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Synthesis of 2-(Hydrazinocarbonylthio)-acetic Acids and Cyclization to 3-Aminothiazolidine-2,4-diones N-mono- or N,N-disubstituted hydrazines are reacted with carbonyl sulfide, triethylamine and halogenoacetic acids to yield the 2-(hydrazinocarbonylthio) acetic acids 1 , which are cyclizised to yield the 3-aminothiazolidine-2,4-diones 2 by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide.  相似文献   
The MR imaging features of a paraganglioma of the cauda equina with associated spinal cord cysts are presented. MR imaging showed the tumor to be isointense with the spinal cord on all pulse sequences and to enhance homogeneously. The intramedullary cysts had increased signal intensity on proton density- and T2-weighted images, and involved the cervical and thoracic regions.  相似文献   
Our aim was to develop an accurate multispectral tissue segmentation method based on 3D feature maps. We utilized proton density (PD), T2-weighted fast spin-echo (FSE), and T1-weighted spin-echo images as inputs for segmentation. Phantom constructs, cadaver brains, an animal brain tumor model and both normal human brains and those from patients with either multiple sclerosis (MS) or primary brain tumors were analyzed with this technique. Initially, misregistration, RF inhomogeneity and image noise problems were addressed. Next, a qualified observer identified samples representing the tissues of interest. Finally, k-nearest neighbor algorithm (k-NN) was utilized to create a stack of color-coded segmented images. The inclusion of T1 based images, as a third input, produced significant improvement in the delineation of tissues. In MS, our 3D technique was found to be far superior to that based on any combination of 2D feature maps (P < 0.001). We identified at least two distinctly different classes of lesions within the same MS plaque, representing different stages of the disease process. Further, we obtained the regional distribution of MS lesion burden and followed its changes over time. Neuropsychological aberrations were the clinical counterpart of the structural changes detected in segmentation. We could also delineate the margins of benign brain tumors. In malignant tumors, up to four abnormal tissues were identified: 1) a solid tumor core, 2) a cystic component, 3) edema in the white matter, and 4) areas of necrosis and hemorrhage. Subsequent neurosurgical exploration confirmed the distribution of tissues as predicted by this analysis.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To present a series of women with recurrent molar pregnancies, including rare familial cases, and discuss etiology and treatment options. METHODS: We performed a detailed clinical evaluation and pedigree analysis of five Egyptian women with recurrent pregnancy loss due to molar pregnancy. RESULTS: The women had a history of four to nine consecutive hydatidiform moles but of no viable pregnancies. Two of the women had molar pregnancies with different husbands who themselves had viable offspring from previous wives; and three of them, who belonged to a family with extensive intermarriage, had a pedigree consistent with an autosomal recessive maternal-effect mutation. CONCLUSIONS: Recurrent pregnancy loss due to habitual molar pregnancy is uncommon and familial cases are extremely rare. The etiology of this disorder is not well understood but likely results from a maternal-effect mutation. Management options are limited, especially for couples who desire to have their own genetic offspring.  相似文献   
Electrophysiologic target localization in posteroventral pallidotomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The current interest in stereotactic posteroventral pallidotomy (PVP) for treating Parkinson's disease and the variability of published results have raised questions regarding techniques for target localization. In our technique the probe is guided to the optimum target at the most ventral pallidum and ansa lenticularis by macroelectrode stimulation of the internal capsule and optic tract from within the globus pallidus, with the thresholds providing a relative measure of the electrode proximity to these structures. We have characterized these localizing macroelectrode stimulation parameters in 57 posteroventral pallidotomies with consistent anatomic lesion placement, excellent outcome, and no complications.Using a 1.8 × 2.0 mm radiofrequency electrode for macroelectrode stimulation (RFG-3C, Radionics Inc.), minimum voltages (thresholds) to activate motor (at a frequency of 2 Hz) or visual (at a frequency of 100 Hz) responses as well as impedance measurements were obtained at the final target (Tf) and at distances proximal to Tf along the electrode trajectory. The visual and motor threshold voltages at Tf via our standard approach angles (50 ° above base plane, 20 ° from the sagittal plane), had a range of 1.0 to 1.5 V, and 2.0 to 3.5 V respectively. We also found that as the probe approaches Tf there is a significant decrease in voltage thresholds for motor (P<.0001) and visual (P<.0001) responses in an individual patient indicating that the probe is converging on these structures. Increases in impedance between Tf, 2–3 mm, and 4–5 mm proximal to Tf were also statistically significant (P<.0001). Microelectrode recording of electrophysiological neuronal activity at various points along the trajectory towards the target showed distinct firing patters providing identification of the globus pallidus externus and internus, ansa lenticularis, and optic tract.Macroelectrode electrophysiological stimulation within the target volume, inducing threshold responses in the internal capsule and optic tract, provides for accurate localization of the most effective PVP target in the ansa lenticularis. In unresponsive patients, the utilization of microelectrode recording for the identification of the pallidal borders and the optic tract improves safety.  相似文献   
Summary It has been suggested that age changes in the morphology of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) may reflect altered physical activity levels rather than the unique effects of ageing. Additionally, previous studies have indicated that the structure of the NMJ may be modulated with exercise. To investigate these questions, quantitative morphometry was determined on soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) nerve terminals stained with zinc iodide-osmium from C57BL/6NNia mice under control and endurance exercised conditions at 12, 18 and 24 months of age.As previously observed, the area, perimeter, extent length and branch number of nerve terminals increased with age in both soleus and EDL. The changes were similar between the muscle types, although the changes were more pronounced in the phasic EDL. In 12-month-old animals, 2 months of endurance exercise resulted in significantly larger nerve terminals in both soleus and EDL, suggesting a functional adaptation. Exercised 18- and 24-month-old nerve terminals were smaller than corresponding controls, which indicated that exercise minimized or prevented further age-related nerve terminal elaboration. At all ages the exercised nerve terminals comprised a more homogeneous population than corresponding controls, which indicates that uniform physical activity can modulate NMJ morphometry. The magnitude of the changes suggests that subtle alterations in normal cage activity with advancing age do not have a significant effect on the morphology of nerve terminals. However, the morphology of the NMJ does change significantly in response to physical exercise training.  相似文献   
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