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莱姆病(Lyme disease LD)是由伯氏疏螺旋体(Borrelia burgdorferi)经蜱(中国一些地方俗称草爬子)传播的自然疫源性疾病,是一种新发现的人兽共患病,在世界范围内于人和动物中广泛流行,且发病率呈现上升趋势。  相似文献   
岭南医药启示录(十三)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靳士英  靳朴 《现代医院》2008,8(1):65-67
18 广东现代中医抗击SARS的实践 2002年11月,一种原因不明的新发传染病突袭广东,它具很强的传染性,传播很快,病情凶险,初发时期死亡率很高,中西医都属于未识的疾病.医者有保卫人民健康的神圣职责,遂奋不顾身起而抗击,终致取得胜利.回顾这段中医同西医一起参与抗击SARS的历史,不仅对今后防治新发传染病有重要意义,而且对振兴中医,建设中医药强省,批判"中医伪科学论"也具有现实意义.  相似文献   
目的 调查新疆乌鲁木齐市聋哑学校重度感音性耳聋分子流行病学情况。方法 对194例聋哑学生进行临床资料采集,外周静脉血抽取。血样经DNA提取,进行GJB2 235delC突变、线粒体DNA 12SrRNA A1555G突变的检测。结果 194例聋哑学生中,GJB2 235delC纯合突变、235delC杂合突变携带率分别为为5.67%(11/194)、5.67%(11/194),mtDNA A1555G点突变检出率为9.28%(18/194)。GJB2 235delC在汉族、维族、回族聋哑学生中的等位基因频率分别为9.51%(27/284)、6.0%(3/50)、3.13%(1/32);携带mtDNA A1555G点突变的聋哑学生16人为汉族、1人为维族、1人为回族。结论 新疆三个主要民族聋哑学生群体中GJB2 235delC、A1555G突变检出率均以汉族最高,但三个民族的突变检出率经统计学比较无显著性差异。新疆地区聋哑学生的GJB2 235deIC突变检出率在全国处于较低水平,新疆地区聋哑学生的A1555G突变检出率高。  相似文献   
目的 进行山西省大同地区重度耳聋的分子流行病学调查。方法 对山西省大同市特殊教育学校152名耳聋学生进行遗传性耳聋问卷调查、全面的体格检查、耳鼻咽喉专科检查以及包括纯音测听和声导抗在内的听力学评估。对148名非综合征型感音神经性耳聋患者分别进行线粒体DNA 12SrRNA基因A1555G点突变和GJB2基因235delC突变的限制性内切酶分析。结果 3例(2.03%)存在线粒体DNA 12SrRNA基因A1555G点突变,16例(10.8l%)存在GJB2基因235delC纯合突变,2l例(14.19%)存在GJB2基因235delC杂合突变,能够明确进行基因诊断者占27.03%。结论 山西省大同地区非综合征型耳聋患者存在较高的GJB2基因235delC突变发生率.而线粒体DNA 12SrRNA基因A1555G突变发生率低于全国平均水平。通过聋病分子流行病学调查.提示27.03%的非综合征型耳聋患者具有明确或强烈的遗传倾向,对于大同地区耳聋的预防、治疗及康复有着较好的意义。  相似文献   
南通地区遗传性耳聋资源收集及病因学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 调查江苏南通地区遗传性耳聋病因流行病学情况。方法 调查南通各市县五个聋哑学校202名学生,利用聚合酶链反应一限制性片断长度多态性(PCR—RFLP)方法和Prev—DAF药物性耳聋基因诊断试剂盒筛查患者GJB2 235delC突变和线粒体DNA 12SrRNA A1555G突变。结果 195例非综合征耳聋患儿中31例(15.9%)为GJB2 235delC纯合突变,21例(10.8%)为GJB2 235delC杂合突变,5例(2.6%)存在线粒体DNA 12SrRNA A1555G点突变,在分子水平能够明确诊断者占2913%。结论 南通地区遗传性耳聋发病率较高,尤其是GJB2 235delC突变,突变率(26%)明显高于全国平均水平(18%)。此结果突出了本地区耳聋基因诊断的重要作用,利用耳聋基因检测技术,在人群中(包括重点人群和普通人群)进行生育前耳聋基因筛查,是达到减少聋儿出生的重要途径。  相似文献   
Fast-acting excitatory neurotransmission in the retina is mediated primarily by glutamate, acting at alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) -selective and kainate-selective receptors. To localize these sites of action, cat retinas were stimulated with either AMPA or kainate and processed for histochemical visualization of cobalt uptake through calcium-permeable channels. Treatment with both agonists resulted in staining of A- and B-type horizontal cells and several types of OFF cone bipolar cells; there was no evidence for staining of ON cone bipolar cells or rod bipolar cells. The subpopulations of OFF cone bipolar cells differed in their responses with two distinct types that stained heavily with cobalt after exposure to AMPA and three different types that were preferentially labeled after exposure to kainate. Although many amacrine and ganglion cells appeared to respond to both agonists, AII amacrine cells were stained after stimulation by AMPA but not by kainate. The OFF cone bipolar cells that exhibit AMPA-stimulated cobalt uptake were found to have a high level of correspondence with cells that show immunocytochemical staining for the AMPA-selective glutamate receptor subunits GluR1 and GluR2/3. Similarly, the cone bipolar cells exhibiting kainate-stimulated cobalt uptake resemble those that are immunoreactive for the kainate subunit GluR5. The results indicate that, whereas many retinal neurons express both AMPA and kainate receptors, AII amacrine cells and subpopulations of OFF cone bipolar cells are limited to the expression of either AMPA or kainate receptors. This differential expression may contribute to the unique character of transmission by these cell types.  相似文献   
连续切片的计算机三维重建及立体视觉   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文利用计算机三维重建技术重建颞骨连续切片,恢复其内结构如迷路、面神经、鼓索神经、听骨链、肌腱等的原有三维形态,通过调色、移去部分结构、旋转使结构间关系更清晰。应用立体镜及立体图对方法产生重建结构的立体影像,强化了对所研究结构的三维形态及其空间关系的理解。结果证明此方法是形态学、体视学、计算机科学综合所形成的一个新的有力的解剖工具。  相似文献   
测定大肠癌腹腔渗液中癌胚抗原的临床价值   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了研究腹腔渗液中癌胚抗原(CEA)与大肠癌病理变化的关系,指导对大肠癌的治疗。对40例大肠癌手术前、手术中取外周血及术中腹腔渗液测定CEA,与大肠癌的病理变化进行对比研究,发现腹腔渗液中CEA的含量与肿瘤侵犯肠管的深度、有否淋巴结转移、肿瘤生长的部位有明显相关性,关腹前CEA的值也较开腹后升高,提示腹腔渗液中的CEA主要是通过癌细胞直接分泌到腹腔。一旦癌肿侵及浆膜或伴有淋巴结转移移则明显升高,此时如果施行有效的治疗可能降低或防止腹腔转移,提高生存率。我院采用高温、低渗腹腔灌洗化疗,取得了满意的效果,现报告如下:  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We have previously developed and reported an ultrasound based real-time tracking system for renal stones. In the current study we continued to verify the reliability of this tracking system by a simulated animal test. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used 13 prerecorded ultrasound stone trajectories to test the system. The real-time tracking system was implemented on the Litemed 9200 electrohydraulic lithotriptor (LiteMed Co., Taipei, Taiwan). An artificial stone and tap water were sealed in a balloon. The balloon was inserted into the pelvis of a pig kidney. While the kidney was affixed to and moved by a simulator, it was immersed in a specifically designed simulated animal model tank containing tap water. The stone was localized by ultrasound. The kidney was moved by the simulator according to a prerecorded stone trajectory. A total of 3,000 shock waves were delivered to the stone. For each recorded stone trajectory experiments were done under nontracking and tracking conditions. We performed tests of the fragment-to-weight ratio, which denotes the performance of a shock wave lithotriptor when fragmenting a stone. RESULTS: The mean fragment-to-weight ratio was 55.3% +/- 25.9% in the nontracking and 100% +/- 0% in the tracking group. The difference in these 2 groups was statistically significant (paired t test p <0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The ultrasound based real-time tracking system proved to improve the performance of a shock wave lithotriptor significantly when fragmenting stones in a simulated animal test. We believe that the tracking system would greatly reduce the number of shocks and time needed for treating renal stones.  相似文献   
夏玉凤  王强  濮祖茂 《中药材》2003,26(5):323-326
分别采用扫描电镜和紫外光谱法对地肤子、藜、小藜和扫帚菜四种药材进行了比较鉴别。结果表明:扫描电镜下四种药材的胞果、毛茸、气孔和种子形态特征有较为明显的区别;紫外光谱扫描结果表明地肤子和扫帚菜无明显区别,但与藜和小藜之间有显著区别。  相似文献   
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