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Core biopsies of the bone marrow are indispensable in the evaluation of fever of unknown etiology in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients. We report two patients in whom visceral leishmaniasis was diagnosed based on the typical morphology, staining characteristics, and ultrastructure of the organisms.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Evidence for the effectiveness of topical treatments, in providing symptomatic relief from ocular allergy, remains uncertain. AIMS: To assess the effectiveness and relative efficacy of topical treatments for the management of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. DESIGN OF STUDY: A systematic review and meta-analysis. SETTING: A literature search of the Cochrane Library, Medline, and EMBASE bibliographic databases. METHOD: Double-masked randomised controlled trials were identified, that compared the use of topical mast cell stabilisers (sodium cromoglycate, nedocromil, lodoxamide) with placebo, topical antihistamines with placebo, and topical mast cell stabilisers with topical antihistamines. RESULTS: A meta-analysis of six trials showed that patients using sodium cromoglycate were 17 times (95% confidence interval [CI] = 4 to 78) more likely to perceive benefit compared with those using a placebo, although this estimate may be partially influenced by publication bias. Five trials indicated that those patients using nedocromil were 1.8 times (95% CI = 1.3 to 2.6) more likely to perceive their allergy to be moderately or totally controlled than those using a placebo. Four trials showed that those using antihistamines were 1.3 times (95% CI = 0.8 to 2.2) more likely to perceive a 'good' treatment effect than those using mast cell stabilisers, although this beneficial effect was not statistically significant. Limited evidence suggests that antihistamines might have a faster therapeutic effect compared to mast cell stabilisers. CONCLUSION: Overall, these findings confirm the benefit of topical mast cell stabilisers and antihistamines over placebo for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. There is, however, insufficient evidence to recommend the use of one type of medication over another. Treatment preferences should therefore be based on convenience of use (with reduced frequency of instillation for some preparations), patient preference, and costs, especially as important side effects were not reported with any medication.  相似文献   
Seroepidemiology of rotavirus infection in rural Bangladesh.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A prospective seroepidemiological study of rotavirus infection was performed in children in a village in rural Bangladesh. Ninety-three percent of the children had detectable antibodies during the study, and there were 66 significant rises in titer occurring in 57 of the 85 children. Antibody titer rises occurred in older children and younger children with equal frequency. Nine children (11%) had evidence of multiple infections during the 16-month period. Winter infections were most frequent, although one summer (monsoon) season was also associated with a large cluster. Subjects with high titers (greater than 1:8) of antibody less frequently developed a titer rise than did subjects with lower titers.  相似文献   
Summary.  A virus, named Oya virus, was isolated in Vero cell cultures from the lungs of a pig suspected of Nipah virus infection. The virus was revealed as a spherical enveloped RNA virus with a diameter of 79 nm. For identification of Oya virus, RT-PCR was performed. A common primer set for S-RNA of the Simbu serogroup of the genus Bunyavirus was able to amplify a cDNA from Oya virus RNA. The sequence data of the product revealed that the partial gene of Oya virus S-RNA segment had 65–70% homology with published cDNA sequences of Simbu serogroup viruses. The phylogenetic analysis of the data showed that the Oya virus is grouped in Simbu serogroup, but is genetically distinct from the serogroup viruses that have been analyzed molecularly. Serological surveys revealed that the virus distributed widely and densely in Malaysia. Received January 5, 2002; accepted April 16, 2002 Published online July 19, 2002  相似文献   
Primed and unprimed lymphocytes are usually classified as separate subsets of cells, based on phenotypic and functional distinctions. In the case of CD4+ T lymphocytes, primed cells are thought to proliferate more vigorously, quickly and easily, and to release a different profile of cytokines, than their naive equivalent. However, most of these data were obtained from studies in which populations of lymphocytes were compared before and after antigenic stimulation, and therefore did not distinguish between the effects resulting from the clonal expansion of specific precursor cells within such populations and those due to cell differentiation per se. We have investigated the contribution of precursor cell frequency to some of the functional changes observed in populations of CD4+ T cells following antigenic stimulation, using approaches in which antigen-specific precursor frequencies are high in both primary and secondary stimulations: mixed leukocyte reaction responses and cells from αβ T cell receptor transgenic mice. Our data suggest that when equivalent numbers of antigen-specific naive and previously primed CD4+ responder T cells are compared, there is no difference in their potency to proliferate but only the previously activated subset can generate cytokines such as interferon-γ.  相似文献   
Prevention Science - The effectiveness of bullying prevention programs has led to expectations that these programs could have effects beyond their primary goals. By reducing the number of victims...  相似文献   
Microbial investigation of 30 samples of sausage meat and 30 samples of hamburger meat, freshly prepared, were collected randomly from different markets in Alexandria city, to determine the bacteriological status of these products. The average counts/gm of total bacteria, total coliforms and fecal coliform in sausage meat were 1.33 x 10(7), 9.16 x 10(5) and 1.11 x 10(3) respectively, and in hamburger samples were 8.47 x 10(5), 2.63 x 10(3) and 1.35 x 10(3) respectively. Shigella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus spp were isolated with various percentages, whereas Salmonella spp was isolated from sausage only. The public health importance of the isolated microorganisms are fully discussed.  相似文献   
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