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Objective  To determine whether isosorbide mononitrate (IMN), self-administered vaginally by women at home, improves the process of induction of labour.
Design  Randomised double blind placebo-controlled trial.
Setting  Large UK maternity hospital.
Population or Sample  Nulliparous women with a singleton pregnancy, cephalic presentation ≥37 weeks gestation, requiring cervical ripening prior to induction of labour.
Methods  IMN ( n  = 177) or placebo ( n  = 173) self-administered vaginally at home at 48, 32 and 16 hours prior to the scheduled time of admission for induction.
Main outcome measures  Admission to delivery interval and women's experience of induction of labour.
Results  IMN did not shorten the admission to delivery interval as compared with placebo [mean difference of −1.6 hours (95% CI −5.1,1.9, P  = 0.37)], despite being more effective than placebo in inducing a change in Bishop score [mean difference of 0.65 (95% CI 0.14,1.17, P  = 0.013)]. While both groups found the overall experience of home treatment to be positive, (mean score of 3.8/10 ± 2.3/10 for the IMN group, where 1 = extremely good and 10 = not at all good) women in the placebo group found it marginally more positive than those in the IMN group (just over half a unit on a 10-point scale, P  = 0.043). There were no differences between the groups in the pain or anxiety experienced or willingness to take the treatment in a subsequent pregnancy.
Conclusions  IMN self-administered vaginally at home does not shorten admission to delivery interval despite a significant effect on cervical ripeness assessed using the Bishop score. However, women report positive views on cervical ripening at home, and the setting deserves further investigation.  相似文献   
The activity of urea cycle enzymes was assayed in duodenal biopsy specimens obtained from a female infant who presented with neonatal hyperammonaemia. All enzyme levels were normal except N-acetyl glutamate-dependent carbamyl phosphate synthetase 1 (CPS1) which was half the mean activity in normal control specimens. A similar deficiency of CPS1 was also shown in duodenal specimens from the patient's mother who became slightly symptomatic after relatively high protein meals and during pregnancy, and had spontaneously modified her diet to one with protein restriction. The patient is growing normally on a dietary regimen similar to that spontaneously adopted by her mother. Urea cycle enzyme activity in the duodenal biopsy material from the controls was similar to that found in the normal human liver and appears to have distinct advantages as a means of assaying for urea cycle defects in patients with hyperammonaemia and their relatives.  相似文献   
An outbreak of serious illness and death occurred in injecting drug users during 2000 in Scotland, Ireland and England. National and international collaboration was necessary for the investigation and management of this outbreak. In England and Wales active case-finding was initiated, coupled with standardised data collection and microbiological investigation of cases. Twenty-six definite or probable cases were identified in England between 1 April and 31 Aug. 2000; 17 of these occurred in the North. The overall case fatality was 50% (13/26). The principal apparent risk factor was a history of intramuscular or subcutaneous injection of heroin and the limited duration of the outbreak suggested that the problem might have been related to a particular supply of heroin. Clostridium novyi was isolated from two English cases. Taken in conjunction with contemporaneous microbiological and epidemiological results from Scottish and Irish cases, the probable aetiology for this outbreak was infection with C. novyi associated with both a particular supply of heroin and the method of preparation and injection used. A 'toolkit' was distributed in Sept. 2000 to all Consultants for Communicable Disease Control in England and Wales to assist them with the ongoing surveillance, investigation and management of this condition. Lessons learned have been used to produce guidance for the investigation and management of outbreaks of unexplained serious illness of possible infective aetiology.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibody is being used increasingly as a diagnostic tool in the serological investigation of coeliac disease. However, positive predictive values of immunoglobulin A (IgA) anti-tTG for coeliac disease in prospective studies have been disappointing and false-positive results are reported. OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical utility of cascade testing for anti-tTG and anti-endomysium antibody (AEA). PATIENTS: Two unselected retrospective cohorts from routine diagnostic investigation for possible gluten sensitive enteropathy: group 1 comprised 57 cases seropositive for anti-tTG and group 2 comprised 52 cases seronegative for anti-tTG. In both groups, all cases had also undergone small-intestinal biopsy. METHODS: Patients were assessed for the presence of IgA anti-tTG by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and for IgA AEA by immunofluorescence. RESULTS: The positive predictive value of IgA anti-tTG for biopsy-confirmed coeliac disease was 54%. The positive predictive value of dual positivity for anti-tTG and AEA was 97%. The negative predictive value of IgA anti-tTG was 100%. CONCLUSIONS: The data presented here support the use of IgA anti-tTG as an initial screen for coeliac disease. Coeliac disease is unlikely when IgA anti-tTG is absent. However, many false-positive results are seen, and clinical utility and diagnostic efficiency are improved markedly if positive results are confirmed with the more accurate, but labour-intensive, AEA assay.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to investigate the management of women with benign breast problems. A consecutive sample of women (n = 194) was assessed who presented to public or private sector providers. The main reasons for referral were breast lumps (62%); 56% of women who attended the public sector did not receive any recommendation compared to 40% who attended the private sector and clinical/general practitioner reviews were recommended to more women in the private sector (54%). Reasons for the discrepancy between public and private patients require further investigation.  相似文献   
Objective  To develop and implement Project LEAD (leadership, education, and advocacy development), a science course for breast cancer activists.
Population  Students were breast cancer activists and other consumers, mainly affiliated with advocacy organizations in the United States of America.
Setting  Project LEAD is offered by the National Breast Cancer Coalition; the course takes place over 5 days and is offered 4 times a year, in various cities in the United States of America.
Results  The Project LEAD curriculum has developed over 5 years to include lectures, problem-based study groups, case studies, interactive critical appraisal sessions, a seminar by an 'expert' scientist, role play, and homework components. A core faculty has been valuable for evaluating and revising the course and has proved necessary to provide consistent high quality teaching. Course evaluations indicated that students gained critical appraisal skills, enhanced their knowledge and developed confidence in selected areas of basic science and epidemiology.
Conclusions  Project LEAD comprises a unique curriculum for training breast cancer activists in science and critical appraisal. Course evaluations indicate that students gain confidence and skills from the course.  相似文献   
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