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Heart Failure Reviews - Metformin is considered a safe anti-hyperglycemic drug for patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D); however, information on its impact on heart failure–related outcomes...  相似文献   
Prior research has demonstrated that therapeutic communities (TCs) are effective at improving posttreatment outcomes for substance abusers. However, little is known about the in-treatment experience for clients with different backgrounds, experiences, and needs. The aim of this study is to examine the in-treatment experience for different clients by exploring the relationships between treatment process and client characteristics. A comprehensive measure of treatment process, operationalized as Community Environment and Personal Change and Development and change was administered to 447 adults and 148 adolescents receiving treatment at community-based TC programs in New York, California, and Texas. Data on demographic characteristics, substance use and treatment history, and client risk factors were extracted from intake interviews and analyzed separately for adolescent and adult residents. Multivariate general linear models were used to examine the effect of client variables on treatment process, after controlling for treatment duration and program effects. Within adult programs, clients who were 25 years or older, female, and had a prior drug treatment experience had higher Community Environment scores. Adolescents with one or more arrests within the past 2 years had lower scores on both process dimensions of Community Environment and Personal Development and Change. Our results indicate the need to understand why adult clients who are younger, male, and have no prior treatment history and adolescent clients with recent arrests reported lower ratings of treatment process. Future research should also examine the role of modifiable mediators so that appropriate strategies to enhance therapeutic engagement may be developed as necessary.  相似文献   


Perinatal stroke causes lifelong motor disability, affecting independence and quality of life. Non-invasive neuromodulation interventions such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) combined with intensive therapy may improve motor function in adult stroke hemiparesis but is under-explored in children. Measuring cortical metabolites with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can inform cortical neurobiology in perinatal stroke but how these change with neuromodulation is yet to be explored.


A double-blind, sham-controlled, randomized clinical trial tested whether tDCS could enhance intensive motor learning therapy in hemiparetic children. Ten days of customized, goal-directed therapy was paired with cathodal tDCS over contralesional primary motor cortex (M1, 20 min, 1.0 mA, 0.04 mA/cm2) or sham. Motor outcomes were assessed using validated measures. Neuronal metabolites in both M1s were measured before and after intervention using fMRI-guided short-echo 3T MRS.


Fifteen children [age(range) = 12.1(6.6–18.3) years] were studied. Motor performance improved in both groups and tDCS was associated with greater goal achievement. After cathodal tDCS, the non-lesioned M1 showed decreases in glutamate/glutamine and creatine while no metabolite changes occurred with sham tDCS. Lesioned M1 metabolite concentrations did not change post-intervention. Baseline function was highly correlated with lesioned M1 metabolite concentrations (N-acetyl-aspartate, choline, creatine, glutamate/glutamine). These correlations consistently increased in strength following intervention. Metabolite changes were not correlated with motor function change. Baseline lesioned M1 creatine and choline levels were associated with clinical response.


MRS metabolite levels and changes may reflect mechanisms of tDCS-related M1 plasticity and response biomarkers in hemiparetic children with perinatal stroke undergoing intensive neurorehabilitation.  相似文献   
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