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To identify the role of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms in multidrug resistance in tumor cells, we examined the PKC isoform pattern in the multidrug resistant P388/ADR cell line and studied the effect of down regulation of PKC isoforms on intracellular daunorubicin accumulation and P-glycoprotein expression. Using monoclonal antibodies to PKC alpha, beta and gamma and flow cytometry technique we showed that P388/ADR cells overexpressed PKC alpha and beta as compared to drug sensitive P388 cells. Prolonged treatment of P388/ADR cells with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), a procedure that is known to down regulate PKC, resulted in the down regulation of total PKC activity and the PKC beta isoform (at the protein level) that was accompanied by the correction of daunorubicin accumulation in P388/ADR cells. The level of expression of P-glycoprotein in PMA treated cells was similar to that of untreated cells. These results suggest that PKC beta regulates the drug efflux function of P-glycoprotein.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the communication strategies of occupational therapists. Many recent studies in occupational therapy emphasize the importance of having a client-oriented perspective; the needs and wishes of the patient should form the basis for treatment. Such a perspective brings to the fore the capacity of the therapist to enter into the life-world of the patient. Communication, dialogue between patient and therapist, is the basic source of such knowledge. In this paper, understanding verbal acts is seen as fundamentally problematic. The purpose is to analyse what strategies and tactics occupational therapists use to create a basis for their interpretation of patients' messages. What kinds of questions and other forms of verbal behaviour are utilized to check and verify these interpretations? A case-study of communication behaviour during five meetings between patients and therapists in the homes of the patients was undertaken. Seven types of tactics were observed and categorized as belonging to two different strategic dimensions: active-passive and abstract-concrete. Although active strategies were predominant, only one therapist consistently used a combination of ‘asking open questions’ and ‘verifying’ interpretations, the two most active tactics. Most therapists also asked the patients to concretely ‘show in action’ what they meant, but to a varying degree. A consistent use of active-concrete strategies is arguably an ideal way of seeking knowledge and understanding. Empirically, therapists differ in how closely they fit this ideal. This may be a result of training and experience, but also of degree of empathy. This study points to the importance of carefully developing communication strategies in order to fully understand the problems of the patients. Copyright © 1997 Whurr Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   
The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) family consists of three different dimeric forms, AA, BB, and AB, of the two consitituent polypeptide chains, A and B. These interact with two different cell surface receptors that, in part, mediate different cellular functions. The various forms of PDGF, as well as the receptors, are expressed at high frequency in glioblastoma multiforme, and it has been suggested that the growth of this tumor might be affected by autocrine loops involving PDGF and its receptors. The present paper focuses on recent discoveries regarding the family of PDGF ligands and receptors, as well as reviews results concerning PDGF-dependent autocrine growth in experimental and spontaneous glioblastoma.  相似文献   
Ameloblastic fibroma of the jaw is a rare, benign mixed odontogenic tumor, having little tendency for local invasion and a low recurrence rate. Cytologic distinction from ameloblastoma, ameloblastic fibrosarcoma, and intraosseous adenoid cystic carcinoma is necessary, in view of the different biologic behavior. A painful, slow-growing swelling of the jaw in a 5-yr-old child clinicoradiologically considered as a benign cystic lesion was aspirated. Sheets of small monomorphic epithelial cells with peripheral palisading by columnar cells were seen on cytology smears. The striking feature was central hyaline globules in some tubules. A cytologic possibility of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor was suggested. Histopathology, however, confirmed it to be an ameloblastic fibroma.  相似文献   
Acrocentric interconnections and NOR (nucleolus organizer region) variants are frequently observed in silver-stained metaphase preparations from lymphocytes of phenotypically normal individuals. The types of interconnections and of NOR variants are outlined. It is speculated that the satellite acrocentrics (both normal and variant) are the consequence of breakage and recoiling of these interconnections. Awareness of these two features of the human genome may facilitate understanding of the NOR/nucleolus interaction(s) in such important processes as nucleolus formation and in development and/or diagnosis of disease states (i.e., malignancy).  相似文献   
Current digital information systems in radiology are insufficient to accommodate the retrieval needs of academicians. Significant efforts are required in retrieving clinical cases for teaching and research. We describe a prototype system that supports intelligent case retrieval based on a combined specification of patient demographics, radiologic findings, and pathologic diagnoses. The documents for these cases can be distributed among multiple heterogeneous data bases. The system features automatic indexing of radiology and pathology reports, a comprehensive lexicon for thoracic radiology, an interface to a hospital information system, radiology information system, and picture archiving and communication systems, and a graphical user interface for query formulation and results visualization. The prototype system was developed within the domain of thoracic radiology involving patients with lung cancer.  相似文献   
The dual role of IL-10   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Classification of cytokines as pro-versus anti-inflammatory might not apply to the pleiotropic effects of interleukin-10 (IL-10). Several reports suggest that IL-10 enhances the function of natural killer cells, which leads, through pathogen destruction, to increased antigen availability. In addition, by inhibiting the maturation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), IL-10 preserves their ability for antigen uptake while simultaneously hampering their migration to draining lymph nodes. This review suggests that this "antigen-loading" phase might constitute an important component of the innate immune reaction to a pathogen. Additional proinflammatory stimuli might subsequently lead to maturation of "loaded" APCs that could migrate to draining lymph nodes or recruit and activate adaptive immune effectors locally.  相似文献   
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