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There are limited randomized data comparing radical cystectomy (RC) with bladder-sparing tri-modality therapy (TMT) in the treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Both strategies are thought to have similar survival outcomes with different morbidity profiles. We compare the effectiveness of TMT and RC using decision-analytic modeling and the endpoint of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs).

Patients and Methods

Using a Markov model, we simulated the lifetime outcomes after TMT versus RC ± neoadjuvant chemotherapy for 67-year-old patients with clinical stage T2-T4aN0M0 MIBC. Model probabilities and utilities were extracted from the literature. The incremental effectiveness was reported in QALYs and sensitivity analyses were performed.


For all patients with MIBC, although the model showed identical survival, TMT was the most effective strategy with an incremental gain of 0.59 QALYs over RC (7.83 vs. 7.24 QALYs, respectively). When limiting the model to favorable, contemporary cohorts in both the TMT and RC strategies, TMT remained more effective with an incremental gain of 1.61 QALYs (9.37 vs. 7.76 QALYs, respectively). One-way sensitivity analyses demonstrated the model was sensitive to the quality of life parameters (ie, the utilities) for RC and TMT. When testing the 95% confidence interval of the RC utility parameter the model demonstrated an incremental gain with TMT from ?0.54 to 4.23 QALYs. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis demonstrated that TMT was more effective than RC for 63% of model iterations.


This modeling study found that treatment of MIBC with organ-sparing TMT in appropriately-selected patients may result in a gain of QALYs relative to RC.  相似文献   
Transmission is a potential property of live viral vaccines that remains largely unexploited but may lie within the realm of many engineering designs. While likely unacceptable for vaccines of humans, transmission may be highly desirable for vaccines of wildlife, both to protect natural populations and also to limit zoonotic transmissions into humans. Defying intuition, transmission alone does not guarantee that a vaccine will perform well: the benefit of transmission over no transmission depends on and increases with the basic reproductive number of the vaccine, R0. The R0 of an infectious agent in a homogeneous population is typically considered to be a fixed number, but some evidence suggests that dissemination of transmissible vaccines may change through time. One obvious possibility is that transmission will be greater from hosts directly vaccinated than from hosts who acquire the vaccine passively, but other types of change might also accrue. Whenever transmission changes over time, the R0 estimated from directly vaccinated hosts will not reflect the vaccine’s long term impact. As there is no theory on the consequences of changing transmission rates for a vaccine, we derive conditions for a transmissible vaccine with varying transmission rates to protect a population from pathogen invasion. Being the first in the transmission chain, the R0 from directly vaccinated hosts has a larger effect than those from later steps in the chain. This mathematical property reveals that a transmissible vaccine with low long term transmission may nonetheless realize a big impact if early transmission is high. Furthermore, there may be ways to artificially elevate early transmission, thereby achieving high herd immunity from transmission while ensuring that the vaccine will ultimately die out.  相似文献   

Introduction: Student-staff partnerships as a concept to improve medical education have received a growing amount of attention. Such partnerships are collaborations in which students and teachers seek to improve education by each adding their unique contribution to decision-making and implementation processes. Although previous research has demonstrated that students are favourable to this concept, teachers remain hesitant. The present study investigated teachers’ conceptions of student-staff partnerships and of the prerequisites that are necessary to render such partnerships successful and enhance educational quality.

Method: We conducted semi-structured interviews with 14 course coordinators who lead course design teams and also teach in 4 bachelor health programmes, using Bovill and Bulley’s levels of student participation as sensitising concepts during data analysis.

Results: The results pointed to three different conceptions of student-staff partnerships existing among teachers: Teachers teach and students study; teachers teach and value students’ feedback; and teachers and students co-create. The prerequisites for effective co-creation teachers identified were: Teachers must be open to involve students and create dialogues; students must be motivated and have good communication skills; the organisation must be supportive; and teachers should have the final say.

Conclusion: We conclude that teachers’ conceptions are consistent with Bovill and Bulley’s levels of student participation. Under certain conditions, teachers are willing to co-create and reach the highest levels of student participation.  相似文献   

Live discussions on the social media site Twitter or Twitter chats are gaining popularity as powerful tools for engaging a broad audience in an interactive discussion. Medical education, in particular, is experiencing an increase in the use of this modality to support informal learning, as a means to encourage collaboration and share best practices, and as a platform for large-scale mentorship. Despite this growth in popularity, there are limited data to guide medical educators on the fundamentals of organizing a Twitter chat. In this Twelve Tips article, we discuss strategies relevant to potential Twitter chat organizers. We have arranged the tips chronologically, beginning with a discussion of initial considerations when planning and formulating a chat topic and publicizing the chat to potentially interested people and groups, followed by practical considerations while hosting the chat, and finally strategies for evaluating and extending a Twitter chat’s impact.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence is a growing phenomenon that is driving major changes to how we deliver healthcare. One of its most significant and challenging contributions is likely to be in diagnosis. Artificial intelligence is challenging the physician’s exclusive role in diagnosis and in some areas, its diagnostic accuracy exceeds that of humans. We argue that we urgently need to consider how we will incorporate AI into our teaching of clinical reasoning in the undergraduate curriculum; students need to successfully navigate the benefits and potential issues of new and developing approaches to AI in clinical diagnosis. We offer a pedagogical framework for this challenging change to our curriculum.  相似文献   


Spontaneous decolonization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) takes time: approximately 25% after 30 days for carbapenem-producing Enterobacteriaceae or extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been proposed as a new strategy to promote decolonization in order to reduce the risk of superinfection due to these ARB. This paper discusses the literature on the use of FMT for this indication, and the improvement levers available to promote its efficacy.


Literature available to date concerning the use of FMT to eradicate ARB was reviewed, and the different factors that may have influenced the efficacy of decolonization were evaluated.


Four axes that could have played major roles in the efficacy of FMT were identified: bowel preparation before FMT; donor; dose; and thermal conditioning of faeces. The positive or negative impact of each on the outcome of FMT is discussed.


Although FMT is very efficient for the eradication of Clostridium difficile, the same ‘recipe’ cannot be used for the eradication of ARB. Working together with expert centres may help to improve the efficacy of FMT for this indication, and enable the reduction of in-hospital isolation precautions.  相似文献   


Triazole resistance in Aspergillus spp. is emerging and complicates prophylaxis and treatment of invasive aspergillosis (IA) worldwide. New polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests on broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) fluid allow for detection of triazole resistance at a genetic level, which has opened up new possibilities for targeted therapy. In the absence of clinical trials, a modelling study delivers estimates of the added value of resistance detection with PCR, and which empiric therapy would be optimal when local resistance rates are known.


A decision-analytic modelling study was performed based on epidemiological data of IA, extended with estimated dynamics of resistance rates and treatment effectiveness. Six clinical strategies were compared that differ in use of PCR diagnostics (used vs not used) and in empiric therapeutic choice in case of unknown triazole susceptibility: voriconazole, liposomal amphotericin B (LAmB) or both. Outcome measures were proportion of correct treatment, survival and serious adverse events.


Implementing aspergillus PCR tests was projected to result in residual treatment-susceptibility mismatches of <5% for a triazole resistance rate up to 20% (using voriconazole). Empiric LAmB outperformed voriconazole at resistance rates >5–20%, depending on PCR use and estimated survival benefits of voriconazole over LAmB. Combination therapy of voriconazole and LAmB performed best at all resistance rates, but the advantage over the other strategies should be weighed against the expected increased number of drug-related serious adverse events. The advantage of combination therapy over LAmB monotherapy became smaller at higher triazole resistance rates.


Introduction of current aspergillus PCR tests on BAL fluid is an effective way to increase the proportion of patients that receive targeted therapy for IA. The results indicate that close monitoring of background resistance rates and adverse drug events are important to attain the potential benefits of LAmB. The choice of strategy ultimately depends on the probability of triazole resistance, the availability of PCR and individual patient characteristics.  相似文献   

Prolonged mechanical ventilation (MV) is a major complication following cardiac surgery. We conducted a secondary analysis of the Transfusion Requirements in Cardiac Surgery (TRICTS) III trial to describe MV duration, identify factors associated with prolonged MV, and examine associations of prolonged MV with mortality and complications.


Four thousand, eight hundred and nine participants undergoing cardiac surgery at 71 hospitals worldwide were included. Prolonged MV was defined based on the Society of Thoracic Surgeons definition as MV lasting 24 hr or longer. Adjusted associations of patient and surgical factors with prolonged MV were examined using multivariable logistic regression. Associations of prolonged MV with complications were assessed using odds ratios, and adjusted associations between prolonged MV and mortality were evaluated using multinomial regression. Associations of shorter durations of MV with survival and complications were explored.


Prolonged MV occurred in 15% (725/4,809) of participants. Prolonged MV was associated with surgical factors indicative of complexity, such as previous cardiac surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass duration, and separation attempts; and patient factors such as critical preoperative state, left ventricular impairment, renal failure, and pulmonary hypertension. Prolonged MV was associated with perioperative but not long-term complications. After risk adjustment, prolonged MV was associated with perioperative mortality; its association with long-term mortality among survivors was weaker. Shorter durations of MV were not associated with increased risk of mortality or complications.


In this substudy of the TRICS III trial, prolonged MV was common after cardiac surgery and was associated with patient and surgical risk factors. Although prolonged MV showed strong associations with perioperative complications and mortality, it was not associated with long-term complications and had weaker association with long-term mortality among survivors.

Study registration

www.ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02042898); registered 23 January 2014. This is a substudy of the Transfusion Requirements in Cardiac Surgery (TRICS) III trial.

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