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目的:分析力学刺激体外骨髓间充质干细胞所产生增殖分化等生物学效应的影响及其力化学信号转导途径。资料来源:因特网上检索PubMed数据库中2000-01/2006-06期间有关力学刺激对骨髓干细胞作用效应进展的英文文章,检索词“stem cel1,marrow mesenchymal stem cells,mechanical stimulation,stress”,同时检索CNKI中国知网医学文献数据库2000-01/2006-06期间的相关文章,检索词为“干细胞、骨髓间充质干细胞、机械刺激、应力”。资料选择:对资料进行筛选,选取相关文章查找全文。纳入标准:①骨髓间充质干细胞相关生物学特性。②体外细胞加载的应力分类及相应力学装置的特点。③应力对细胞影响的研究。④能获取文章的全文。排除标准:①较陈旧的文献。②重复研究。资料提炼:共收集关于86篇体外骨髓干细胞及力学干预的相关文献。其中30篇符合纳入标准。资料综合:①骨髓干细胞具有高度增殖及多向分化能力,可通过体外培养、干预作为细胞组织工程的理想种子细胞。②力学刺激是体外调节细胞生物学效应的重要途径,其中力学分类有:流体切应力、静止压应力、张应力、离心力以及单个细胞的吸吮力等,介绍各种力以及相应的力学装置的特点。③骨髓干细胞加载各种应力干预后产生的生物学效应,以及细胞应力学刺激的机制、信号转导途径。结论:力学刺激可影响骨髓间充质干细胞生物学特性,在适当的力学刺激条件下,促进细胞的增殖与分化,为骨组织工程提供新的技术手段,同时也为临床应用牵拉成骨的骨再生过程提供理论依据。  相似文献   
SUMMARY Major depression can impair an individual's motivation to perform routine daily activities and cause a deterioration in cognitive and psychomotor function. Some antidepressants add to pathological dysfunction through unwanted side-effects. Although most patients eventually recover as a simultaneous consequence of tolerance and therapeutic response, some may not. Where side-effects continue to retard normal recovery they can be called behaviourally toxic, which can be classified as disruptive, inhibitory or provocative. Disruptive behavioural toxic effects are measured using either psychometric tests or simulations of real-life activities (for example, a driving test). There are no widely-accepted tests for inhibitory or provocative behavioural toxicity, and assessments of antidepressants are made on the basis of case studies. This review summarises the results of psychometric and real-life simulation tests and compares the effects of antidepressants on behaviour competence. The purpose is to identify those drugs that seem to be the most and least likely to produce behavioural toxicity.  相似文献   
上海市0~6岁小儿佝偻病的现状调查   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的:了解上海市小儿佝偻病的现状及影响因素。方法:2005年春季以整群和分层随机抽样法抽取上海市部分城区0~6岁小儿821名,采取问卷调查方法了解小儿的生活环境、饮食习惯、户外活动、营养状况、既往疾病史及母亲的妊娠情况等。佝偻病的诊断以1996年国家卫生部颁布的"婴幼儿佝偻病防治方案"为诊断标准。结果:取得完整有效资料769名,其中男童396名,女童373名;集居儿童456名,散居儿童313名。①小儿佝偻病患病率为17.3%(133/769),其中男童患病率为17.4%、女童为17.2%。②佝偻病与喂养方式(母乳喂养的患病率为13.0%、混合喂养的患病率为17.5%、人工喂养的患病率为25.2%)、鱼肝油添加(按时添加维生素D的患病率为13.5%、偶加或未加维生素D的患病率为32.5%)、居住环境(居住在市区的患病率为23.6%、居住在郊区的患病率为10.6%;集居儿童患病率为13.8%、散居儿童患病率为22.4%)、户外活动时间(经常户外活动的患病率为12.9%、偶尔户外活动的患病率为31.8%)、反复呼吸道感染(小儿有反复呼吸道感染的患病率为26.9%、无反复呼吸道感染的患病率为12.9%)、母孕期缺钙(母孕期有缺钙的患病率为33.2%、无缺钙的患病率为12.0%)等因素有关(P<0.01)。结论:上海市小儿佝偻病患病率有上升趋势。影响因素与城市环境污染、母乳喂养减少、年轻父母科学育儿知识缺乏等有关。  相似文献   
目的:验证雪灵芝是否具有抑制大鼠肝癌的功效。方法:实验于2003—09/2004—08在广西疾病预防控制中心SPF级动物实验室完成。选用健康成年SD大鼠160只。按体质量分层随机分为5组:空白对照组、模型组、雪灵芝高剂量组、雪灵芝中剂量组和雪灵芝低剂量组,每组32只。雪灵芝高、中、低剂量组大鼠分别灌胃2.500,1.250,0.625mL/kg雪灵芝溶液,阴性对照组和模型组灌胃等量蒸馏水,1次/d,连续60d。第61天开始雪灵芝高、中、低剂量组和模型组灌胃二乙基亚硝胺溶液,对照组灌胃等量的生理盐水。于停止灌胃90d后各组处死一半受试大鼠(雌雄各半),检测血常规及血清主要生化指标,观察各脏器大体形态改变、脏器的癌变程度。1周后给剩余大鼠灌胃雪灵芝溶液(不含二乙基亚硝胺)。7周后处死余下的一半雄性大鼠,进行相同操作。8周后处死余下的全部大鼠,操作及检测方法同前。结果:纳入的160只SD大鼠,145只进入结果分析,15只脱落。①病理切片检查结果:除阴性对照组,其他各组大鼠肝组织均发生癌变或癌前病变。雪灵芝高、中、低剂量组的癌前病变发生率与模型组相近(P〉0.05);癌变的发生率均低于模型组,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.05,0.01)。②大体标本检查结果:阴性对照组大鼠肝脏的大体标本均无异常改变,其他各组大鼠的肝脏有些可见表面粗糙等病理改变。模型组大体标本病理改变的阳性率高于雪灵芝高、中、低剂量组,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.05)。肉眼观模型组癌变发生率高于其他各组。③其他脏器检查结果:模型组2只大鼠有肝癌肺转移。结论:以较大剂量的二乙基亚硝胺连续灌胃30d可以复制大鼠肝癌模型;雪灵芝对二乙基亚硝胺诱导的大鼠肝癌具有预防和抑制的作用。  相似文献   
A sterilisable radiation probe of small dimensions was designed to locate the lesions at orthopaedic surgical sites according to the procedure of intraoperative bone scintigraphy. The probe has a collimated opening 2 mm in diameter. It is connected to a portable radioactivity counter which converts the disintegration rates detected at surgical sites into an acoustic signal that increases steeply with increasing disintegration rate. The acoustic signal enables the surgeons and isotope specialists to readily monitor radioactivity in the region of interest without attention being distracted from the surgical site. Dimethylaminodiphosphonate (designated SF44) was the osteotropic radiopharmaceutical chosen for carrying out intraoperative bone scintigraphy, since the available data show that this chemical increases the pathological: normal bone uptake ratio of the lesion by 25% compared to the usual diphosphonates. Forty-seven orthopaedic interventions were carried out according to the intraoperative bone scintigraphy procedure. They showed that this procedure facilitated the rapid location of the lesion, the objective termination of the operation, less frequently the reduction in dimension of the excised areas, and rarely the simplification of the surgical technique. Practice of intraoperative bone scintigraphy requires proper training and caution.  相似文献   
目的:观察中药何首乌丸加味对衰老模型大鼠睾丸生精细胞凋亡、血清睾酮含量和抗氧化能力的影响。方法:实验于2004-04/07在承德医学院基础医学研究所完成。①选用40只雄性SD大鼠,随机分为正常组、模型组、何首乌丸加味组和阴性对照组,每组均为10只。模型组、何首乌丸加味组和阴性对照组均采用D-半乳糖200mg/(kg·d)连续腹腔注射40d制作亚急性衰老大鼠模型。模型组大鼠于造模成功后不再作任何处理;何首乌丸加味用药组大鼠于造模成功后用何首乌丸加味(由何首乌15g,怀牛膝15g,肉苁蓉10g,淫羊藿10g,丹参25g,茯苓15g组成,每副含生药90g,按传统方法加水煎成溶液)8.1g/kg灌胃给药,1次/d,共30d;阴性对照组大鼠于造模成功后每天灌胃同等剂量的生理盐水,时间同何首乌丸加味用药组。正常组大鼠自由摄食、饮水,未加任何干预措施。②所有大鼠经内眦取血2mL,采用酶联免疫吸附法检测各组大鼠血清睾酮含量、黄嘌呤氧化酶法检测血清超氧化物歧化酶的活性;大鼠处死后取睾丸组织、常规石蜡包埋,SP免疫组化法检测睾丸生精细胞p53基因的表达。结果:大鼠40只全部进入结果分析。①血清睾酮含量:模型组明显低于正常组,分别为(0.52±0.14),(1.26±0.32)μg/L(t=3.004,P<0.05);何首乌丸加味组为(1.16±0.32)μg/L,高于模型组(t=2.321,P<0.05)。②血清超氧化物歧化酶活性:模型组明显低于正常组,分别为(106.22±9.63),(148.73±12.93)kNU/L(t=13.339,P<0.01);何首乌丸加味组为(140.05±15.57)kNU/L,高于模型组(t=9.970,P<0.01)。③p53阳性细胞率:模型组明显高于正常组,分别为(59.13±10.53)%和(36.99±9.45)%,(χ2=9.696,P<0.01);何首乌丸加味组为(43.03±12.65)%,低于模型组(χ2=5.122,P<0.05)。结论:何首乌丸加味可通过提高睾酮含量、增强抗氧化能力、降低生精细胞的凋亡改善衰老大鼠睾丸的功能,起到延缓衰老的作用。  相似文献   
目的:观察心肌梗死后心力衰竭大鼠血管内皮功能和心功能的变化与血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂培哚普利的干预关系。方法:实验于2004-12/2006-03于中山大学附属第二医院医学实验中心完成。实验动物:成年雄性SD大鼠75只,体质量250~300g。实验分组:取60只大鼠结扎冠状动脉左前降支建立心肌梗死大鼠模型,另取15只为假手术组做对照。实验方法:术后1周行超声心动图检查,以centerline方法判断心肌梗死面积。术后第2周,心肌梗死大鼠中30只给予培哚普利灌胃,另30只为对照组给予盐水灌胃。评估标准:10周后测定左室血流动力学参数,循环血液中一氧化氮,内皮素-1和C-反应蛋白的水平,并观察离体胸主动脉环对内皮依赖性扩血管物质乙酰胆碱的舒张反应。结果:75只大鼠进入结果分析:①血浆内皮素-1和血清一氧化氮、C-反应蛋白含量的变化:与假手术组相比,心肌梗死盐水组血浆内皮素-1水平上升,血清一氧化氮含量下降,血清C-反应蛋白水平升高(P均<0.05);与心肌梗死盐水组相比,培哚普利治疗组血浆内皮素-1水平下降,血清一氧化氮含量上升,血清C-反应蛋白水平下降(P均<0.05)。②各组大鼠胸主动脉环对乙酰胆碱的反应性测定:心肌梗死盐水组胸主动脉环对乙酰胆碱介导的最大舒张反应显著小于假手术组和培哚普利治疗组(39.5±6.38,79.4±7.59,67.9±6.92,P均<0.05);与假手术组相比,心肌梗死盐水组胸主动脉环对各个浓度的乙酰胆碱介导的舒张反应显著减弱(P均<0.05);与心肌梗死盐水组相比,培哚普利治疗组显著改善各个浓度乙酰胆碱介导的舒张反应(P均<0.05)。③各组大鼠血流动力学指标改变:与假手术组相比,心肌梗死盐水组大鼠出现明显的心力衰竭,表现为左室内收缩压降低,左室舒张末期压升高,室内压最大上升/下降速率降低(P均<0.05);与心肌梗死盐水组相比培哚普利治疗组大鼠的心功能显著改善(P均<0.05)。④各组大鼠存活率:10周后培哚普利治疗组存活率显著高于心肌梗死盐水组(67%,43%,P<0.05)。结论:心肌梗死大鼠血管内皮功能和心功能在长期应用培哚普利治疗后得到改善,其机制可能与抑制炎症反应有关。  相似文献   
Summary— The aim of phase I studies per se is to explore the tolerance of new compounds which have demonstrated a certain level of activity in animals at sufficiently low non-toxic doses. In most cases, these studies are conducted in 2 steps in a limited number of healthy male volunteers: a single rising dose study followed by a repeated dose study in which the pharmacokinetic features of the drug are explored. In such a context, it would be quite presumptuous to ascertain the therapeutic efficacy of a drug from those initial human studies. At best, these trials can provide pharmacological and/or biological indications which are related to some degree to the expected efficacy of the drug: hypnotics, anticancer drugs, antibiotics, platelet antiaggregants, beta-blockers, etc. In these examples it is recommended to design controlled study protocols so as to better investigate these potentially interesting signs of activity. In the majority of cases, however (psychoactive drugs, analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs, gastro-intestinal compounds), phase I studies will unfortunately not provide much information regarding the expected therapeutic activity.  相似文献   
We treated patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy (iMGN) and renal insufficiency, using: (i) (n = 15) monthly cycles of steroids (1 g methyl-prednisolone i.v. on three consecutive days, followed by oral prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day months 1, 3 and 5) and chlorambucil (0.15 mg/kg/day months 2, 4 and 6); or (ii) (n = 17) oral cyclophosphamide (1.5-2.0 mg/kg/day for 1 year) and steroids in a comparable dose. The groups were comparable in age, renal function and levels of proteinuria. During the 6 months preceding treatment, serum creatinine levels increased from 148 +/- 50 to 219 +/- 73 mumol/l in the chlorambucil group and from 164 +/- 86 to 274 +/- 126 mumol/l in the cyclophosphamide group. Median (range) follow-ups were: chlorambucil 38 months (8-71); cyclophosphamide 26 months (5-68) (NS). Renal function improved in both groups, but the improvement was short-lived in the chlorambucil group; 12 months after starting treatment, mean serum creatinine was 6.3 mumol/l lower in the chlorambucil group and 121 mumol/l lower in the cyclophosphamide group (p < 0.01). Four chlorambucil-treated patients developed ESRD, and five needed a second course of therapy, whereas only one cyclophosphamide-treated patient developed ESRD (p < 0.05). Remissions of proteinuria occurred more frequently after cyclophosphamide treatment (15/17 vs. 5/15; p < 0.01). Side-effects necessitated interruption of treatment in six patients on cyclophosphamide and in 11 on chlorambucil (p < 0.05). In our patients, oral cyclophosphamide was better tolerated than oral chlorambucil. The suggested greater efficacy of the oral cyclophosphamide regimen needs to be ascertained by longer follow-up.   相似文献   
Malignant lymphoma particularly of T phenotype can be associated with specific or non specific cutaneous lesions. These cutaneous manifestations can occur at the onset of the disease being sometimes the revealing sign or they can appear during the course of the lymphoreticular malignancies. Glomerulonephritis was also described in lymphoma. Ki- positive large cell lymphoma was recently identified. A new case is reported with lymphadenopathy and intestinal localisation revealed by cutaneous and mucosal ulcerations principally in the mouth and a focal segmental glomerulonephritis with endo- and extracapillary proliferation. The absence of lymphoma in cutaneous and renal lesions and the clinical presentation support the hypothesis of paraneoplastic manifestations, may be related to a vasculitis.  相似文献   
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