Previous investigators have reported that deletion of the protein tyrosine kinase Lyn alters mast cell (MC) signaling responses but does not affect or reduces the cytokine-mediated proliferation of mouse bone marrow-derived MC (BMMC) precursors and of mature MC. We observed that Lyn-deficient mice have more peritoneal MC than wild-type (WT) mice. Studies to explore this unexpected result showed that Lyn(-/-) BM cells expand faster than WT cells in response to interleukin (IL)-3 and stem-cell factor over the 4-5 weeks required to produce a >95% pure population of granular, receptor with high affinity for immunoglobulin E-positive BMMC. Furthermore, differentiated Lyn(-/-) BMMC continue to proliferate more rapidly than WT BMMC and undergo less apoptosis in response to cytokine withdrawal. Additionally, Lyn(-/-) BMMC support greater IL-3-mediated phosphorylation of the prosurvival kinase, Akt, and the proliferative kinase, extracellular-regulated kinase 1/2. These results identify Lyn as a negative regulator of murine MC survival and proliferation. 相似文献
The ospC genes of 20 southern Borrelia strains were sequenced. The strains consisted of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. andersonii, B. bissettii, one undescribed genospecies, MI-8, and one probably new Borrelia species, TXW-1. A high degree of similarity exists between B. burgdorferi sensu stricto and B. bissettii and between B. bissettii and B. andersonii. Lateral transfers of the ospC gene probably occurred between B. burgdorferi sensu stricto and B. bissettii and between B. bissettii and B. andersonii. Internal gene recombination appears to occur among them. The highest degree of genetic diversity among them was observed in the two variable domains (V1 and V2), semivariable domain (SV), and the species-specific epitopes (between amino acids 28 and 31). Differences in ospC sequences among southern strains reflect diversity at the strain and genospecies levels. MI-8, which was recognized as an undescribed genospecies in our previous reports, remains distinguishable in our current analysis of ospC genes and is distinct from B. burgdorferi sensu stricto. Interestingly, another undescribed southern isolate, TXW-1, was not amplified under various PCR conditions. Compared to European B. burgdorferi sensu stricto strains, American B. burgdorferi sensu stricto strains show greater genetic heterogeneity. Southern B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. andersonii, and B. bissettii isolates were intermixed with each other in the phylogenetic trees. In the derived trees in our work, at least one southeastern strain of B. burgdorferi, MI-2, most closely aligns with a so-called invasive cluster that possesses many proven human-invasive strains. Transmission experiments show that MI-2 and the strains in this group of southern spirochetes are able to infect mice and hamsters and that the typical vector of Lyme disease, Ixodes scapularis, can acquire the spirochetes from infected mammals. Currently, strain MI-2 appears to be the only southern isolate among the 20 we analyzed that clusters with an OspC invasive group and thus might be invasive for humans. 相似文献
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-(IL)-18 are important mediators of neuroinflammation after closed head injury (CHI). Both mediators have been previously found to be significantly elevated in the intracranial compartment after brain injury, both in patients as well as in experimental model systems. However, the interrelation and regulation of these crucial cytokines within the injured brain has not yet been investigated. The present study was designed to assess a potential regulation of intracranial IL-18 levels by TNF based on a clinical study in head-injured patients and an experimental model in mice. In the first part, we investigated the interrelationship between the daily TNF and IL-18 cerebrospinal fluid levels in 10 patients with severe CHI for up to 14 days after trauma. In the second part of the study, the potential TNF-dependent regulation of intracerebral IL-18 levels was further characterized in an experimental set-up in mice: (1) in a standardized model of CHI in TNF/lymphotoxin-alpha gene-deficient mice and wild-type (WT) littermates, and (2) by intracerebro-ventricular injection of mouse recombinant TNF in WT C57BL/6 mice. The results demonstrate an inverse correlation of intrathecal TNF and IL-18 levels in head-injured patients and a TNF-dependent inhibition of IL-18 after intracerebral injection in mice. These findings imply a potential new anti-inflammatory mechanism of TNF by attenuation of IL-18, thus confirming the proposed "dual" function of this cytokine in the pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury. 相似文献
Summary This study gathers the anatomic implications for a good liver transplantation. During hepatic removal a left hepatic a.exists in 20% of cases; a right hepatic artery originating from the superior mesenteric a. (SMA) can be the only arterial supply in 9% of cases; the whole lesser omentum has to be removed and the SMA from 6 cm to its origin. The SMA must be freed from the celiac ganglia and its ostium removed with the celiac trunk in an aortic patch cut on the anterior side in order to avoid the renal ostia. During total hepatectomy, dissection of the portal triad is often difficult because of portal hypertension dilating accessory portal veins (parabiliary arcade) and pedicular lymphatics. Nerve plexuses are thick in front of the hepatic artery or behind the portal triad. Transection of triangular ligaments leads to the retrohepatic inferior vena cava (IVC) that must be freed from its posterior tributaries (right suprarenal vein and inferior phrenic veins flowing either into the IVC or into the hepatic veins). One big problem during hepatic replacement is the biliary anastomosis which must be well irrigated. In the recipient, dissection up to the hilum preserves hepatic and pancreatico-duodenal pedicles. The biliary tract of the graft must be cut low, behind the pancreas, and several centimeters of the gastroduodenal artery must be preserved to save hepatic and gastroduodenal pedicles.
Bases anatomiques de la transplantation hépatique
Résumé Ce travail rassemble les notions anatomiques nécessaires au bon déroulement d'une transplantation hépatique. Le prélèvement du greffon doit enlever tout le petit omentum contenant une éventuelle a. hépatique gauche née de l'a. gastrique gauche (20%) et emporter l'a. mésentérique supérieure jusqu'à 6 cm de son origine pour ne pas oublier une a. hépatique droite née de cette dernière: son ostium est pris avec le tronc clique dans un patch aortique découpé sur la face antérieure. Lors de l'hépatectomie totale, la dissection du pédicule hépatique est rendue délicate par l'hypertension portale qui dilate les veines portes diets accessoires (arcade parabiliaire) et les lymphatiques pédiculaires. Les plexus nerveux sont riches devant l'artère hépatique et derrière le pédicule. La section des ligaments triangulaires droit et gauche amène à la veine cave inférieure (VCI) rétro-hépatique qu'il faut libérer de ses afférences postérieures (en particulier la veine surrénale principale droite toujours haut située et les veines phréniques inférieures qui s'abouchent soit dans la VCI soit dans les veines hépatiques du carrefour). Lors du remplacement, l'anastomose biliaire doit être vascularisée. Chez le receveur la dissection jusqu'au hile permet de conserver les pédicules. La voie biliaire du greffon doit être coupée bas derrière le pancréas et les premiers centimètres de l'artère gastro-duodénale conservés pour préserver les pédicules hépatique et pancréaticoduodénal.
One-day old American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) nestlings were dosed orally daily with 5 l/g of corn oil (controls), 25 mg/kg, 125 mg/kg, or 625 mg/kg of metallic lead in corn oil through day 10. Forty percent of the nestlings given 625 mg/kg died after six days. Growth rates became significantly different from controls in the 625 mg/kg group by day 3 and in the 125 mg/kg group by day 4. Crown-rump lengths and brain weights were significantly lower in both treatment groups. Liver and kidney weights were lower in the 625 mg/kg groups. Skeletal examination and measurement of alizarin red-S stained nestlings revealed reduced growth for the humerus, radius-ulna, femur, and tibiotarsus in the 125 mg/kg and 625 mg/kg groups. Skeletons were otherwise normal in appearance. Greater than 2 ppm (wet weight) lead in the liver or 6 ppm in the kidney was associated with suppressed growth, while more than 5 ppm in the liver and 15 ppm in the kidney occurred in survivors in the 625 mg/kg group. The order of accumulation of lead in tissues at the end of 10 days was kidney > liver > brain. These findings suggest that altricial nestlings may be considerably more sensitive to lead exposure than adults and also more sensitive than hatchlings of many precocial species. 相似文献
The use of paraquat as a herbicide is becoming more extensive with the increasing popularity of no tillage agriculture, increasing the possibility of exposure for wildlife species. American kestrel(Falco sparverius) nestlings were orally dosed daily with 5 l/g of distilled water (controls), 10 mg/kg, 25 mg/kg, or 60 mg/kg of paraquat dichloride (1,1-dimethyl-4,4-bipyridinium) in distilled water from day 1 through day 10. Forty-four percent of the nestlings given 60 mg/kg died after 4 days. Significant differences in growth rates occurred between controls and all paraquat-dosed groups. Reduced skeletal growth occurred in the humerus and femur in the 25 mg/kg and 60 mg/kg groups, and in the radius-ulna and tibiotarsus in the 60 mg/kg group. Skeletons were otherwise normal in appearance. Histopathological examination revealed localized focal necrosis in the liver of one nestling in the 60 mg/kg group and tubular cell degeneration and focal tubular dilation in the kidneys of another. The brain and lungs were unremarkable histologically. These findings suggest that altricial nestling kestrels are more sensitive to paraquat exposure than young or adult birds of precocial species. 相似文献
We report two patients with coarctation of the aorta who were admitted to the hospital with ruptured cerebral artery aneurysms. In both patients, we surgically treated the coarctation and later repaired the intracranial lesion. One patient, a 34-year-old woman, is alive and well after 3 years; whereas, the other, a 19-year-old man, did not survive. We discuss the sequence for surgery, which continues to be subjected to debate. 相似文献
It is well recognized that the use of evidence-based practices (EBPs) is critical to improving service outcomes for those receiving behavioral health services. However, EBPs are not easily implemented in behavioral health settings, and there are many challenges to supporting these services over time. Recently, research efforts in implementation science (IS) have greatly expanded our understanding of issues that influence the successful implementation of EBPs. Unfortunately, less effort has been devoted to translating this research theory on a practical level to help individual service entities solve the specific problems of putting programs into place. A process is needed where service organizations and practitioners can build their capacity, informed by IS research, to improve service outcomes. The purpose of this commentary is to describe the IS research base, provide an introduction to implementation practice, describe challenges confronting practitioners, and propose necessary steps in building organizational capacity that enables practitioners to implement the most effective services available.