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This study was performed in order to record the prevalence of tooth decay in high school students in New Jersey. During the Spring of 1986, 3,556 students, aged 13 to 18 years, in 8 public high schools in 7 communities, participated in the study. The subjects were examined by 3 trained examiners with mirror, explorer, air syringe and overhead auxiliary light. A lesion was recorded as dental caries if there was a perceptible break in the enamel surface. Questionable incipient areas were not recorded as carious lesions. Mean DMFT was found to be 4.17 +/- 3.7 and mean DMFS was 7.02 +/- 7.4. Hispanic subjects had more decay (DMFT 4.98, DMFS 9.03) than black subjects (DMFT 4.13, DMFS 6.94) and white subjects (DMFT 3.53, DMFS 5.43). Females had more decay (DMFT 4.51, DMFS 7.67) than males (DMFT 3.79, DMFS 6.33). Hispanic and black subjects also had more untreated decay (24 and 22 percent decayed of the DMFT) compared with only 11% untreated decay in white subjects. Socioeconomic level was inversely related to caries activity; however, geographic location of the school within the state (north versus south) was not a factor.  相似文献   
The word laser conjures in the mind's eye many aspects of what might be described as 'modern' life. The words 'powerful', 'precise' and 'innovative' complement our conception of the world in terms of technology, whereas patients often associate the words 'magical' and 'lightening quick' with the use of lasers in medical practice. The purpose of this series of articles is to explore the history and development of lasers, the integration of lasers into clinical dentistry and the safeguards as to their regulated use.  相似文献   
A double-blind study was undertaken to determine the effects of megadose ascorbic acid supplementation on plasma ascorbate levels, polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) chemotaxis and clinical and biochemical determinations of inflammatory progression in individuals with a mean daily ascorbate intake level of approximately twice the recommended daily allowances. Results indicate that although the group receiving ascorbate supplementation demonstrated a significant increase in plasma levels of the vitamin as compared to a placebo group, no significant differences with respect to PMN chemotaxis or responses to experimental gingivitis were found between the groups.  相似文献   
Eustachian tube function of 24 children with cleft palate (37 ears) was evaluated longitudinally utilizing the inflation-deflation and forced-response tests before and after palatoplasty. Our results for children in this longitudinal study showed that the passive function of the tube was improved following palatoplasty. Active tubal function, which measures the muscle-induced tubal dilations, was little affected by the procedure. The majority of ears tested both before and after palatoplasty demonstrated tubal dilations with swallowing. In contrast, cross-sectional data conducted on the children with a history of otitis media and repaired cleft palates, documented a severe defect in this active tubal function with 70 percent of the tests evidencing a tubal constriction. These data suggest that the results of Eustachian tube function tests may be prognostic of the future course of ear disease in these children.  相似文献   
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