out for a hospital where all the infrastructure as per each and every requirement of BMW rules had been implemented and then it was compared with other hospitals where hospitals have made compromises on each stage of BMW Mgt.Results
Capital cost incurred by benchmarked hospital of 1047 beds was Rs.3 lakh 59 thousand excluding cost of incinerator and hospital is incurring Rs. 656/- per day as recurring expenditure. Pune city has common regional facility for BMW final disposal. Facility is charging Rs.20 per kg of infectious waste. As on Dec 2001 there were 400 institutions including nursing homes, labs and blood banks which were registered.Conclusion
After analyzing the results of study it was felt that there is an urgent need to standardize the infrastructural requirement so that hospitals following BMW rules strictly do not suffer additional costs.Key Words: Biomedical waste, Cost, Hospital, Infrastructure 相似文献77.
Tae Ho Kim Nathan A Pack Liyong Chen Edward VR DiBella 《Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance》2010,12(1):45
Quantitative estimates of myocardial perfusion generally require accurate measurement of the arterial input function (AIF). The saturation of signal intensity in the blood that occurs with most doses of contrast agent makes obtaining an accurate AIF challenging. This work seeks to evaluate the performance of a method that uses a radial k-space perfusion sequence and multiple saturation recovery times (SRT) to quantify myocardial perfusion with cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR).Methods
Perfusion CMR was performed at 3 Tesla with a saturation recovery radial turboFLASH sequence with 72 rays. Fourteen subjects were given a low dose (0.004 mmol/kg) of dilute (1/5 concentration) contrast agent (Gd-BOPTA) and then a higher non-dilute dose of the same volume (0.02 mmol/kg). AIFs were calculated from the blood signal in three sub-images with differing effective saturation recovery times. The full and sub-images were reconstructed iteratively with a total variation constraint. The images from the full 72 ray data were processed to obtain six tissue enhancement curves in two slices of the left ventricle in each subject. A 2-compartment model was used to determine absolute flowsResults
The proposed multi-SRT method resulted in AIFs that were similar to those obtained with the dual-bolus method. Myocardial blood flow (MBF) estimates from the dual-bolus and the multi-SRT methods were related by MBFmulti-SRT = 0.85MBFdual-bolus + 0.18 (r = 0.91).Conclusions
The multi-SRT method, which uses a radial k-space perfusion sequence, can be used to obtain an accurate AIF and thus quantify myocardial perfusion for doses of contrast agent that result in a relatively saturated AIF. 相似文献79.
Fetal choroid plexus cysts: beware the smaller cyst 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Perpignano MC; Cohen HL; Klein VR; Mandel FS; Streltzoff J; Chervenak FA; Goldman MA 《Radiology》1992,182(3):715