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How one group of Hispanic women in Houston, Texas, built community coalitions for primary health care is chronicled from the perspectives of the women. We describe how they formed partnerships with community businesses, health and social service agencies, schools, and churches to develop an outreach network that enables pregnant women to obtain early prenatal care. These women's steps in coalition building are related to feminist theory, with an emphasis on group decision making, shared power for the empowerment of all, and the creation of an environment in which individual worth and dignity are enhanced and risk taking is encouraged and supported.  相似文献   
Animals establish their body plans in embryogenesis, but only a few animals can recapitulate this signaling milieu for regeneration after injury. In planarians, a pluripotent stem cell population and perpetual signaling of polarity axes collaborate to direct a steady replacement of cells during homeostasis and to power robust regeneration after even severe injuries. Several studies have documented the roles of conserved signaling pathways in maintaining and resetting axial polarity in planarians, but it is unclear how planarians reestablish polarity signaling centers after injury and whether these centers serve to influence identity decisions of stem cell progeny during their differentiation. Here we find that a planarian Follistatin homolog directs regeneration of anterior identity by opposing an Activin/ActR-1/Smad2/3 signaling pathway. Follistatin and Notum, a Wnt inhibitor, are mutually required to reestablish an anterior signaling center that expresses both cues. Furthermore, we show that the direction of cells down particular differentiation paths requires regeneration of this anterior signaling center. Just as its amphibian counterpart in the organizer signals body plan and cell fate during embryogenesis, planarian Follistatin promotes reestablishment of anterior polarity during regeneration and influences specification of cell types in the head and beyond.  相似文献   
In this study, we used data from Add Health Waves II and III to compare men who had been incarcerated to those who had not, and examined whether incarceration was associated with increased numbers of sexual partners and increased odds of concurrent partnerships. We used multivariate regression and propensity-score matching to compare sexual behavior of Wave III male respondents who had been incarcerated with those who had not, and compared sexual behavior at Wave II to identify differences in sexual behavior prior to incarceration. Incarceration was associated with an increased rate of lifetime sexual partnership, but this was attenuated by substance use. Criminal justice involvement was associated with increased odds of having partners who report concurrent partnerships, but no further increase was seen with incarceration. There were no significant sexual behavior differences prior to incarceration. These results suggest that the criminal justice system and substance use may interact to shape sexual behavior.  相似文献   
The antihypertensive and hypoglycemic effects of telmisartan, which has dual angiotensin II antagonist-PPAR-γ agonist properties, was studied in Cohen-Rosenthal Diabetic Hypertensive rats (CRDH), a model in which hypertension, insulin resistance, and diabetes co-exist. CRDH, Cohen-diabetic rats (CDR), and SHR received telmisartan (3 mg/kg/day in drinking water) for five months. Telmisartan significantly lowered systolic and diastolic BP in SHR and CRDH, independent of body weight, and remained fairly constant in controls throughout the experiment. Blood glucose levels fell rapidly in the treated animals and remained steady in controls. Results indicate that telmisartan is a prototype of a new approach to treating coexisting diabetes and hypertension.  相似文献   
We developed an index to measure progressive realization for the human right to water and sanitation. While in this study we demonstrate its application to the non-discrimination and equality component for water, the conceptual approach of the index can be used for all the different components of the human right. The index was composed of one structural, one process, and two outcome indicators and is bound between −1 and 1, where negative values indicate regression and positive values indicate progressive realization. For individual structural and process indicators, only discrete values such as −1, −0.5, 0, 0.5, and 1 were allowed. For the outcome indicators, any value between −1 and 1 was possible, and a State's progress was evaluated using rates of change. To create an index that would allow for fair comparisons between States and across time, these rates of change were compared to benchmarked rates, which reflect the maximum rates a State can achieve. Using this approach, we calculated the index score for 56 States in 2010 for which adequate data were available and demonstrated that these index scores were not dependent on factors such as achieved level of coverage or gross national income. The proposed index differs from existing measures of inequality as it measures rate of change and not level of achievement, and thus addresses the principle of progressive realization that is fundamental to human rights.  相似文献   
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